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Sarah Cook

Art 133
Unit summary
Unit Summary #1
The first unit of our art class we learned about identity and how to express it through art. We
also learned about putting art into teaching curriculum. We read an article that talked a lot about
how good art is for children. The article talked about how we could relate math to an art project
and different subject. Not only is it a good way of teaching it also works as an outlet for children.
Art is a good way to also help develop childrens creativity to help them succeed in life (Franco
2015). One of our studio assignments we were able to freely make a line that we turned into a
picture. This showed how we could freely show who we are without knowing it. It helped free
our minds and become ourselves. We also spend studio time making our online portfolio where
we can put up our work and use it later in life.
I really liked doing this unit because it helped loosen me up for the semester. It was a fun unit
to me as I really enjoyed getting to put together my portfolio. I liked getting to do the warm up in
studio because they were easy and fun. I do think that doing the identity section was a little hard
for me because everything I own is in Texas and the only thing that I own in California is
clothing. I also have started considering Texas my home so that made this even more difficult. I
think for any student who doesnt live where they consider home is going to make this project
more difficult. I think for children its easier but for adults it gets a little bit harder. For the most
part I did enjoy this project and figuring out what was my identity or what could classify as
identity since my identity is not in California anymore. I think this was a good way to start off
the semester.
Franco, M. J., Ward, A., & Unrath, K. (2015). Artmaking as meaning-making: A new model for
preservice elementary generalists. Art Education, 68(5), 28-33.

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