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Netscaler 9.

x Cheat Sheet


show ns ip
show version
show hardware
sh license
sh running | more

Shows configured Netscaler IP address (SNIP, VIP, MIP)

Shows the current Netscaler firmware version
Lists hardware details of appliance (including serial number)
Displays licensed feature on appliance
Shows the current running configuration (page per time)

sh ns fea
en ns fea <acronym>
dis ns fea <acronym>

Displays list of Netscaler features

Enables a Netscaler feature (Dependant on license)
Disables Netscaler feature

sh ns mode
en ns mode <acronym>
dis ns mode <acronym>

Displays list of configured Netscaler modes

Enables Netscaler Mode
Disables Netscaler mode

sh lb vserver | more
sh lb vserver <vserver name>
en lb vserver <vserver name>
dis lb vserver <vserver name>

Displays list of configured Load Balanced vServers

Displays information relating to specified vserver
Enable LB vserver
Disable LB vserver

sh service | more
sh service <service name>
en service <service name>
dis service <service name> <delay>

Displays list of configured Services (not service groups)

Displays information relation to specified service
Enable Service
Disable Service with a delay (in seconds)

sh servicegroup | more
sh servicegroup <servicegroup name>
en servicegroup <servicegroup name>
dis servicegroup <servicegroup name> delay <#>

Displays list of configured Service Groups

Displays information relating to specified servicegroup
Enable servicegroup
Disables servicegroup with delay (in seconds)

sh server
en server <servername>
dis server <servername> <delay>

Displays a list of servers

Enables specified server
Disables specified server with a delay (in seconds)

sh monitor
sh monitor <monitor name>

Shows the list of configured Netscaler monitors

Displays information relating to the specificed monitor

sh route
add route <network> <netmask> <gateway>
rm route <network> <netmask> <gateway>

Prints a list of defined routes

Adds a static route on the appliance
Removes a static route on the appliance

sh int
sh int <interface number>
en int <interface number>
dis int <interface number>

Displays information on all network interfaces

Displays information relating to specified network interface
Enable Netscaler NIC
Disable Netscaler NIC

sh arp

Displays information from ARP table (including iface used)

sh vlan

Displays VLAN IDs and assigned NICs

sh ha node
force ha fail

Displays HA node status

Forces HA Failover between nodes

nstrace tcpdump enable

Performs a packet capture (all NICs) with tcpdump enabled


Exits to shell command prompt (FreeBSD)

Displays system message log from shell (since reboot)

save c

Saves current running config to file

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