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Members of the organization should know clearly the goals of the organization for them
to able to work with one goal, purpose and objective. If members of the organization will
continue working together and unite as one and if they are affective committed to their
job they will be a successful organization and it will keep the workers motivated with
their job. It will be easy for them to attain their goals and vision.
2. Create a conceptual paradigm or schematic diagram of The Whole System
Transformation and explain briefly the process.
3. What is constant in Essential 9 component? How should it be sustained?

4. What is/are the essential key for work system transformation in the organizational
development journey? Expound.

5. For an organization to be developed and transformed, unity should be present in an

organization. Its essential that it gets everyone on the team and moving in the right
direction with a shared vision, focus, purpose and goals. When a team comes together
they are able to succeed together. It should also be open to new ideas of improvement
and enhancement for the betterment of the organization. It should be updated to the
changes that are going on in its environment. The organization should also create a
positive environment so that its employees will be motivated and it will help them to be
more productive and theyll love their job more.

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