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Sarah ONeill
Professor Jackie
English 101
September 11, 2015
A Girl and Her Cake
Hyperbole and a Half The God of Cake, written by Allie Brosh, humorously presents
a little girl who is obsessed with obtaining a homemade cake baked by her mother for her
grandfathers birthday. Upon one taste, the child morphed into a crazed being who would stop at
nothing to devour the entire cake. The girls mother set forth continuous obstacles, including
high places, multiple barriers, and even locking the cake in a bedroom, all in an attempt to keep
the child from eating the cake. The child continuously battled with her mother; climbing up
objects, throwing herself into heavy objects, crying, shear manipulation and finally pure
determination. The child would eventually climb through a window and devour the whole cake.
Despite becoming ill, she saw each symptom as a way of throwing it in her mothers face that
she had conquered all. She was the God of Cake. This hyperbole demonstrates that nothing
gets between a determined girl and her love of sweet cake.

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