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War in Iraq because of religion and oil.

By 31 August 2010, when the last US combat troops left, 4,421 had been killed, of
which 3,492 were killed in action. Almost 32,000 had been wounded in action.
According to IBC there have been between 97,461 and 106,348 civilian deaths up to
July 2010 in Iraq.
Nobel laureate economist Joseph Stiglitz and Harvard's Linda Bilmes put the true cost
at $3 trillion (1.2tn) once additional impacts on the US budget and economy are
taken into account.

The Rwandan Genocide is an example of violence gone out of control due to the
need for revenge after the initial attack. On April 6 th, 1994, Hutus began
slaughtering the Tutsis in the African country of Rwanda. This initial attack
sprung into chaos when the attacked became attackers, taking revenge on the
Hutus. The tennis round of mindless violence lasted around 100 days, leaving
approximately 800,000 Tutsis and Hutu sympathisers dead. The perpetual motion
of needless violence had orphaned 75,000 children.
An eye for an eye documentary
Majid Mohavedi was the attacker, to pour acid on Ameneh Bahrami, blinding and
disfiguring her.
I remember his laugh as he poured it on me.
Damaging her was easier, I wanted revenge after he turned me down. The
attacker, on hurt male pride
You are a woman, worth half a man. You can only get retribution for half of what he
did to you.
Before the retribution, she pardons the man.


Answers and information were scarce. This is a Saudi problemand only

Saudis know how to handle it 125
Until recently, these women were living what they called the good life
when salaries were high, streets safe, and neighbours friendly 127
Excuse me, hissed a voice in my earwhere Saudi Arabia shunts half
the population 129
Of course. Why do I need to vote?If I have a father or a husband, why
do I need to vote? Why should I need to work? They will take care of
everything. 133
Some Saudi women are proudly defensive, convinced that any discussion
of womens rights is a disguised attack on Islam from a hostile Westerner.
Bust some fought quietly 133

When the mother did get an opportunity to see or speak to her daughter,
she noticed signs of abuse. When she reported this abuse to authorities,
she was ignored 134
All around me sat menMen meeting for oil in this land of invisible
women 135
The word woman is not popular in Saudi Arabia. The going term is lady
You cant stand here! The men can see!and off we drove 137
People asked, always: Whats it like, being a woman there?...I never really
gave it a second thought! 137

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