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Satanic forces

by P Gegliaro

Manifestation on steroids
Creating koas to get everything you want
How to get members of the opposite sex to love and worship you
Get rich
Control your world master your life
A new way of thinking about and manipulating reality
If you thought you knew magick, youre in for a surprise

And anything else you can think of

The nature of reality

There is no god there is no devil and there is no magic in the world. All true
except the last part, while there is no magic there is Magick. There are natural
laws that can look like magic to the uninitiated. We all know people who get the
things they want through what can appear to be some magical process. While
others struggle.
It could be and most likely is that those who succeed are inadvertently following
some series of natural laws, like gravity. Natural laws that bring the things they
want to them. And those that are not succeeding are breaking those same
natural laws. And then there are a few that know what these laws are and follow
them on purpose. Work with them rather than against them. These are the
people we call magicians and sorcerers, witches, warlocks or just plain lucky.
Mostly however this is not the case, whats actually going on and is the precept
of many secret societies is an understanding of the way the universe really
works, something science is just now getting a grasp on and beginning to accept.
Occultists have known since the beginning of time that the universe and all that
is in it works to a set of immutable laws, breaking those laws causes disaster
knowing them and using them, brings everything you want.
This was the first and main idea behind the bestselling book the secret, however
it is only part of the story.
Think of it like gravity, we understand that leaping from a cliff will cause injury or
death, yet it is that same understanding of gravity that allows us to fly planes to
India or Hawaii, that same knowledge and understanding of gravity allowed us to
put a man on the moon. It is the same with other universal laws once we
understand them, we can use them. Its actually that simple, to explain, perhaps
a little harder to implement.
Many of these laws have been known for millennia, others have only been
discovered or realised recently. The science of quantum psychics has allowed us
to see the universe differently. And to some this all sounds like magic. Even
though its just the way the universe works. Fight against it, and you will lead an
ordinary mundane life, getting a bit of luck every now and then, work with those
laws and principles and you will direct and control your on destiny. And get
everything you want.
Some people are not going to believe thisHere is another thing you will notice,
that all truly successful people avoid society at large, from billionaires to
celebrities, you dont see them walking down the street or if you do its a big
event, why? Because one of those laws is to separate yourself from society, to be
a loner and create your success with a select handful of very close and trusted
friends. People at large are problem.
People who have either been taught or inadvertently worked out, through
experience, by accident or have just noticed these laws and how they affect
things usually quite themselves away from others. Why? Because most people
will not believe you when you tell them that you are magically manipulating the
universe. They will think you are either lying or crazy. Or base what youre
capable of on their own beliefs about themselves.

Other people will tell you it is either the devils work, or that it is somehow wrong
to manipulate the universe. Regardless of who it helps or how it improves your
life or the life of those around you and close to you, they will say (usually for
religious reasons) that it is wrong, without ever asking why youre doing it what
you have gained, what you havent lost, and who you have helped. Without a
second thought they will gang up on you, and try to bring you back to their way,
make you fit into the social order. Which in our book is wrong.
Other people simply dont like the word manipulation, it has a bad ring to it,
which is one of our arguments about language. Language has flavours. The tome
of a word can make you think and believe a whole bunch of stuff that simply isnt
true, like it is noble to be poor, man must suffer, and this is your place. These are
social constraints, they have nothing to do with the way the universe runs, in fact
the universe will keep running the way it does in spite of what these people
believe, and no matter how strongly they believe it, the universe doesnt care, it
isnt giving them a second thought. It carries on regardless.
So we are going to lay out some universal laws for you to examine and then act
on, once you know and understand them you will have to act on them. And once
you act on them, things will begin to change, not straight away, the universe
doesnt work like that. There is a space between the action of wanting and the
act of creation, this space is called time
Once you read these laws you are bound by them. Breaking them can have the
reverse effect. So proceed at your own peril and with caution.
The very mental act of knowing these principles can be dangerous if not used
and applied properly, once you are ware of a principle it begins to work on you
and for you, thats right simply knowing it means it becomes reality for you. You
are bound to it, you cant UN-know it. It cannot be unlearned. A well-known
person once said Once the mind has been expanded, it can never shrink back
to its original size.

Shut the fuck up

Im going to explain the rules the same way I discovered them one at a time.
Except for this rule which I discovered later, not knowing held my progress up so
I teach it first, basically it goes like this SHUT THE FUCKUP tell no-one what
youre doing or your plans. Talking about it creates negative energy and will
belay or even completely stop what you want from occurring.
In fact for a while as you study and get used to these rules and a new way of
seeing the universe it is best to become a little recluse, this doesnt mean lock
yourself away from the world and become a hermit, it means be selective about
who your associate with. People have energy and that energy both negative and
positive will wash off on you.

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