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My 5x5

My top five films before 2000

1. The shawshank redemption- This is because it shows how even criminals in prison can
have an effect on your life and be something more than criminals. Also that the film shows
friendships, hardship and dreams all rolled into one and everyone can relate to this that
they have dreams that they can reach but
this shows someone getting their dream of
being free from prison.
2. Pulp Fiction- because this film is just
amazing with it slightly complicated story
line with the scenes being in different order
and how cool it is played by everyone from
Samuel L. Jackson to Bruce Willis. This film
is definitely Tarrantinos best film.
3. Goodfellas-Because Scorsese is the king of directing mob/gangster films so its just rude
not to put it. Also that it is a true story so it shows an insight into the life of mobsters and
how they live with what they have done, in this case leading up to a brutal murder in a
4. American History X- Because its the story of a brother writing his wrongs and trying to
rewrite his little brothers. So this film even if it is about neo-nazis people can look at it and
see how they may have done things similar that they have done something wrong or have
a past they are ashamed of and are trying to change themselves even if it is something
5.Fight Club- First rule of fight club don't talk about fight club.

My top five Blur songs

1. End of a century- Mainly because its the best song to sing
along to whilst listening to it.
2. Parklife- Because when you think of Blur you think of this
song as it is their show piece song
3. Girls and boys- Because of the catchy tunes and lyrics even though it is impossible to
get the chorus right
4. Beetlebum- Mainly because this song showed Oasis how they should write and make
rock music.
5. Country house- Even though this is never performed at Blurs gigs anymore it still goes
down as a top song due to the lyrics based on true stories.

My top 5 Danny Boyle films

1. Trainspotting- Because it shows the true story of drug
addicts in Scotland and its the brutal truth and he brought
it from novel to screen. Also it being his second film it is
an incredible film and it sets his constant trend of the
truth with is harsh mixed with good music played in the
back of his films. Also his odd styling of including Scottish
people in his films even though he himself is from Manchester.
2. The beach- Because this film shows that something that you've been wanting all your
life and your idea of paradise may turn out to be anything but paradise and actually be
something which can result in death and guilt.
3. Shallow grave- His first movie he directed and is one of his best or is his best. It was
also his first collaboration with actor Ewan McGregor which will span their relationship
and also the hatred that formed after making the beach. This is why I like the film
because it follows Dannys trend of showing the brutal truth of life.
4. 28 days later- Danny Boyles take on horror turned into a cult classic with zombie horror
fans all over the world. Mainly because of his different take on the zombie genre made
it appeal to many people, including me that it doesn't show the normal type of it being
slow walking dead people but it makes it a real horror movie and this makes it exciting
with the addition of Christopher Eccelstons dark Character.
5. 127 hours- The film that shows the true story of Aron Ralstons climbing accident and
how he struggled to get free and live. This film struck a cord with many people that it is
a true story and how tragic it was. I also like the film because it shows what actually is
happening then it shows dreams at the same time so the editing also made this movie.

My top 5 favourite movies

1. Chappie- I liked Niell Blomkamps movies District 9 and Elysium because he makes scify seem like it isn't nerdy sci-fy like star trek. Also in chappie a film about a robot
because of its human personality it doesn't seem at all like it is a robot your watching it
seems like an extra person in the film. So
because it seems like an extra character and
because of chappies misfortune you feel for
2. Foxcatcher- This is on my list because of how
the characters are played as dark also
because they create silence and eery
situations in places where its needed so the
atmosphere gets clearly shown just through
how the actors leave spaces and act rather
than how they speak.

3. Superbad- I like this film mainly for how funny it is but also because you can relate to it
about how sometimes you've been in ridiculous situations
like that to impress someone or live up to a promise.
4. Submarine- I like this film because it is odd and weird. Also
because it actually shows teenage anxiety so teens can
relate to it and what it is about. Also because it is a U.K.
teen movie rather than a corny U.S. movie which you can
hardly relate to because you don't live anywhere near the
US so being British you can further relate to it.
5. The dark knight- I mainly like this film for the portrayal of the
joker by Heath Ledger. He makes the film great as the first and third don't compare that
they don't contain a great villain so the joker makes this film rather than a boring half
hearted joker. Also the film affects you due to Heath Ledgers death so the film does
have an effect on me and most likely many other people being that his best role was his

Top 5 TV series
1. Lost- This has to be the best tv series of all time its like Castaway on speed with polar
bears. It is about a group of people on an island which is more than just an island. It
isn't particularly fast moving with 6 series, it was supposed to be cancelled after 3 but it
was to good to cancel it.
2. The walking dead- This is fast moving with action and horror mixed together its hard not
to be fast moving. With it being the most expensive tv show in the world its hard to beat.
Its based on a group of people trying to survive during the zombie apocalypse.
3. Phoenix nights- Written by the very funny Peter Kay and Dave Spikey it was guaranteed
to be funny. A comedy tv show based on a club owned by Brian Potter and a group of
merry people. This tv show still makes me laugh and I've probably seen both series
more than 10 times.
4. Narcos- I like this tv series because you always heard a lot about the infamous drug
lord Pablo Escobar but their has never been any good films made on him, most likely
because it wasn't that long ago he died. But this finally bring his crazy life to screen and
also it shows the life of the people who were trying to capture him and stop him and in
the end being able to. Even though a lot of is made up because his henchmen didn't
really want to talk about working for them it is still a very good new series for 2015.
5. Luther-This tv series is the best crime tv series out there it include action, drama and a
good story line of a policeman who is technically a bad cop but is also very much a
good cop. This is also Idris Elbas best work and it will be hard to see Idris play a better

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