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Everybody has their own favorite food. Mine is coto. It is one of the local
cuisine of south Sulawesi. It uses meat as the main matter. And most of the people
love it too.
First of all, I like it because I found it taste better than any of the food that
uses meat like satay or rendang . then it has many variants of meat. Most of the
time people use cows meat. And at the certain places, some people serve it with
horses meat. And the last, its easy to find on my neighborhood
Most of the time I just went to a restaurant that served coto to have one.
When I was sixth grade, every afternoon on weekdays we stopped by at small
kiosk that served coto with low price. I could have small bowl of coto just five
thousand rupiah. But right now, I barely have coto anymore because I need to be
Sometimes when my family had a big event or celebration like birthdays or
wedding, they provide coto. So when that happens, I could have one to three bowls
of coto a day.
I even have a neighbor whose business is serve coto in his restaurant. When
I was at my village, I came to visit him just to have a portion of coto.
So, about me like coto is kind of reasonable. Because its delicious and easy
to find here even though I barely had it makes me want it more

Name : Imran Said Yusuf

Class : English Literature 14 A
NIM : 1452140011

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