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As our hearts are an extremely vital organ and heart disease is a major

health problem with serious consequences, people may be a little

uncomfortable when told by their practitioner that they have a heart
issue. As pointed out in previous articles, however, Chinese Medicine
diagnoses are referencing the heart system of which only a small part is
the actual physical heart. In other words, you can have heart issues
without a physical heart problem or even known co-factors such as
hypertension or high cholesterol.
A problem with the heart system is simply part of the organ pattern
diagnoses that Chinese Medicine uses to describe processes and
relationships within the body. The heart system involves the heart, certain
aspects of our emotional and intellectual mind, the small intestine
functions, and circulation generally. The system also includes
the heart and small intestine acupuncture meridians along with a host of
imbalances from a Chinese Medicine perspective and western conditions
such as depression, anxiety, add/adhd, hypertension, heart disease, poor
memory, insomnia, night sweats, and more.
The organs in Chinese Medicine are known as the Zang-Fu. Zang organs
such as the Heart, Kidneys, Spleen, etc. are solid and yin in nature.
Each meridan/organ system has a yin/yang pairing so each zang/yin
organ has a paired fu/yang organ. The zang counterparts, also known as
the fu organs such as the Small Intestine, Urinary Bladder, and Stomach
respectively, are hollow and yang in nature. All of the zang organs
have a sensory organ connected to them. In the case of the heart it is the
tongue. This relationship is important for proper speech, taste, and a
healthy tongue overall (as indicated by tongue diagnosis). An imbalance
in this connection may result in the loss of taste, speech disorders, pale
tongue, and more.

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