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Unit Six :

Double Check for Faulty

Comparisons and Omissions


Our algorithm is more accurate
with respect to computational time.

: Our algorithm is more
accurate than conventional ones
with respect to computational


The chemistry department
cooperates with local industry
more than their department.

: The chemistry department
cooperates with local industry
more than their department does.


The novel material is as strong, if
not stronger than, available ones.

: The novel material is as
strong as, if not stronger than,
available ones.

The research department's
productivity is higher than the
administrative division.

: The research
department's productivity is
higher than that of the
administrative division.

The two step-procedure assumes
that the sample standard deviation
is proportional the sample mean.

: The two step-procedure
assumes that the sample
standard deviation is
proportional to the sample mean.

The novel material described
herein has a higher withstanding

: The novel material
described herein has a higher
withstanding temperature than
other materials.

The university stresses discipline
more than the institute.

:The university stresses
discipline more than the
institute does.


The peak is as high, if not higher
than, other ones.

: The peak is as high as, if
not higher than, other ones.


The form of the fitting function
should be defined in advance
adopt the regression method.

: The form of the fitting
function should be defined in
advance to adopt the regression


The trade school's dropout rate is
lower than the university.

: The trade school's
dropout rate is lower than that of
the university.

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