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This week in FDK-3..

We got into the groove of the Cub Den.

A huge Thank You to all parents! The mailbags are being well used
for notes and information and ALL permission forms were returned.
Wonderful! This has enabled the website to become functional
almost immediately. Thank you also to those of you who donated
Kleenex and/or paper towel! Your support and communication is

We had cause to end our first week together with a

We celebrated Emorys 4th birthday!

Happy Birthday Emory!

School Day:
Supervised yard entry : 8:45-9:00a.m.
Please note that supervision does not begin until 8:45a.m. each day.
Each day, students are asked to proceed directly to the cubbyroom and begin their
morning routine so that we are all set to begin when the bell rings.
9:00a.m. Start of the school day
9-10:20a.m. First learning block
10:20a.m. Recess
10:35-11:55a.m. Second Learning block
11:55 a.m. Lunch
During the first 15 minutes of lunch, the students eat their lunch in the classroom
before going outside to play. If your child has purchased milk tickets, please place
one in their lunch pail each day and we will ensure they get their choice of
chocolate or white.
1:00 2:20p.m. Third Learning block
2:20 p.m. recess
2:35-3:35 Fourth Learning block

We began this week with some fun monkey songs and activities, including a
monkey scavenger hunt to become familiar with the school. We introduced
some of the rules and routines. Beginning in the cubby room, we learned to use
pictures to follow rules and routines. We began learning the names of our
classmates through games and activities. We read some new books to teach us
about empathy and choosing good behavior. We learned about being Bucket
Fillers vs Bucket Dippers. When we choose good behavior, we fill the invisible
buckets of those around us. This makes us feel good. Conversely, when we
choose unwisely, we dip into the buckets around us and we feel sad or even
mad. We made a pact to become a CIRCLE OF FRIENDS and, as such, to try
our best to be Bucket Fillers.
We are delighted to report that the transition to school this year has been a
relatively easy one. The children appear happy and are quickly settling into
routines. More importantly, they are gelling and learning to play and work
very constructively with each other. This is exciting to see!

Upcoming Events:
Friday September 18 Talk like a Pirate Day
Monday September 21 FDK Nature Walk in P.M.
Tuesday September 22 Mass 1:00p.m.
Thursday September 24 Meet the teachers Corn Roast
Friday September 25 Bring your bike helmet to school to ride our tricycles
dont have one? No worries! We dont JUST bike!
Early October FDK Fall field trip

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