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Cover Letter

If there is anything that I feel has really improved about my writing, it would have to be
my arguments. In the beginning of this quarter they were almost nonexistent. My work consisted
of looking over the rubric and completely the bare minimum amount of work that was required
without any strong academic ethos. Comparing that bare and passive work to the argument that I
was able to develop for my Historical Analysis is one of the major changes in my writing that
took place.
The sources that I was able to find for my historical analysis marked the beginning of my
transition into more argumentative writing. By using proper and in-depth research from academic
sources that contained theories and study-based opinions, I was able to develop a much stronger
argument and essentially create my own research-based opinion. Ive also learned that finding
proper research is just as important as using that research properly. I think its important to be
consistent in tying the information back to your argument in a way that will make sense to the
reader and keep their interest.
Although my writing has taken some pretty good strides, there are still areas that require
improvement. If I had more time I would work on the areas in my arguments that are still passive
and more of a transition statement instead of the strong argument that I would like them to be. I
would also work on my clarity in the Advocacy Essay because I know parts of the policy can be
better explained. Also, my prose tends to be off in certain areas in my essays and that lack of
smooth grammatical structure can take away from my argument.
Thank you.

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