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PPR the Kita leg tl de pel Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Engineering Sciences and Technology Recommendation Letter for Asif Sattar | am delighted to write this recommendation for Asif Sattar, one of my undergraduate students at Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute (GIKI). I had the pleasure of teaching Asif in three course: Thermodynamics (I and I!) and Heat Transfer. His performance was good in all the three courses. His performance is highly commendable keeping in mind that GIKI attracts some of the most brilliant engineering students in Pakistan. The course | taught — Thermodynamics - deals with heat and temperature and their relation with energy and work. It defines different variables such as entropy, internal energy, etc. that describe state or energy of body. This is all very important, but I taught the course in such a manner that it tested the students’ designing ability as well. Both the assignments and the exams contained challenging problems, a few of which required intuitive thinking and excellent analytical skills to solve. | have no doubt that Asif possesses both these qualities, Asif is a punctual and hard working person and also has a good grasp over the spoken English language. | recommend him for the graduate studies your school has to offer. Studies aside. Asif is active in student societies as well, President of Youth Entrepreneurial Society GIKI's Chapter and Executive member at IET's GIKI Chapter. He is also Captain of Call of Duty (COD) team for GIKI. Through my interaction with him, | have come to think of Asif as a very courteous and respectful person with a very high integrity. All this depicts dynamic side of his personality. Sincerely, 2 ane QLronad 6f. Dr. Javed Ahmad Chattha Pro-Rector Academics mail: chattha@giki, Topi- 23640, District Swabi, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. Ph: (0938) 281026 Fax: (0938) 281000 Website: http:/

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