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1.1.Cause for code-switch
1.1.1. Bilinguals are commonly asked what language they like to think in
whether the thoughts they think differ according to which language they
are thinking in. I suspect that these questions hold fascination because
they hint at a duality within the individual: two different patterns of
thought in the confines of one head. This possibility is interesting for
much the same reason that split-brain patients and multiple personalities
seize the popular imagination.
1.2.Levels of investigation
1.2.1. Neurological level-physiology of the brain and asks whether the
language are differentially localized in the brain.
1.2.2. Information processing addresses the question through psychological
experiments in which mental processes are measured
1.2.3. Educational psychology looks at groups of students who are being
educated bilingually and seeks to ascertain whether they demonstrate
learning that is common to both languages

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