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CORRECTED-UPDATE 3-Nigerian Islamists kill 59 pupils in

boarding school attack | News by Country | Reuters

(Corrects to make clear hospital witness doing body count was areporter, paragraph 3)

* Boko Haram shoot and burn students

* Islamists have killed more than 300 this month

* Military under fire for not protecting civilians

By Joe Hemba

DAMATURU, Nigeria, Feb 25 (Reuters) - Gunmen from Islamistgroup Boko Haram shot or burned to
death 59 pupils in a boardingschool in northeast Nigeria overnight, a local reporter andsecurity
forces said on Tuesday.

"Some of the students' bodies were burned to ashes," PoliceCommissioner Sanusi Rufai said of the
attack on the FederalGovernment college of Buni Yadi, a secondary school in Yobestate, near the
state's capital city of Damaturu.

Bala Ajiya, a reporter with the vanguard newspaper whovisited the Specialist Hospital Damaturu,
told Reuters by phonethe death toll had risen to 59, after counting the bodies asthey came in.

"Fresh bodies have been brought in. More bodies werediscovered in the bush after the students who
had escaped withbullet wounds died from their injuries," he said. Continued...

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