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Nayeli Moran

period 1
Personal Narrative
I feel privileged because I have a mother that went to college and can support my
family. Im privileged because both my grandparents on both sides of my family came
here illegally and stayed here so that their children could have a better life. Im also
privileged because I have an able body there are so many people that are missing limbs
and that is such a disadvantage that none of us able bodied realize. Im not privileged in
the way that I'm a female. Ever since I was little there are things I couldnt do or
couldn't do as good because I am female. I couldn't play games with the boys I
couldn't play soccer as good as the guys. This discrimination never stopped me it only
made me try harder to be looked at as equal and thats how I see it, as a challenge. I
also have many privileges being female.
Some of the questions I would ask someone that doesn't have the privilege of
being able body are: Do you feel this is stoping you from accomplishing you from your
true potential? Does this affect any relationships or friendship? Do you ever feel like you
can't do something some else can? have you ever been discriminated if so how did this
make you fell/act. I would ask these question for the people that don't have able bodies
but I would also ask these questions to the people that haven't come to the usa for a
better life and should, the people thats mothers didn't go to college, the people thats
parents cannot support their families and even the males because I also have privileges
that they dont have.

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