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The Interlopers

Plot Stages and Conflict

The plot is the sequence of events in a story.
It is how the author arranges events to
develop his or her basic idea.
The plot typically develops in five stages:
Exposition- Introduces characters,
setting and conflict.
Rising action- Presents complications
that intensify the conflict.
Climax- Is the turning point and the
moment of greatest suspense.
Falling Action- Eases the suspense.
Reveals the outcome of the storys climax.
Resolution- Reveals the final outcome.
Ties up loose ends.
Not all stories have plots that neatly match
the five steps shown in the diagram. Many
stories, for example, dont reach their climax
until just before the end. Other stories end
with a climax.

Almost every story, though, begins with an

exposition that introduces events that
intensify or complicate the conflict.

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