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"Auto-Scale" Rails Applications

Jinesh Varia, Evangelist, AWS

Paul Bissett, CEO, WeoGeo
Scott Becker, Senior Dev, WeoGeo

"swim across the atlantic ocean" on Google Maps - NY to UK

Send him an email to get on EC2 : jinesh@??

People as a Service
- Mechanical Turk

Infrastructure as a Service
- SQS, S3, EC2
- EC2 : Elastic Compute Cloud

Render Farms, Hosting Platforms, Test boxes

AMI -> Amazon Machine Image (can share)

- DescribeInstances, RunInstances, TerminateInstances, CreateKeyPair
- GetConsoleOutput, RebootInstances, ImageAttributes stuff

- Elastic capacity - expand and contract infrastructure - scale up/down
- no physical infrastructure
- root level access
- pay by uptime/hour
- integrated with Amazon S3
- preconfigured (bundle) and shareable AMIs
- Web Services

What could be built?

- Time bound applications
- scale on demand applications

Time bound applications


Auto-scale ("Elastic") Applications

- CPU, Heap, load/TCP, in-memory usage, DB call rate, Disk IO, SQS queue
length/job wait

ec2ui - firefox XUL ui for your Amazon AMIs

Latency between SQS and EC2

(runs on the frontend proxy server)
- stable ip addressing
- fail-safe monitoring
- load balancing
- auto-scaling
spike insurance

AWS + WeoCEO + ECommerce = Massive savings, durable operations, good user


Sensor Test: CPU, Disk IO, etc


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