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Using the Law of Attraction

A guide from

Dont have time to read all of this?

Understood - we live in a super-fast age.
All you need to know:
Focus your mind with what you want to accomplish,
hone it in on specific energy centers in your body, and
chant specific single syllable mantra in repetition for a
few seconds at a time.
That is all you need to know.
You can now skip to the Applications chapter on page 29.
Otherwise lets start from the very beginning

The Law of Attraction says like attracts like. Think
positive thoughts and positive things happen to you. The
catch is that for positive things to happen you must
believe, without doubt, that they will happen and do so
using both the conscious and subconscious parts of your
mind. Apparently, it is not sufficient to consciously believe
if subconsciously you carry disbelief. Its also hard to
test whether you have been able to plant the belief of
success in your subconscious mind. Perhaps, the
subconscious mind is hard to get to.
Heres a specific technique for practicing the Law of
Attraction such that that you communicate to the cosmic
force and get what you want without having to go
through the process of planting your wishes into the
This taps in to a particular technique discovered in
ancient India, as far back as the first millennium BC, and
the secrets were written in ancient Indian scriptures
known as the Vedas and Upanishads.
Apparently, these sacred texts are quite voluminous and
their reading is not one for the faint of heart. Reading
them would take years and you still may not figure out the
specific techniques that are needed to practice the Law of
Attraction, in this particular way.

Just how good are these techniques? If the stories

detailed in the Vedas and the Upanishads are any
indication they are mighty powerful. Ancient India is full
of stories of the incredible powers that were wielded by
Indo Aryan warriors who annihilated huge armies through
the use of these magical powers. Some say - when you
have truly attained success in practicing the Law of
Attraction - a visible bright white aura is said to form
around you. In such a state you are super human. The
universe is yours. If youre a skeptic like myself, and doubt
such an aura exists - simply look at drawings of powerful
Indian gurus, sages and warriors from ancient times. Youll
see a bright white aura that surrounds them and bright
circle of light just above the crown of their heads. This is
what happens when you are connected to the cosmic
force and the everyday world is in your control.
Let me assure you that you dont need such a super
spectacular aura that will only come only through
repetitious practice for years and years simply using
these techniques a few times every now and then is
sufficient to successfully navigate situations you encounter
in everyday life.
The main theme of using this technique is as
follows: Focus your mind with what you want to
accomplish, hone it in on specific energy centers in
your body, and chant specific single syllable mantra in
repetition for a few seconds at a time. That is all.

These are sounds created using a single syllable of

Sanskrit language - one of the most ancient languages in
the world. As per the Vedas and the Upanishads, these
were the very first sounds ever heard in the universe and
the sounds that the cosmic force reacts to with powerful
The Indian techniques do not require you to exert will
power. The Indian techniques work by the simple act of
repetition. The Indian techniques use a different scheme
to get your wishes conveyed to the cosmic force. This is
less towards visualization, and meditation. (Though, I
highly encourage those practises in general).
The secrets that were encoded in the Vedas and the
Upanishads are that there are energy centers in your
body, and these are your conduits to connect to Prana,
the cosmic force. Prana is all around you. The air that you
breathe, the water that you drink, contains prana. Prana
can get anything you want in life. If you activate these
energy centers and transmit your desires to prana then
whatever you seek will come your way.
I have kept this introduction short and crisp for those who
want to start right away, and detailed for those who
would like to learn further. The techniques dont need too
much elaboration. And if this was bigger, many may not
read it, which defeats its purpose!

For beginners, and newbies I dont mind if you

approach this book with a healthy doze of scepticism. All I
request you to do is to keep an open mind.
Following the Preface I will quickly cover ancient Indian
mantras and the magical effects mantras have on the
energy centers.
In the subsequent chapter I will cover where the energy
centers are in the human body and how they are conduits
to the cosmic force.
After that, is the fun stuff. I will cover specific techniques
that help you deal with everyday situations in life and get
what you want from them.
Examples include:
A great job.
Career advancement.
Be rid of the bad neighbor or stalker.
Make an enemy a friend.
Attract a suitable mate into your life.
Make that specific woman you meet in the coffee shop
come and talk to you!

And several more situations similar to the above. You only

need to use your imagination as to all the other situations
in life that are analogous to the ones I detail in this
handbook and use a technique that you deem

Ancient Indian Single Syllable Mantras

Renowned Japanese scientist, Masaru Emoto, conducted
experiments on water to see if vibrational energy, when
communicated through words and sounds, could affect
the crystalline structures of water. To his amazement,
water that was frozen with good vibrational energy
formed beautiful and elegant crystalline structures while
water that was frozen with bad vibrational energy
crystallized into ugly shapes and structures. German
researcher, Dr. Hans Jenny, conducted experiments to
see the effect of sound on inert matter such as powders,
pastes and liquids. Indeed, yet again, it was shown that
sounds, categorized as good, resulted in beautiful
shapes, and sounds that were bad resulted in ugly and
inelegant shapes.
The activity of prayer offers yet another insight into how
humans have used sound as a means to communicate
with the divine energy of the universe. It is not only the
Hindu culture but every culture all over the world has
some form of chanting or recitation (of prayer) as the
means to invoke a divine force and to reach a higher state
of consciousness. There are several studies conducted,
and literature published, that illustrate the power of
sound in healing a human body. In the Shamanic sound
healing sessions, sounds that are created by specially
devised ritual instruments (such as tuning forks, drums,
rattles, whistles, bells, bowls), along with voice are used
to raise frequencies within the human body. The intent

here is to raise the consciousness to a new level and to fix

the ailment that afflicts the human body. In Tibetan
Buddhism, crystal bowls along with the chanting of
specific divine words are used to create a rhythmic set of
sounds that are said to cure diseases within the human
body. It is believed that all disease is a result of
misalignment of energy with the body and this alignment
can be rectified through specially designed sounds that
make the surrounding cellular structure resonate at a
certain frequency. It is, therefore, no surprise that Indian
sages discovered that sounds contain special powers to
unlock hidden secret powers inside the human body.
Thus, written in the ancient Indian scriptures called the
Vedas, and orally taught and transferred by word from
one human to another through a multitude of
generations, the ancient mantras come to us.
It is very difficult to give a simple definition for mantras.
At a very basic level, the repeated chanting of mantras
with proper breathing techniques causes slowness of
respiration, reduction in heartbeats, and lowering of
brainwave frequencies. Continued chanting of the
mantras with focus on specific body parts are shown to
increase the cellular vibrational frequency, as well as the
production of electromagnetic current in that part of the
body. The ultimate power of the mantras is said to unite
the conscious and the subconscious with the so-called
superconscious, or the cosmic force Prana, that powers all
life on this planet and in the universe.

So when the mantras are directed toward the Chakras,

the energy centers that the Upanishads say exist in the
subtle body of energy that overlays the physical body,
then a powerful phenomenon occurs. Whatever intent
you carry in your mind at that time is conveyed to the
cosmic force, which sets in motion a chain of events to
happen that cause the fulfilment of your wishes.
If you have read a few Law of Attraction books, you may
find this a much easier process than to deposit your wishblueprint into the subconscious for fulfilment by the
cosmic force. Ancient Indian literature is full of accounts
where sages were said to focus on their chakras with
specific mantras and cause miracles to happen. These
sages were performing much bigger miracles than what
you and I hope for to happen in our lives. In the context
of what these sages did your wishes such as obtaining a
million dollars or securing a job that you desire or getting
the promotion at work are quite miniscule in comparison.
Follow the system outlined in this book and just the sheer
act of repetition even without full conviction can cause
the things you want in life to happen. There is a legend of
an earth spirit named Kubera that repeated one mantra
so many millions of times that he is said to have acquired
all the wealth in the universe. Repetition and persistence
is key even in the face of overwhelming evidence to the
Different categories of mantras exist to communicate
different messages to the cosmic force. In fact, there are
numerous categories of mantras with numerous encoded

messages that tackle every aspect of human life. So you

can imagine a mantra toolbox where there is a particular
tool (mantra) for a particular situation. Whether it is a
mate you are looking for or a difficult situation with a
noisy neighbor, or a bad boss at work, or a car that you
want to buy but cannot afford, there is a mantra for that
When it comes to the subtle body of energy the rhythm
of the mantra is used to fix whatever is clogged or broken
in the subtle body. Mantras are used to facilitate the entry
of prana (cosmic force) into the chakras (energy centers).
While there are different ways to activate the chakras the
mantras remain the single most powerful way. The
chakras (which we will discuss in the next chapter) in most
people are just dull 2-inch stationary or slow moving
wheels of energy. They can become large blazing
whirlpools of energy through the chanting of mantras. In
the case of mantras we use realize that the power of
mantras do not derive from the meaning of syllables but
from the vibrational effect they have on the chakras. This
is a very key thing to remember as you practice mantras.
Remember that the mantras work just by you chanting
them, even if the syllables do not make any sense to
While mantras work by the sheer vibrational effect they
produce in the targeted chakras they work even more
vigorously when chanted with directed thought and
focused concentration. The desired state of focused

concentration before chanting the mantras can be

accomplished through a disciplined breathing process.
This will be explained later in this book.
Mantras are created by using the Sanskrit language which
is known to be one of the worlds oldest languages. Bija
Mantras (Bija means seed) are created by using just one
syllable of Sanskrit, while more elaborate mantras can run
into several sentences and even pages. Bija Mantras have
no meaning in themselves but, when chanted in
sequence, they are said to cause frequency alternation in
the mind and the targeted chakras so as to invoke special
powers. In this book we use the Bija Mantras with focused
targeted intention to accomplish whatever it is we are
seeking in life.
There is a mystery to Bija Mantras in that it is said in the
Vedas and the Upanishads that these were the very first
sounds heard in the universe. Western scientists saw no
substance to this until recently when they were able to
use technology to create sophisticated simulation models
to produce what were the very first sounds ever heard in
the universe. Based on these experiments it has been
theorized that no deafening sound accompanied the big
bang, which created the universe. Not so. In fact, the
universe began almost silent with radial motion and no
sideways motion and no pressure waves. A rhythmic
sound that grew slowly and steadily much like the Bija

Having been the first sounds ever created in the universe

it is said that they are the primary means to communicate
with the cosmic force. Prana hears these sounds and
reacts to them. These mantras thus have hidden powers.
The good news is that it is really not all that difficult. It is
because Sanskrit is a language which produces such
precise sounds that it is hard to make a mistake. Take the
sound Om, pronounced as Aum. It is said in the Vedas
that Om transcends the limitations of space and time and
is one of the most powerful sounds in the universe. And
as you can see, Aum is not really hard to pronounce (it
rolls easily from the mouth) and so are the Bija Mantras.
The Bija Mantras are one syllable and offer no translation.
In other words, their power and essence is locked in their
sound. When the Bija Mantras are chanted with specific
targets (chakras) you can feel a tingle followed by a
gradual warming sensation in the areas that the chakras
exist followed by a barely audible humming that is a
result of the flow of electromagnetic energy.

Mantra List
The first Bija Mantra of significance is the Shrim (Shreem)
which is a mantra used for prosperity and abundance. The
Shrim is the seed sound for the principle of abundance.
Shrim is actually pronounced Shreem, where you drag
out the middle part to run for the duration of the breath
(Shreeeeeeem). The use of the Shrim mantra gives one
the ability to attract and maintain abundance.
The second Bija Mantra of significance is Eim (Im). The
correct intonation of the mantra is Im. The key benefit of
the mantra is that it helps unlock knowledge that is at a
deep level. To understand what this means we look to the
Upanishads which state that everything we heard and saw
in life is recorded somewhere in memory even if we did
not understand the meaning of them. So you could have
sat through a lecture on nuclear physics and not
understood a thing but your mind recorded each and
single word accompanied by time, date, speaker and
every single detail associated with the event (such as
speaker looks, gestures, accent, dress, etc.) somewhere
inside your brain. You probably have seen savants on TV
that photographic memory and they are able to fetch any
detail, from any day at any time. You too have this ability
except it is not naturally present in you. Invoking of the
Eim mantra helps you recall such knowledge and the
chanting of Eim mantra with focused attention on specific
chakras gets help from the cosmic force in further
amplifying and substantiating this knowledge. If you keep

chanting this mantra over time you will develop

extraordinary recall power as well as intuition that is deadon. Can you imagine being able to have such powerful
intuition at a poker table and the ability to lay a powerful
hand down because you know that your opponent has a
better hand than yours?
The third Bija Mantra of significance is Klim (Kleem).
When chanting you drag the middle part out
(Kleeeeeeem). The key benefit of this mantra is it helps
you attract whatever it is you want in life. The Klim mantra
is commonly used to attract a suitable mate. It can also be
used to attract a job that you want or a friend that you like
or an event that you hope for in life.
The fourth and final Bija Mantra of interest to us is Hrim
(Rheem) mantra. Hrim is pronounced Rheem. Again
proper intonation is needed to stretch out the middle part
of the mantra during chanting (Rheeeeeeem). The Hrim
mantra lets us see past the illusion of everyday reality. All
illusions or subterfuge that your opponents and
detractors create melt away with the chanting of this
To summarize we have learnt powerful Bija Mantras which
we will use in the activation of the chakras. Again,
emphasis is on proper intonation.

The great Upanishads say that the chakras are spinning
wheels of energy that are part of the subtle body of
energy which overlays our physical body. The human
body contains as many as 88,000 chakras, out of which
seven are said to be the most important. This may
surprise some of you - but many say - out of the seven
chakras only four are important enough for us to get us
whatever it is we want in our life. Activation of all four
chakras once a day keeps them alert and lit and I
encourage you to do so. However, when faced with
specific situations in everyday life spending a few more
seconds activating a specific chakra will help you deal
with those situations.
Before we understand what these chakras are the
methods to activate them let us first look to the
Upanishads to understand the mechanism by which these
chakras work when they are activated. When activated the
chakras absorb the cosmic energy provided by the cosmic
force (prana) and distribute the energy throughout the
body by a network of nadis. Nadi are the network of
energy channels present in the subtle body of energy that
overlays the physical body. There are said to be as many
as 72,000 nadis, out of which 10 to 14 are the most

Each chakra, when activated enables a human to enter a

higher realm of existence. Paranormal abilities are said to
accompany the awakening of the chakras. In my research
into the chakras over the past several years I studied
many methods that could awaken them, ranging from the
complicated to the simple. The most complicated
method to awaken the chakras is through the practice of
the Tantra Yoga. Awakening the chakras, under the
auspices of the Tantra Yoga, involves the practice of
dozens of Asanas (Yogic postures) and the process could
take several hours. Asanas, while time consuming, are not
difficult to do because they involve performing several
postures with gentle movement, deep respiration and
pointed concentration. These postures are maintained for
several breaths before a slow return to the starting
position. Pranayama is another aspect of yogic philosophy
that is used to attain the awakening of the chakras.
Pranayama involves the use of several breathing exercises
that facilitate the absorption of prana and the conversion
of vital energy into the physical psychological dimensions.
There exists yet another yogic system called the Mudras,
which enables the awakening of the chakras. This is done
through a combination of yogic postures as well as certain
types of breathing exercises. In the techniques I have
used a much simpler way of activating the chakras using
either vocal or silent chanting of the Bija Mantras with
focused concentration on specific chakras.
Has any experimentation ever been done to verify the
presence of the chakras? One would think the best way to
detect if there are chakras is by having an expert (such as

a yogi or a guru) activate them and you can place sensors

near where the chakras are located to detect change in
electromagnetic field that is said to accompany the
activation of the chakras.
The name of the first human to do so is someone you
have probably heard of and who is one of the great
western scientists who built the foundation for industrial
revolution. His name is Nikola Tesla, the father of the
alternating current (AC). Anyone who knows Tesla knows
that, while Thomas Edison believed the future was direct
current (DC); Tesla stuck to his guns and made all his bets
on AC. He acquired several patents and helped pioneer
many inventions in this field. Tesla proved to be correct in
predicting the future. Tesla was far ahead of his time and
greatly influenced by the Vedas and Upanishads so much
so that he even named fundamental concepts in energy
and matter using Sanskrit language the same language
with which the Vedas and Upanishads were authored
thousands of years back. Tesla was vastly interested in the
phenomenon of the chakras and was able to detect the
electromagnetic field produced by them. He also
observed that this electromagnetic field caused the
creation of a detectable aura (a faint glow of light) around
the human body. Depending on the expert who activated
the chakras this aura could be hazy and barely visible to
bright and made up of colors ranging from red to violet.
In the 1890s Tesla became the first human to take a
photograph of this aura and later measured the
electromagnetic field that produced this aura. Later, in
the 1940s a Russian engineer named Semyon Kirlian

found a way to use modern photography techniques to

capture the human aura. Today there exist several
products in the industry not only to capture the human
aura but also process them with software on computers.
Science today agrees that a human is indeed capable of
producing electromagnetic fields in the areas that the
chakras are known to exist but cannot corroborate as to
their use or effectiveness. The Upanishads state that this
electromagnetic energy is what connects the energy
centers to prana, the cosmic force, to bring to bear the
power of cosmic energy into everyday life.
In sciences continuing quest to verify the existence of the
chakras and the electromagnetic field, a Japanese
researcher named Dr. Hiroshi Motoyama conducted an
experiment and published his ground-breaking work in a
book titled, Theories of the Chakras (New Age Books). Dr.
Hiroshi Motoyama is one of the worlds leading
parapsychologists and also the founder of the
International Organization for Religion and
Parapsychology. In his book, Dr. Motoyama provides
scientific proof that chakras work through verifiable
As I noted before we will describe all the seven chakras,
their location, their activation benefits but focus on only
four that are sufficient for us to accomplish whatever it is
we want in everyday life. Even though the chakras are
part of the subtle body of energy it is easy to imagine
them as saucer-like objects that are located along the

central axis of the spine. Like a Lotus flower, they open up

from a location on the spine and extend outwards to the
front of the body. When active they are in constant
motion, rotating and attracting energy and also radiating
energy. The faster they move, the higher the energy field,
and the higher the electromagnetic field from the body.
The higher their intensity the more visible is the aura that
will surround the human body. The higher this energy
field the greater is your ability to seek and get what you
want in life. And it is also said that within the radius of this
electromagnetic field you are the master of all matter.
While in some humans this radius is only a few feet or
meters wide ancient Indian texts detail powerful humans
whose aura was so commanding that when they passed
through an area inhabitants from hundred of miles around
could sense their presence. This aura existed not only
with Indian sages and gurus but also other powerful sages
and holy men in the world at large. If you have looked at
how Jesus was depicted in ancient portraits do you notice
a halo surrounding him? It is the halo that is produced by
active energy centers. You probably have noticed similar
halos surrounding other great saints in historical drawings.
What does it mean to establish such a connection with
the cosmic force and have all your chakras lit and rotating
blazing fast?
It means you have become human PLUS. Thats right inbetween a human and a super human. Matter is
subservient to you. You have command over energy fields
of other humans. In most humans these energy fields are

known to be dull and barely active. When your energy

fields are active you will get any wish you make in life no
matter how far fetched it may sound to you.

Chakra List
The first chakra is located at the base of the tailbone and
its main purpose is your survival. The base of the tailbone
is also known as the coccyx area. The name for this chakra
is Muladhara, which means Root Place in Sanskrit. This
is the foundational chakra for the other chakras. Often
referred to as the Base Chakra, the primary drivers for this
are shelter, food and other base necessities of life. In
other words, a feeling of insufficiency hampers the proper
functioning of this chakra and naturally you will find it
challenging to ascend to higher levels of consciousness
contained in the other chakras. Each chakra has its base
color and the color for this chakra is red. This chakra can
be activated by any of the Bija Mantras we discussed in
the prior chapter. Just as any activated chakra would do
you feel a sensation of energy moving up the spinal
column when this chakra is activated.
The second chakra is located at the Sacrum, which is
large, triangular bone at the base of the spine. This area
is generally characterized as the pelvic area and the
specific location of the chakra is about two inches below
the navel. The name for this chakra is Swadhisthana,
which when translated from Sanskrit, it means, Ones
own abode. Referred to also as the Sacral Chakra, the
primary driver for this chakra is the pursuit of pleasure.
The base color of this chakra is orange.

The third chakra is located in the solar plexus area and is

generally referred to as the Solar Plexus Chakra. The solar
plexus area is the area around the navel. The Sanskrit
name for this chakra is Manipura which in Sanskrit loosely
means the City of jewels. The primary driver for this
chakra is personal power. The base color for this chakra is
The fourth chakra is located in the chest and is generally
referred to as the Heart Chakra. This is the first of the
four upper chakras we are interested in activating.
The specific area of this chakra is found near the
intersection of the median line and a line that connects
the two nipples. The Sanskrit name for this chakra is
Anahata, which loosely means unbeaten. The primary
driver for this chakra is the quest for love, which governs s
multitude of issues that have to do with love such as
complex emotions, uncondtionality, rejection, infatuation
and well-being. When you are not giving enough love or
getting enough love this chakra finds itself out of balance.
The Heart Chakra is normally very dull in a human being
but when activated it is said to become radiantly bright. It
is also said that purity resides in the chakra. An attitude of
constant optimism is needed to help keep this chakra
radiant and bright.
The color of the Heart Chakra is green. The paranormal
ability that is associated with the activation of this chakra
is the power to have just about any wish fulfilled!

The heart chakra is my favorite one to use when it comes

to friendships and relationships. It has almost never failed
when I have activated this chakra prior to any difficult
dialog with a lover or a friend. It has almost never failed
when I have looked at a prospective mate and
approached her with this chakra activated.
The fifth chakra is located in the throat and is generally
referred to as the Throat Chakra. The Sanskrit name for
this chakra is Vishuddha, which means making the correct
choice between right and wrong. The primary driver for
this chakra is creativity. Extremely creativity also comes
with frequent clashes with others, which leads to the
unbalancing of this chakra.
The color of this chakra is sky blue and the paranormal
ability that is said to come with the awakening of the
Throat Chakra is telepathic powers! Additionally the
awakening of this chakra is said to significantly enhance
the sense of hearing. This is my favorite chakra to activate
when I need to be creative. If there is a problem that I
cant solve I follow the technique for activation of this
chakra. In a matter of few minutes novel solutions to the
problem come floating into my mind. When doing a job
interview I have this chakra activated so I can sense the
answer the interviewer is looking for and not the one I
want to give.
The sixth chakra is located in the eyebrow area (slightly
above the center between the eyes) and frequently
referred to as the Third Eye Chakra. The Sanskrit name for

this chakra is Ajna chakra which, when translated, means

command, as in the Command Center. The primary driver
for this chakra is a higher level of existence, as could be
expressed by the word, Transcendence. Unbalance can
happen in this chakra when you have become so
transcendental that you are divorced from everyday
The color for this chakra is Indigo blue. When awakened,
this chakra provides a host of extraordinary paranormal
abilities. Telepathic communication with others is
possible, and clairvoyant perception also develops when
the Third Eye Chakra is activated. So much so that you
will develop a sixth sense that will make you a great
leader and an accurate prognosticator.
My favorite use of this chakra is when I want to make
someone do what I want him or her to do. Make the
hiring manager give me that job! Make the host at the
restaurant give me the most desirable table. Make that
business executive pick me out from the crowd and
engage me with an alluring business possibility. Out of a
dozen ideas give me the one that will work and get me
the money I want.
The seventh and the last of the major chakras is located in
the crown area and is generally referred to as Crown
Chakra. The crown area is the very top of the head. The
Sanskrit name for this chakra is Sahasrara chakra which
when translated means having achieved higher
consciousness. The primary driver for this chakra is the

desire to experience a divine or a higher consciousness.

You can live in your own reality if this chakra is active and
no one else will bother you!
The Crown Chakra is in overall control of every aspect of
body and mind. When fully awakened, this chakra allows
you to leave your body and enter the realms of astral.
The color for this chakra ranges from violet to white. My
favorite use of this chakra is when all my efforts have
failed and I seek help from cosmic power for intervention!
Any problem, no mater how big, can be surrendered to
this chakra after activation and you rest easy knowing an
answer is around the corner. So miraculous are the
powers that come with the activation of this chakra that I
have often woken up and found the most complex
problem in my life solved with amazingly simple answers!
Since the Crown chakra is also in charge of all aspects of
body and mind it is the chakra you use when it comes to
dealing with good health or any lingering health issue you
may have.
We have now listed all the seven chakras and I have
pointed out the ones you need to understand in detail
because we would be using them a lot in the techniques
that are coming in the next chapters. The four important
chakras for us are the Heart chakra, Throat chakra, Third
Eye chakra and the Crown chakra. Note that even an
attempt to merely activate these chakras will cause an
immediate improvement in your life. Full activation of

these chakras can solve virtually any problem in your life

and get you anything you want in life.

While the techniques detailed in this book can be
performed at any time under any condition it helps to get
yourself into a composure that gives you maximum
results. This involves the following steps:
Be hydrated
Drinks lots of clean and fresh water. Some say water
contains spiritual energy. The energy centers in your body
need hydration in order to generate strong
electromagnetic fields.
Sit comfortably or not.
It helps if you are sitting comfortably because then you
can focus on performing the technique without
discomfort. You can even lie in your bed when you do
If youre out and about this is just as fine, as well. Feel
free to do this while walking, during exercise, or taking a
break from work.
Take a deep breath and sweep all thoughts, all worried,
all anxieties and expel them while you exhale. Do this a
few times. Good deep breathing is when you inhale for
about 4 seconds, hold the air inside for about 2 seconds,

and exhale for about 5 seconds. This is called the 4-2-5

breathing method. Experts say if you always breathe like
this you expel 10 to 15 times more toxins out of your
body then you generally do.
Relax your body. Start with your toes and relax them.
Relax your feet, your legs and your thighs. Work your way
up and relax your hands. Fingers. Mouth. Ears. Lips.
Head. Be comfortable, and fully relaxed.
Quiet mind
Here is a trick that I use. I imagine my mind as a beautiful
crystal blue ocean. Worries, anxieties and destructive
thoughts are oil spills. I clear the oil spills and in the
process throw out all worries, anxieties and thoughts. My
mind when calm is a crystal clear blue ocean.

Applications / Activation LoA /

Jobs and Career Success
In this chapter Ill go through various examples that have
to do jobs and career success and the combination of
activating the chakras with the right Bija Mantra will
provide resolution to these issues. Each technique will
take just a few seconds to perform. Repetition is key until
you have reached a resolution and/or have your wish
Most job and career issues will use the Klim (Kleem)
mantra with focus on the heart chakra. The Heart chakra is
found near the intersection of the median line and a line
that connects the two nipples. That is the area you want
to focus on while chanting the mantra.
Here are some examples:
Attracting a job
To get a job simply think of the job. Think of you having
the job. Being paid what you want to be paid. Being
happy performing the job.
Sit in a quiet place comfortably and relax. Read the
chapter on Preparation. Breathe slowly (the 4-2-5
breathing method), deeply and steadily. Clear your mind.

Attain a calm state of mind. Now focusing on the Heart

chakra, take a deep breath in. Breathe out while chanting
the Klim manta (Kleeeeeeem) dragging the middle part
out for until you expelled the breath and conclude with
mm. Kleeeeeeemm, The eeeeeee part is what you
drag out and then mm when you conclude the mantra
at the end of your breath. Do this several times.
As we have covered in the previous chapter you can
chant a mantra silently and still realize the benefits. It
takes more practice to chant mentally but the techniques
will work.
Repetition is key. As you keep doing this chanting you will
begin to feel a warm sensation in the area that the Heart
chakra is located in. Do not worry because this represents
the beginning of the production of the electromagnetic
energy in the Heart chakra. This means you are
performing the technique correctly. This energy is
reaching out to Prana, the cosmic force, and conveying
your wish for the mate. Now prana will set in motion the
sequence of events designed to bring this person into
your life.
Getting a promotion
You want that promotion. You have done your part. But
you have competition. Use the Klim mantra to get prana
to set the wheels in motion so that you get that

As before sit in a quiet place and think of your boss

awarding you that promotion. With that picture in mind
and using the breathing technique described before
chant the Klim mantra. Do this a few times. Repeat.
You are now the front-runner to get that promotion!
Reading your superior or coworkers mind
Sometimes to get ahead in a career you literally need to
read minds! Are you performing as expected by your
superior? Is the coworker holding from you a piece of
information that is critical to your success?
The Hrim (Rheem) mantra with the Third Eye chakra in
mind is what you need to gain access to this information.
If you remember the Third Eye chakra is located in the
eyebrow area (slightly above the center between the
eyes). With focus on the Third Eye chakra chant the Hrim
mantra. Rheeeeeeemm. Stretch out the middle part and
end with mm at the conclusion of the breath. Do this
several times. Prana will set the wheels in motion to bring
that knowledge to you soon enough so that you can use it
to do better at your job.
Making your superior and coworkers like you and root
for you
Some times you are faced with hostile situations at work.
Dont wait for it to escalate use this technique right

The mantra to use for peace and calm is the Klim mantra
followed by the Shrim mantra both with focus on the
Heart chakra. It is this chakra that will radiate harmony
and peace and thus bring to place the environment
needed for prosperity.
First chant the Klim mantra with focus on the heart chakra.
After a few repeats move on the Shrim mantra. Drag the
middle part of the Shrim mantra out. Shreeeeeeem. The
middle part eeeeeee should be a majority of the breath
and you conclude with mm. You will soon sense the
electromagnetic field coming to life at the Heart chakra. It
is reaching out to prana which will set in motion the
things hat need to happen to create the environment you
Keeping the job
Some times things can get dicey when the business is in
trouble and you fear for your job. You need two things to
happen. First, irrespective of the state of the business you
want your job to be secure. Second, you need to be able
to grow your career in a tougher environment.
The technique to use is the Klim mantra followed by the
Shrim mantra both with focus on the Heart chakra. It is
this chakra that will radiate harmony and peace and thus
bring to place the environment needed for prosperity.

First chant the Klim mantra with focus on the heart chakra.
After a few repeats move on the Shrim mantra. Drag the
middle part of the Shrim mantra out. Shreeeeeeem. The
middle part eeeeeee should be a majority of the breath
and you conclude with mm. You will soon sense the
electromagnetic field coming to life at the Heart chakra. It
is reaching out to prana, which will not only make your
superiors classify your job as critical but also create the
environment to grow your career.
Scoring in the job interview
You have successfully used the Klim mantra to attract the
job enough such that you are in the interview stage. Now
you want to score high marks in the interview. There are
two things you need in an interview. Knowledge enough
to answer any question correctly and be able to render
the answer that the interviewer wants. Realize that in a
job interview often times the interviewer has his/her own
answer and not the one you know to be correct.
Here we use the Eim (Im) mantra which makes prana give
you access to all the knowledge you need to answer the
questions. We chant the Eim (Im) mantra with focus on
the Third Eye chakra. Do the breathing as detailed before
and chant the Eim mantra. Im. Imm. Imm. After a few
tries with focus on the Third Eye chakra chant the Hrim
mantra. Rheeeeeeemm. Rheeeeeeemm.

Prana will not only give you access to all the knowledge
you need but also render the answers that the interviewer
Seeking creativity needed for your job
Many of you are in jobs that require creative thinking.
Great breakthroughs can happen when you use the Eim
(Im) and the Hrim (Rheem) mantra with focus on the
Throat chakra.
Remember from the chapter on chakras how the Throat
chakra can alight your creativity juices and find a creative
solution to any challenge.
Just as detailed before sit comfortably and breathe
deeply. Start with the Eim (Im) mantra with focus on the
Throat chakra. Follow this with the Hrim (Rheem) mantra
with focus on the Throat chakra.
Repetition is key and you will feel creative juices infused
with cosmic energy dancing about in your mind and body
helping you reach a creative solution to just about any
Other job/career situations
Be innovative and creative with the use of mantra/chakra
taking cue from the situations we have covered in this
chapter. Realize that under no circumstances does the
chanting of a mantra will do you any harm. Experiment!

Try your own techniques with the chakras going back if

necessary to the chapter on the chakras to understand
what each chakra is capable of doing for you.

Activation Techniques for Love and Relationship

In this chapter we deal with various issues that have to do
with love and relationships and how the activation of the
chakras with the right Bija Mantra will provide resolution
to these issues. Each technique will take just a few
seconds to perform. Repetition is key until you have
reached a resolution or have your wish fulfilled.
Most love and relationship issues are done using the Klim
(Kleem) mantra with focus on the heart chakra. Remember
The Heart chakra is found near the intersection of the
median line and a line that connects the two nipples. That
is the area you want to focus on while chanting the
Attracting a mate

To attract a mate you want into your life think of him/her.

Sit in a quiet place comfortably and relax. Read the
chapter on preparation. Breathe slowly (4-2-5 breathing
method), deeply and steadily. Clear your mind. Attain a
calm state of mind. Now focusing on the Heart chakra,
take a deep breath in. Breathe out while chanting the
Klim manta (Kleem) dragging the middle part out for until
you expelled the breath and conclude with mm.
Kleeeeeeem, The eeeeeee part is what you drag out
and then mm when you conclude the mantra at the end
of your breath. Do this several times.
Note also that you can silently chant this mantra in your
mind if the situation requires discretion. It will still work
depending on how real your imagination is with the
chanting. Practice makes perfect so keep practicing if
your situation requires you to chant silently.
As I have said before repetition is key. As you keep doing
this chanting you will begin to feel a warm sensation in
the area that the Heart chakra is located in. Do not worry
because this represents the beginning of the production
of the electromagnetic energy in the Heart chakra. This
means you are performing the technique correctly. This
energy is reaching out to Prana, the cosmic force, and
conveying your wish for the mate. Now prana will set in
motion the sequence of events designed to bring this
person into your life.
Repelling an undesirable person

Often times in life you have to wish someone away that

you no longer want in life or one that is making undesired
approaches to you. In that case do the Klim Mantra but
this time in your imagination you wish them away. Prana
will understand that you no do not desire this person to
be in your life and will set the chain of events in motion to
do so.
Mending a relationship
Say the situation calls for mending a rift that has
developed between you and this other person. Clear your
mind and mentally embrace this person in your
imagination. Chant the Klim mantra and feel a warm glow
arising from your heart that helps mend this rift. Prana
understands exactly what you are trying to do and will set
the wheels in motion to mend the rift and put your
relationship with this other person back on track.
Clearing the fog
It often happens in life when you find that you have
suddenly fallen off the track in terms of relationship with a
person. All was going well and lately you have noticed
that things just arent right. What happened? This is when
you need the powerful Hrim (Rheem) mantra first to dispel
the fog followed by the Klim mantra to create the
previous attraction you had for each other.
Breathing as we discussed before chant the Hrim (Rheem)
mantra. The Hrim mantra is chanted with focus on the

Third Eye chakra. If you remember the Third Eye chakra is

located in the eyebrow area (slightly above the center
between the eyes). Take a deep breath in and breathe
out while chanting the Hrim mantra with focus on the
Third Eye chakra. Rheeeeeeem. Stretch the middle part
eeeeeee out as before and just as you are about to run
out of breath conclude with mm. This will tell prana
that you are seeking knowledge that you need to dispel
the fog. Prana will set in motion the sequence of events
that will give you this knowledge. Also, right after the
Hrim mantra, chant the Klim mantra as before with focus
on the Heart chakra. Prana will help dispel the fog and
build the attraction back into your relationship.
The girl/guy at the restaurant
Say you want the attention of the handsome guy or
beautiful girl sitting at the restaurant. Seem
unapproachable to you? Try this technique. Dont stare
but generally look in their direction. Be calm. With a
pleasant expression on your face inwardly chant the Klim
mantra with focus on the Heart chakra. Repeat. Dont be
surprised if you get a sudden flash of a smile from that
person acknowledging interest. Do not hesitate. Get up
and go strike a conversation. Prana has set the wheels in
motion for you to succeed and there is nothing to fear!
Distant memory made reality
Do you have fond memories of a childhood sweetheart
that no longer resides in your area? Do you want to strike

a relationship with this person? Would you like to make

this person move from wherever they are to your area and
strike a relationship with you? This is possible through
chanting the Klim mantra with focus on the Heart chakra a
few times a day. I have heard of situations where this has
happened in just a handful of days (!) to situations where
it took a couple of months. Success is yours and with
focus and concentration and persistence in terms of
repetition you will make the distant memory a relationship
Relationship strain caused by financial situation
This situation requires the use of the Shrim (Shreem)
mantra followed by Klim with focus on two different
chakras. Shrim mantra is one of prosperity. Shrim is
generally chanted with focus on the Third Eye chakra.
With focus on the Third Eye chakra chant the Shim mantra
using the same breathing technique as before. Imagine
abundant prosperity and wealth in your life. Drag the
middle part of the Shrim mantra (shreem).
Shreeeeeeemm. Do this a few times. Now shift the
attention to the Heart chakra and chant the Klim mantra.
Do this a few times. Repetition of this will do two things.
First, resolve your financial situation and second resolve
your relationship situation.
Other similar situations

Remember how we approached the situations we have

detailed in this chapter. We used the Klim mantra with the
Heart chakra is focus. We used the Hrim and the Shrim
mantra with focus on the Third Eye chakra. Get creative
with situations and use the combination of mantras to
resolve the situation. You can do no wrong with the
chanting of the mantras. In the least they will help only
improve your life and never cause any harm.

Activation Techniques for Wealth

In this chapter we deal with activation techniques to get
wealth and prosperity in life.
For wealth and prosperity there is only one mantra and it
is the Shrim (Shreem) mantra. It is chanted with focus on
only one chakra which is the Third Eye chakra. If you
remember the Third Eye chakra is located in the eyebrow
area (slightly above the center between the eyes).
Attract wealth and prosperity into your life
You can always think broadly about wealth and prosperity
and chant the Shrim mantra to bring them into your life.
Sit in a quiet place comfortably and relax. Read the
chapter on preparation. Breathe (the 4-2-5 breathing
method) slowly, deeply and steadily. Clear your mind.
Attain a calm state of mind. Now focusing on the Heart

chakra, take a deep breath in. Breathe out while chanting

the Shrim manta (Shreeeeeeemm) dragging the middle
part out for until you expelled the breath and conclude
with mm. Be happy and peaceful and think happy
thoughts of wealth and prosperity.
As we have covered in the previous chapter you can
chant a mantra silently and still realize the benefits. It
takes more practice to chant mentally but the techniques
will work.
Repetition is key. As you keep doing this chanting you will
begin to feel a warm sensation in the area that the Third
Eye chakra is located in. Do not worry because this
represents the beginning of the production of the
electromagnetic energy in the Third Eye chakra. This
means you are performing the technique correctly. This
energy is reaching out to Prana, the cosmic force, and
conveying your wish for the mate. Now prana will set in
motion the sequence of events designed to bring
abundant wealth and prosperity into your life.
Win a lottery/prize
Chanting the Shrim mantra prior to a drawing increases
your chances of winning he lottery or a prize. Prior to the
drawing sit comfortably and breathe as detailed before.
Chant the Shrim mantra with focus on the Third Eye
chakra. Have all the confidence in the world that you will
win the lottery.

Secure an inheritance
An older relative is at the end of his/her life and you are
eligible for and want to be part of the inheritance. To do
this first have nothing but good thoughts for the elder
relative. Chant the Shrim mantra thinking with confidence
that your part of the inheritance will come to you. Repeat
a few times a day.
Win in gambling
Chanting the Shrim mantra before going to a casino or
the race track will substantially increase the odds of
Chant the Shrim mantra prior to leaving home. Sit
comfortably and breath as detailed before. Think of
success in gambling or any game of chance you are going
to play and chant the Shrim mantra.
The casino is a place where there are hundreds of people
and some with negative energy fields. Do not sit next to a
person if you feel they are impacting your performance.
You can feel discomfort in the air. Simply get up and go
find a machine or a place where you can play in peace
and happiness. Silently chant the Shrim mantra prior to
pressing the Spin button on a slot machine. Silently chant
the Shrim mantra prior to the dealer dealing in Blackjack
or Poker. The same technique applied to any other game
of chance.

Stock market
Chant the Shrim mantra before you pick winning stocks.
Keep a list of all stock symbols written on a notebook in
front of you. Do the breathing required and chant the
Shrim mantra a few times with focus on the Third Eye
chakra. When you feel the warm glow in the area of the
chakra you know you have accomplished your mission.
Look at the stock symbols. You will know precisely which
symbols to trade.

Activation Techniques for Health

In this chapter we deal with activation techniques to have
wonderful health and resolve any lingering/ongoing
health issues you are facing.
The chakra that can best deal with health and overall wellbeing of body and mind is the Crown chakra located at
the very top of the head. Prana can infuse all the power in
the universe right through the Crown chakra into your
body to give you great health in mind and body. The
mantra to use with the Crown chakra is the Shrim
(Shreem) mantra.
For overall health of mind and body
For overall health of mind and body you chant the Shrim
mantra with focus on the Crown chakra.
Sit in a quiet place comfortably and relax. Read the
chapter on preparation. Breathe slowly, deeply and
steadily. Clear your mind. Attain a calm state of mind.
Now focusing on the Crown chakra, take a deep breath
in. Breathe out while chanting the Shrim manta
(Shreeeeeeem) dragging the middle part out for until you
expelled the breath and conclude with mm. Be happy
and peaceful and think thoughts of excellent health and

As we have covered in the previous chapter you can

chant a mantra silently and still realize the benefits. It
takes more practice to chant mentally but the techniques
will work.
Repetition is key. As you keep doing this chanting you will
begin to feel a warm sensation in the area that starts at
the very top of our head. It is like a warm glow that
begins there and descends downwards over our body.
Sort of like being in a cosmic shower! Prana is bringing all
the nutrients you need from the cosmos to instill good
health and well-being into your mind and body.
For a specific health situation
In the book, Evolve your brain: the science of changing
your mind Dr. Joe Dispenza details a miraculous
recovery from broken bones and fractures in the
vertebrae and where he was sentenced by the medical
community to be a paraplegic for the rest of his life. Dr.
Dispenza cured himself by using his mind like a surgical
instrument and did mental surgery to his body! It took Dr.
Dispenza several months to accomplish his feat but he did
and today has great health and physique. The technique
detailed here is simpler and has the same powerful result.
Whatever your specific health situation is whether it be
high blood pressure, back pain, kidney ailment, heart
ailment this technique will help you bring the power of
cosmic force, prana, to provide you the needed healing.

With focus on the ailment you want to heal simply sit

comfortably and chant the Shrim mantra. Breathe as
detailed before and hold a clear picture of the ailment
you want healed/remedied in your mind. Focus on the
Crown chakra. Repetitions will cause the electromagnetic
field to become active and infuse energy from prana all
the way down into your mind and body. Your mind will
get the needed instructions to direct your bodys inbuilt
forces with the help of cosmic energy to fix/remedy the

Activation Techniques for Miscellaneous Life

In this chapter we deal with activation techniques for a
variety of miscellaneous situations you face in life.
Get rid of the evil neighbor
Are you stuck with an evil neighbor that parties all day
and yells profanity and fights and is causing a ruckus
making your life miserable? No worries! The Klim (Kleem)
mantra, one of attraction, can also work the opposite with
people you want to wish away.

Imagine the neighbor simply disappearing from your life.

Peace coming back into your life! Mentally imagine the
neighbor away and chant the Klim mantra.
Sit in a quiet place comfortably and relax. Read the
chapter on preparation. Breathe (the 4-2-5 breathing
method) slowly, deeply and steadily. Clear your mind.
Attain a calm state of mind. Now focusing on the Heart
chakra, take a deep breath in. Breathe out while chanting
the Klim manta (Kleeeeeeem) dragging the middle part
out for until you expelled the breath and conclude.
Kleeeeeeem, The eeeeeee part is what you drag out
and then mm when you conclude the mantra at the end
of your breath. Do this several times.
Note also that you can silently chant this mantra in your
mind if the situation requires discretion. It will still work
depending on how real your imagination is with the
chanting. Practice makes perfect so keep practicing if
your situation requires you to chant silently.
As I have said before repetition is key. As you keep doing
this chanting you will begin to feel a warm sensation in
the area that the Heart chakra is located in. Do not worry
because this represents the beginning of the production
of the electromagnetic energy in the Heart chakra. This
means you are performing the technique correctly. This
energy is reaching out to Prana, the cosmic force, and
conveying your wish for the mate. Now prana will set in
motion the sequence of events designed to bring this
person into your life.

Stop that dog from barking

Do you have a neighbors dog that barks constantly not
letting you sleep in the night? You can quiet the dog
down with the use of the Klim mantra.
Sit in a quiet place comfortably and relax. Breathe slowly,
deeply and steadily. Clear your mind. Attain a calm state
of mind. Imagine the dog at peace and thus stopping the
barking. Now focusing on the Heart chakra, chant the
Klim mantra as detailed before.
Make tension and uneasiness go away
There are times when you are uneasy and tense just
because everyday life has taken its toll on you. In such
times simply chanting the Klim and the Shrim (Shreem)
mantra with focus on the Heart chakra, Third Eye chakra
and the Crown chakra can make the tension and
uneasiness melt away.
Peace and prosperity in the world
Experiments have been done where groups have
gathered and meditated for peace and happiness in the
world. There are some amazing studies that show positive
results of reduction in rates of crime within areas where
such meditations were performed.

You can do your part for world peace and harmony by

using the Klim mantra followed by the Shrim mantra with
focus on Heart chakra, Third Eye chakra and the Crown
chakra. Repetitions will not only do you good but also
help bring peace and prosperity in the world.
Get creative!
Find a situation in this manual that is analogous to one
you are facing and use the technique. Feel free to come
up with your own techniques.

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