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Tyrell Gilchrist

Period 5

I think that the debate should be about having more teachers who teach with technology
because it explains topics with more detail.The reason being is because the lack of teachers
who explain and make sure students understand materials are in the past, in todays society the
rate of dropouts have decreased because students have access to the internet in a school
friendly environment.

The dropout rate has fallen 3% from 1990 to 2010 (12.1% to

W ith numbers like this, it shows the impact the technology has in todays world.
Another quote is:
I n 2010,

38 states had higher graduation rates. Vermont had

the highest rate, with 91.4% graduating. And Nevada had the lowest with
57.8% of students graduating.
W ith these two examples, its hard to deny the fact of
technology and what a great impact if has on students in the present or todays world.

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