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Self Porteaits - 6 Grade - Gverarching Ghjective: Students will be able to utilize digital and computer technology to create an artwork that expresses and communicates information about themselves. Students will use the digital camera, the scanner, and Photoshop program as well as creative imagery to illustrate and express their ideas. Students will ‘communicate and participate in their culture through their art work. Schedule of oftctivities: Day One Students will begin with a person/place/thing, surreal art work as a practice to be able to maneuver the Photoshop program and learn the features. Students will gather images to create their computer collage. Students will take a digital picture of one of their classmates. Day Two Students will view a demonstration of the Photoshop program and the Scanner. They will become familiar with the basic functions such as scanning, cutting and pasting, and layering. Students will then begin work on their surreal person/place/thing art. Day Three Students will complete the person/place/thing art work as practice. They will gather imagery that helps to express who they are as a person. Day Four Students will begin work on their self portrait starting with the digital photograph of themselves and scanning their images. Day Five-Seven Students will have work time in the lab to create their self portrait that expresses, through imagery, who they are as a person.

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