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Chapter 12

Here is a list of some of the most common joining words used in

Because: porque
Because of: a causa de
Thanks to: gracias a
Thats why: por eso
Seeing that: en vista de que
For this reason: por este motivo
Given that: dado que
As a result of: como consecuencia de
In fact: efectivamente
Therefore: por lo tanto
Nowadays: hoy en da
However: sin embargo
In spite of: a pesar de que
Although: aunque
While: mientras que
On the whole: por regla general / en general
Ways of learn vocabulary
Everyone has their own method of learning vocabulary. Here are a few
popular ideas:

Write down the word you are trying to learn 5 times

Write sentences using the words you are trying to learn.
Look at the word you are trying to learn, cover the word, write
the word and check you have it correct.
Write out the words on post-it notes and place them in visible
places in your house/place or work, etc.

Chapter 13
6.- Pronunciation practice Tongue Twisters
The English language uses and stretches the mouth in ways which other
languages dont. Therefore, it is very important that you learn to use
parts of your mouth which may have never been used before.
So, lets start stretching!
Repeat after me:

A, E, I, O, U
Red, Brown, Blue, Yellow, Green

Ok, now we have warmed up lets try some tongue twisters:

She sells sea shells on the sea shore

We start off slow but then we get faster and faster.

Heres another tongue twister:

Peter Piper picked a pickled pepper

Now faster!

A good way to practice tongue twisters is by saying them in front of a
mirror. Remember to always start off slowly and then get faster and

faster. Youll see that your mouth becomes more flexible and you are
able to better pronounce certain words.
Now practice the following tongue twisters in front of a mirror:

Sam's shop stocks short spotted socks.

Which wristwatches are Swiss wristwatches?
Cheap ship trip.
Fat frogs flying past fast.
We surely shall see the sun shine soon.
Chapter 14
Key Vocabulary:

Footballer: futbolista
Embarrassed: avergonzado
Football match: partido de ftbol
Away match: partido fuera casa
Home match: partido en casa

You may find the following phrases useful.

I would

I dont know what I would do.

Maybe Id.

Id definitely.

I wouldnt

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