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After a few hours the road began to be rough, and the walking grew so difficult

that the scarecrow often stumbled over the yellow bricks, which were very
uneven. Sometimes, indeed, they were broken or missing altogether, leaving
holes that Toto jumped across and Dorothy walked around. As for the
scarecrow, having no brains, he walked straight ahead and so stepped into the
holes and fell at full length on the hard bricks. It never hurt him, however, and
Dorothy would pick him up and set him upon his feet again, while he joined her
in laughing merrily at his own mishap.
The farms were not nearly so well cared for here as they were father back.
There were fewer fruit trees, and the father they went the more dismal and
lone some the country became.
At noon they sat down by the roadside, near a little brook, and Dorothy opened
her basket and got out some bread. She offered a piece to the Scarecrow, but
he refused.
I am never hungry, said, and it is a lucky thing I am not. For my mouth is only
pained, and if I should cut a hole in it so could eat, the straw I am stuffed with
would come out, and that would spoil the shape of my head.
Dorothy saw at once that this was true, so she only nodded and went on eating
her bread.
Tell me something about yourself, and the country you came from, said the
Scarecrow, when she had finished her dinner. So she told him all about Kansas,
and how grey everything was there and how the cyclone had carried her to his
queer Land of Oz.
The Scarecrow listened carefully, and said, I cannot understand why you should
wish to leave this beautiful country and go back to the dry grey place you call
That is because you have no brains, answered the girl. No matter how dreary
and grey our homes are, we people of flesh and blood would rather live there
than in any other country, be it ever so beautiful. There is no place like home.
The Scarecrow sighed.
Of course I cannot understand it, he said, if your heads were stuffed with straw,
like mine, you would probably all live in the beautiful places, and then Kansas
would have no people at all. It is fortunate for Kansas that you have brains.
Wont you tell me a story, while we are resting? Asked the child.
The Scarecrow looked at her reproachfully, and answered: My life has been so
short that I really know nothing whatever. I was only made day before
yesterday. What happened in the world before that time is all unknown to me.
Luckily, when the farmer made my head, one of the first things he did was to
paint my ears, so that I heard what was going on. There was another Munchkin
with him, and the first thing I heard was the farmer saying, How do you like
those ears?

They arent straight, answered the other.

Never mind, said the farmer, they are ears just the same, which was true
Now I'll make the eyes, said the farmer. So he painted my right eye, and as
soon as it was finished I found myself looking at him and at everything around
me with a great deal of curiosity, for this was my first glimpse of the world.
Thats a rather pretty eye, remarked the Munchkin who was watching the
farmer, blue paint is just the colour for eyes;
I think III make the other a little bigger, said the farmer; and when the
second eye was done I could see much better than before. Then he made my
nose and my mouth; but I did not speak, because at that time I didnt know
what a mouth was for. I had the fun of watching them make my body and my
arms and legs; and when they fastened on my head, at last, I felt very proud
for I was just as good a man as anyone.
This fellow will scare the crows fast enough, said the farmer. He looks just
like a man.
Why, he is a man, said the other, and I quite agreed with him. The farmer
carried me under his arm to the cornfield, and set me up on a tall stick, where
you found me. He and his friend soon after walked away and left me alone.

Despus de unas horas la carretera empez a ser duro, y el caminar se volvi

tan difcil que el espantapjaros menudo tropez con los ladrillos de color
amarillo, que eran muy desiguales. A veces, de hecho, estaban rotas o faltan
por completo, dejando agujeros que Toto salt al otro lado y Dorothy camin
alrededor. En cuanto al espantapjaros, al no tener cerebro, camin hacia
delante y as entr en los agujeros y cay cuan largo era sobre los ladrillos
duros. Nunca le hizo dao, sin embargo, y Dorothy lo recoga y lo puso sobre
sus pies de nuevo, mientras que l se uni a ella en riendo alegremente en su
propia desgracia.
Las fincas no fueron casi tan bien atendidos aqu, ya que eran padre de vuelta.
Haba menos rboles frutales, y el padre se fueron al ms triste y solitaria
algunos el pas se convirti.
Al medioda se sentaron junto a la carretera, cerca de un pequeo arroyo, y
Dorothy abri la cesta y se salieron un poco de pan. Ella le ofreci un pedazo
del Espantapjaros, pero l se neg.
Nunca estoy hambriento, dije, y es una suerte que no soy. Porque mi boca slo
est dolido, y si debo cortar un agujero en l por lo que poda comer, la paja
me met con saldra, y que echara a perder la forma de mi cabeza.
Dorothy vio de inmediato que esto era cierto, as que ella slo asinti y sigui
comiendo su pan.
Dime algo sobre ti, y el pas de donde viene, dijo el Espantapjaros, cuando ella
haba terminado su cena. As que ella le cont todo acerca de Kansas, y lo gris
que todo estaba all y cmo el cicln la haba llevado a su extraa Tierra de Oz.
El Espantapjaros escuch con atencin, y dijo: No puedo entender por qu
usted debe desear dejar este hermoso pas y volver al lugar gris seco se llama
a Kansas.
Eso es porque no tienes cerebro, respondi la chica. No importa qu tan triste y
gris nuestros hogares son, nosotros, la gente de carne y hueso y no viviran all
que en cualquier otro pas, sea siempre tan hermosa. No hay lugar como el
El Espantapjaros suspir.
Por supuesto que no lo puedo entender, dijo, si sus cabezas estaban rellenos
de paja, como el mo, es probable que todos viven en los lugares hermosos, y

luego Kansas tendra ningn pueblo en absoluto. Es una suerte para Kansas
que tiene cerebro.
No me cuente una historia, mientras estamos descansando? Pregunt el nio.
El Espantapjaros mir con reproche, y respondi: Mi vida ha sido tan corta que
lo que realmente s nada en absoluto. Yo slo hice anteayer. Lo que sucedi en
el mundo antes de que el tiempo es todo desconocido para m. Por suerte,
cuando el agricultor hizo que mi cabeza, una de las primeras cosas que hizo
fue pintar mis odos, as que me enter de lo que estaba pasando. Hubo otro
Munchkin con l, y lo primero que o fue el agricultor diciendo, "Qu le parece
esas orejas?
"Ellos no son rectas", respondi el otro.
"No importa," dijo el granjero, "que son las orejas de la misma," lo cual era
bastante cierto.
Ahora voy a hacer los ojos ", dijo el agricultor. As que pint mi ojo derecho, y
tan pronto como se termin me encontr mirando a l ya todo a mi alrededor
con una gran dosis de curiosidad, para esta era mi primera visin del mundo.
"Eso es un ojo ms bonito", coment el Munchkin que observaba el agricultor,
"pintura azul es el color de los ojos;"
"Creo que I'II hacer el otro un poco ms grande", dijo el agricultor; y cuando se
hizo el segundo ojo pude ver mucho mejor que antes. Entonces l hizo que mi
nariz y mi boca; pero yo no he hablado, porque en ese momento yo no saba lo
que era una boca para. Tuve la diversin de ver a tomar mi cuerpo y mis brazos
y piernas; y cuando lo clavaron en mi cabeza, por fin, me sent muy orgulloso
de que era igual de bueno que un hombre como cualquiera.
"Este hombre va a asustar a los cuervos lo suficientemente rpido", dijo el
agricultor. "Se parece a un hombre."
"Bueno, l es un hombre", dijo el otro, y yo muy de acuerdo con l. El granjero
me llev bajo el brazo a la milpa, y me preparaba en un palo alto, donde me
encontraste. l y su amigo poco despus se fue y me dej solo.


Dorothy, Toto y el espantapjaros, caminaban por una carretera desnivelada y

con muchos agujeros.
Dorothy caminaba por los extremos, Toto saltaba
espantapjaros tropezaba porque no tena cerebro.




Al medioda todos se sentaron; cerca de un arroyo, Dorothy le ofreci un

pedazo de pan al espantapjaros, el no acepto porque no tena hambre.
Dorothy, le conto que de la ciudad de Kansas que era gris y como fue llevado
por el cicln a la tierra de Oz.
El espantapjaros no entendi porque deseaban volver a esa ciudad; y Dorothy
le responde; t no entiendes porque no tienes cerebro.
El nio pidi que le cuenten una historia mientras estaban descansando, el
espantapjaros le dijo que se haba enterado lo que suceda en el mundo
cuando el agricultor le pinto las orejas, le hizo sus dos ojos, sus dos orejas, una
nariz y una boca.
Una vez terminado de pintarlo, el agricultor lo cargo y lo colg a un palo para
que asuste a los cuerpos, ya que tena apariencia de un hombre. Luego se
alejaron dejndolo solo.


Dorothy, Toto and the Scarecrow, uneven walking down a road with many

Dorothy walked the ends, Toto jumped holes and the Scarecrow stumbled
because he had no brain.
At noon they sat; near a stream, Dorothy offered him a piece of bread a
scarecrow, he did not accept it because I was not hungry.
Dorothy, told him that Kansas City was as gray and was led by the cyclone to
the Land of Oz
Scarecrow did not understand because they wanted to return to that city; and
replied Dorothy; you do not understand because you have no brain.
The child asked to tell a story while they were resting, the Scarecrow told her
that he had heard what was happening in the world when the farmer will paint
the ears, and he made his two eyes, two ears, a nose and a mouth.
Once finished painting, the farmer and hung it over a stick to scare the bodies
as they had appearance of a man. Then walked away leaving him alone.

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