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Causes of Squatter Settlements

Squatters impinge on an abandoned/derelict property belonging to a different

person and accommodate themselves there. If not evacuated, squatters use
these properties as their permanent shelter. Technically, squatters are
trespassers and trespassing is a civil matter and not criminal. Hence,
squatting is a breach of civil law but not illegal. Squatting is relatively a
modern problem due to various factors that contribute to lack of housing
facilities, such as apathy of the ruling government, population boom, lack of
land, lack of jobs and others.

So what prompts people to occupy a property that is not their own? Following are
the causes of squatter settlements:

The chief reason for squatter settlements occurs due to economic reasons.
The homeless are naturally inclined to search for shelter and they do so in
abandoned properties, even if the property is in a dire state, unsuitable for

People squat in properties to evade criminal acts performed on homeless

people such as theft. Thieves target homeless people on the streets as their
only possession is money and if victimized, they are less likely to contact
the police as the authorities wont heed their problems.
At times, squatters are people who have relocated from rural areas to the
urban areas in search for better economic opportunities.
High cost of living and lack of proper housing force them to squat. They
either relocate to the peripheries of the cities where quality of life is dismal
or to the centre of the cities where overpopulation leads to lack of job
opportunities and suitable housing.
Social marginalization is also responsible for squatters. People who are
stigmatized or considered as untouchables may occupy abandoned
properties as they are not accepted in their communities or in other
Squatters might be anarchists. Anarchists do not believe in the legitimacy of
a ruling power and hence, they disobey rules. They will attribute their
rebellion to political pathos and squatting can be one form of protest.
People might squat for religious activities such as cult worship or illegal
activities such drug or meth lab productions.
Squatters are people who find it difficult to get a proper housing in the city
as they do not have a permanent job and this doesnt entitle them to any
house loan plans.

Bio-Cleanse provide squatter cleaning services.

Call at 042 741 1789

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