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Super hero Film Characters:

Loki: Loki is the supervillain from the film The Avengers (2012), and he is played
by Tom Huddleston. This character is based off the Norse God of mischief, Loki was
found as a child hidden within the stronghold of the Frost Giants by Odin, and was
raised alongside his own son. He had been abandoned by the king of the frost
giants Laufey because of his small size. However, Loki begins to be resentful of his
differences with Thor, and the way that the people of Asguard treated them
differently, because of his lack of strength. However, Loki showed great power with
magic and had an ability to wrap and go between dimensions. He then uses this
power to try and destroy earth, and kill Thor love interest. This shows the audience
that he is the villain (due to codes and conventions), as well as showing his as the
binary opposite to his moral brother.
Superman: Superman is the superhero from Superman: returns (2006), and is
played by Brandon Routh. Superman originates from the planet Krypton, and his
real name is Kal-El. However, he was forced to leave his home planet after his father
Jor-el found out that the planet was going to explode. To save his son from this fate
Jor-el sent him to earth in a space craft, he was then adopted by Jonathan and
Martha Kent, who named him Clark Kent. As he grows up in the town of Smallville,
he finds out his powers that include: invulnerability, strength, flying and super
speed, he uses these powers; along with many more to help to protect the innocent
showing his strong moral codes. However, his weakness lies in protecting those he
loves, for example his adoptive parents and his love interest Lois lane (which whom
the audience wants him to get with, an example of mainstream Hollywood codes
and conventions). Superman also wears a blue and red costume in order to protect
his alter ego, from the villains in Metropolis (the cinematic version of New York). This
soon becomes iconic to Superman and soon becomes a representation of his power.
Supermans weakness also lies in Kryptonite a radioactive rock and magic.
Alfred Pennyworth: Alfred is the support for batman in Batman begins (2005),
and is played by Michael Caine. Alfred has been working in the Wayne household for
many years, and after the death of his parents was the official guardian of Bruce
Wayne, but more than this Alfred is his best friend. Alfred used to serve in the
British Special air service, and found from this service that some men just want to
watch the world burn, however, after this he relocated to Gotham city and began
work with Batmans parents. As the support for Batman, Alfred is a weakness of
Batmans as batman will do anything in order to rescue him. Furthermore, Alfred is
the emotional support of Batman, and often tries to discourage Bruce Wayne from
becoming Batman again. Additionally, Alfred helps Batman to remember his
morals, and reminds Bruce Wayne about what is wrong and what is right.
Pepper Potts: Pepper Potts is the love interest of Iron man in Iron man (2008),
and she is played by Gwyneth Paltrow. She adds to audience appeal as beauty, as
well as, creating a secondary or tertiary audience who like the actress or enjoy the

romance of the love interest. This also creates a subplot as the audience wants
them to get together, showing Hollywood conventions and codes of films. The
representation of Pepper Potts works with codes and conventions of the love
interest character, as she is portrayed as intelligent but helpless, as she often needs
the help of the hero. This means that she one of Iron mans weaknesses, but she
also offers emotional support, as well as showing him what is wrong and what is
right, as well as helping him with the troubles that he has with his past.
Colonel Rhodes: Colonel Rhodes is the sidekick for Iron man in Iron man 3 (2013)
and is played by Don Cheadle. Colonel Rhodes is Iron mans best friends, and moral
support in many cases. He has helped Iron man throughout the last 2 movies,
helping him develop the suits, and getting him out of trouble in many situations, as
well as making sure that the military dont get involved with the iron man project.
He also passes off many of the accidents caused by Iron man as training exercises,
thus, ensuring that Tony Starks position is nor compromised. He brings into the
film relief from action, as the friendship between the two is explored in more detail.
Moreover, he plays a large narrative part in the film, as Tony Stark designed for him
a suit called the Iron Patriot which is stolen and used. Colonel Rhodes also a
skilled soldier, engineer and marksman, but also has high morals, things which have
helped Tony Stark emotionally and physically many times in the past.

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