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Sample letters
You would like to give a party for your friends on your birthday. Write a letter to a friend
of yours, invite him and ask him if you could hold the party at his place. Reason with the
following points:

your flat is too small,

your elderly neighbours hate noise,

your friend has a garden,

his stereo is better and he has a wider variety of music.

Offer him help with the cleaning afterwards.

11 Fnk Street
Budapest 1146
17 April
Dear Patrick,
Thank you very much for the postcard you have sent me for my birthday. I appreciate it,
as almost all my friends sent only an e-mail or a text message.
I am writing to you by return post, because I am going to have my birthday party next
Saturday, and I would like to invite you to it. I know it is a bit funny having a birthday
party two weeks after my birthday, but I have not been able to organise one so far for a
couple of reasons.
First of all, there are two elderly ladies living next door who can not stand noise and I
really don't want to get on their bad side. The other reason is that I live in a very small
flat and there wouldn't be enough space for the twenty people I want to invite. I know
you live in a big house with a garden. Please let me have my party at your place! I would
also like to borrow your CD payer and some of your CDs if you don't mind (you have
such good CDs!).

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My friends are very nice people and I am sure we will have a lot of fun. Don't worry
about the cleaning up, I and one of my friends will tidy up your house right after the
Thanks for your help in advance. I am looking forward to your early reply.
Best regards,

You have read an article in your local newspaper about the future of corner grocery shops
and hypermarkets. According to the author corner shops will all close down and die out.
Write a letter to the newspaper reasoning in the favour of small grocery shops. Use the
following ideas:
Corner shops: close-by, even in rural areas, better service, you can walk or ride a bicycle
Hypermarkets: queuing all the time, long drive away, generates traffic that pollutes
22 Baker Street
L8 3VL
11 June, 2007
Ms Grace Winters
'Future questions' Column
Daily Fresh
135 Green Avenue
Liverpool L8 3VL
Dear Ms Grace,

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I have found an article in the 10 June issue of your paper in the 'Future questions' column.
I always read this part of your paper as I find the articles I read there very interesting and
really thought-provoking.
This time you wrote about the future of corner grocery shops and hypermarkets.
According to the author, corner shops will all close down and die out. The way I see it,
the writer had a very one-sided opinion of this topic.
Im writing to express a different view of the question and say something in the favour of
small grocery shops as well. I can understand that hypermarkets have a lot of advantages
and I am not against having huge hypermarkets near towns at all. But at the same time,
they have a lot of disadvantages that the author forgot to mention. As I have experienced
so many times, hypermarkets are usually full of people, which means you have to queue
up all the time. Apart from this, they are on the outskirts of towns and a long drive away,
so they generate traffic which causes more air pollution. Shopping there is also timeconsuming and makes people spend twice as much time and money as they want. In
addition, they make you exhausted after two-hours of trolley-pushing and wandering
Hence, there is no question about why small corner shops are needed as well.
Furthermore, I do not think they will ever disappear. Corner shops are usually very close
to your home or your office, which means that you can buy fresh bread, roll or milk every
day on your way home. The service is much better, and people are often on friendly terms
with their local grocer, who knows their needs and can have a pleasant chat with them.
There is a small shop in every single village. People can walk there or ride their bicycle.
This is much more environmentally-friendly.
Just imagine: you want to make your husband's favourite dish in the evening and you
realise that there is no sour cream in the fridge. Would you get into your car to drive to
the hypermarket risking that you might get stuck in a traffic jam for hours, or would you
rather just stroll down to the corner shop and do the shopping in five minutes? I have no
doubt about which one you would choose.
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I would be glad if you published my opinion as well in the next issue of your paper. I am
sure many other readers agree with me.
Yours sincerely,
Brenda Loaf

You ordered two English course books from 'Bookshelf' Ltd. on 21 April. They have just
arrived but insufficiently. Make a complaint about the following mistakes:

Instead of the Students book they sent the Teachers book

They only sent one exercise book and there are two of them

Due to inadequate packaging one of the books was damaged.

You have decided to send the books back on the company's expense. Request the correct
books as well.

7 Mag utca
1 May, 2007
Bookshelf Ltd.
144 Rosendale Avenue
London, SE4 9FT
Dear Sir or Madam,
I ordered an English Student's book along with two exercise books from 'Bookshelf' Ltd.
on 21 April. They have just arrived but I did not get exactly what I wanted. Instead of the

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Students book you sent me the Teachers book, and you only sent me one exercise book
although as I know there are two of them.
Also, one of the books is damaged due to inadequate packaging. It arrived in a plain big
envelope which is both torn and wet, without any plastic wrap in order to protect the
contents of the package.
I am a repeat customer and have placed many orders at your company without
experiencing any problems. Unfortunately, this time I must say I am very disappointed
with your service.
Now I am sending the books back at your company's expense. I would like you to send
me the correct books as soon as possible because I am going to start a language course in
two weeks and I really need these materials.
I am looking forward to your correcting of this problem.
Yours faithfully,
Linda Covergirl

Write a letter to one of your friends about a play you have seen. Write him about:

Where you saw the play and what the theatre was like,

What you wore, and how the audience was dressed,

What the play was about and what it was like

If you recommend it or not

Dear Sandy,
I know it is a long time since I last wrote to you but do not think this means that I have
forgotten you.
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Actually, I had been very busy lately, however, I finally found some time to go to the
theatre. I saw an excellent drama titled My sweet sons and written by the famous
American playwright Arthur Miller.
The plot of the play is really gripping and rich in surprising turns. It held the attention of
the audience from the beginning to the end. The story is about a father and a mother
whose son disappeared in the war. They cannot bring themselves to believe that their
beloved boy will never come back. We witnessed how much power love had and we
started to feel a great sympathy towards the parents when suddenly it turned out that the
father had contributed a great deal to his sons tragedy. The play was excellently directed
and the casting was marvellous. The main characters were superb. Peter Huszti took the
leading part having been cast as Joe Keller, the father. He really brought the house down.
To tell you the truth, in the past, he was not one of my favourite actors, but after this play
I had to change my mind. However, there was a young actor whose performance was
quite annoying and spoiled the scenes he was in.
How about you? Have you seen any good plays recently? Who is the most popular
contemporary playwright in Britain nowadays? Do people like going to the theatre or
would they rather go to the cinema?
I am looking forward to your answer.
Write to me soon!

You have attended a wedding recently. Write about it to one of your English friends.
Describe the event in details, including the characteristics of a typical Hungarian wedding

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the type of food and drinks

music and dancing
the gift you gave to the newlyweds
friends and acquaintances you met
21 Eper Street
Budapest 1116
12 February
Dear Susan and Joe,
Thank you very much for your last letter. It was lovely to hear about what was going on
with you. I enjoyed the pictures you sent me of your new baby boy. He is just awesome!
I am writing to you to tell you about a wedding I have attended recently. One of my best
friends, Zsfi, got married last Saturday. I was happy she finally made her decision; she
and Jani had known each other for almost a decade! It was a wonderful white wedding
with more than two hundred guests. After the wedding ceremony there was a large
reception held in a Renaissance mansion in the countryside.
You should have seen how charming and magnificent it was! The tables were full of
traditional Hungarian dishes. I liked the jhzy-style chicken soup and the stuffed
cabbage the best. There was some well chosen and famous Hungarian wine from Villny
and the cakes were all that you could have wished for. We danced to live music until
dawn. It is an old tradition in Hungary to dance with the bride at midnight, so you can
imagine how exhausted she was at the end.
The newlyweds got loads of beautiful presents. My husband and I bought a nice
chandelier that we thought would suit their living room in their new house. The company
was also very nice. I met some old classmates, even one of my friends from nursery
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school was there, and we got to know some interesting people. All in all, I had a lot of
Write soon and let me know how you are getting on.
All the best,

One of your Australian friends will work in Hungary for a year and has asked you to look
for a flat for him. Write a letter about two flats you have found and ask him which one to
rent. Also, give your opinion on the alternatives.
Erd str.
one room
40.000 HUF+ deposit
few small shops nearby
40 minutes from work by bus

Margit krt.
huge traffic
living room, bedroom
50.000 HUF, no deposit
all amenities nearby
close to work

24 Nyrfa Street
Budapest 1227
1 March
Dear Pete,
I was very happy to receive your letter, and hear about your new job in Hungary. Be
assured I will do my very best to find affordable and good housing for you in order to
enjoy your stay here in Budapest.
I have already thumbed through some papers for ads, and I have find two flats that should
meet your requirements.
One of them is a one room flat, in a nice and quiet area in the 11th district. The monthly
rent is 40.000 HUF and you must pay a three-month deposit. There are only a few small
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shops nearby, so, if you want to do some serious shopping, you need to travel a bit. Also,
it is a bit far from your workplace, and it would take you about 40 minutes to get there by
The other one is close to the city centre, on Margit krt, which is close to a busy shopping
centre. You will have to put up with constant traffic, noise, and air pollution. However,
the flat is quite big, including a living room, a bedroom, and a balcony. It costs 50.000
HUF, and there is no deposit. All amenities are nearby. The shopping mall with a big
supermarket as well as a traditional marketplace is only a stone's throw away. Your
workplace would be on the next block, so there would be no need to take a bus or a tram.
If you ask me I would choose the bigger one, even if it is a bit noisy. You do not want to
come to Hungary only for peace and quiet, do you? As I know you, you will spend more
time hanging around with friends, rather than staying at home doing nothing. The choice
is yours of course, so let me know which one you prefer.
I am looking forward to having you here. I am sure you will have a wonderful time in the
Write to me soon,

You have visited a close relative in hospital recently. Write a letter to a newspaper about
your visit. Tell them about

cleanliness, tidiness,

doctors and nurses, their attitude and availability,

facilities and equipment,

atmosphere and surroundings,

condition of buildings and rooms.

12 Poppy Seed Square
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Everland, 1118
21 Sept, 2007
Happy News
22 Pen Street
Neverland, 1514
Dear Sir or Madam,
As an old reader of yours I would like to draw your attention to one of the capitals newly
built hospitals which I think is really worth talking about. You might be surprised but I
can only speak about it in superlatives.
Last week I visited one of my aunts who had had a serious operation in the hospital I
mentioned above. She is an old lady who has always something to complain about. I had
been prepared to spend two exhausting hours with her sighing and crying over things we
can never change, but to my greatest surprise she welcomed me with a big smile on her
face. She said she was very satisfied with everything around her, and she was right. The
first thing I noticed was that everything was as clean as a pin. The corridors were full of
flowers, the wards were big and light with nice pictures on the wall. The furniture is so
neatly arranged that the patients can feel at home. There are two nurses for every single
room. One of them looks after the patients physical needs, by changing their linen when
it is needed, or brings them what they want. The other nurse is there to cheer up the sick
people. She talks with them, listens to their stories about their lives, their families, etc.
And they are very nice and friendly indeed. My aunt said that the nurses and doctors were
available any time she needed them. There is a doctor at hand on every single corridor
whose job is to inform the patients about their illnesses and give them all the necessary
information they need. On the top of this, they also hired a practitioner of alternative
medicine, who gives advice to patients about what kind of diet to follow, and helps them
with different methods to ease their pain. Patients can order food from the kitchen, which
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serves the needs and the purpose of quick recovery. The operating theatres and the
surgeries are all fully equipped with cutting-edge devices.
To sum it up, I must say this is the best hospital I have ever seen. I would strongly
recommend that you conduct an interview with the management of this institute and ask
them what their secret is.
Best regards,
Susie Surp

You have enrolled to a language course abroad but you have had an accident recently.
Write a letter to the school, give reasons for your absence and explain the situation in
details. Ask them to either pay the fee back or let you do the course at a later date. Ask
about similar courses and dates.
11 Mimza Street
3 February, 2007
IBC Language School
221 Rainy Street
Dear Sir or Madam,
I have enrolled in an intermediate English course at your school. The course will start on
the 15th of July and will last until the 15th of August. However, I am afraid I will not be
able to attend it as I have just had an accident.

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Three days ago I was coming home from the market both my hands being full of heavy
carrier bags when suddenly I stepped in a whole which I had not noticed. One of my legs
disappeared into it and I felt a terrible pain in my thigh. There was road construction
going on but nobody was working right there at that time and this hole should have been
covered with something. I couldn't get up, so a passer-by called the ambulance and I was
taken to the local hospital. The doctor examined me and said that fortunately no bone was
broken but I had a torn tendon and I would not be able to move for at least six weeks.
I was planning to take an intermediate level language exam in September and a language
course would have been extremely valuable for me to attend. Is it possible for me to start
it at a later date, say from the beginning of August? Do you have an intermediate course
starting at that time? Another possibility would be for me to get a refund, so that I could
hire a private teacher who could come to my house and help me prepare for this exam. I
have graduated from the University this year but I cannot get my diploma until I get the
language certificate.
I hope you will understand my problem.
I am looking forward to your reply.
Yours truly,
Nina Nervous

A friend of yours will come to Hungary for the summer months. He asked you about
communications in Hungary. Write him about:

mobile phones in Hungary,

availability of public phones, how they work,

number of local phone lines, installation process,

Internet connections, public Internet access.

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Give him some good advice on how to communicate here.

26 May, 2007
Dear Pat,
I am delighted to hear that you will come to Hungary for the summer months. You asked
me about communications in Hungary. Well, it seems to me that in Hungary almost
everybody has a mobile phone. Children from the age of five start begging for one and
once they get it they try to persuade their grey-bearded great-grandpas to buy one too.
Therefore it is highly advisable to get one as soon as you arrive so that you can
communicate with anybody at any time.
Due to the spread of mobile phones public phones have lost their popularity, but you can
still find some of them especially in underpasses or at train stations. To use them you
need to buy a phone card, however, a few still works with coins. Be careful, though,
because its not easy to find such a phone and when you do, many times they are out of
order and you can easily lose some of your money.
It is very easy to get a local phone, because there are many lines available, and there is no
problem with the installation process as well, it is smooth and quick. Many people in
Hungary have a phone installed in there homes and in addition all family members have
their own mobiles.
You also wanted me to tell you some information about Internet access. A lot of people
have an internet connection at home, and there are several possibilities to use the internet
outside home as well. New internet cafs opened in the last ten years, and for as much as
1-200 HUF you can use them for about an hour.
I hope we will have time to talk in person soon.

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Anyway, just give me a ring as soon as you arrive.

Looking forward to seeing you!

You have read an editorial about reading books versus watching films. According to the
author people wont buy a book and take the time to read it when they can go to the
cinema and see the film about the same story. Write a letter to the author and give your
opinion on the subject.
5 Bors utca
Budapest 1138
19 February 2007
Editor's Office
Weekend Stories
149 Chestnut Street
PA 19103
Dear Sir,
As a long time reader of Weekend Stories I would like to tell you how I enjoy your paper.
In the last fifteen years I always found something interesting or funny that I could read
and I often recommend Weekend Stories to other people. However, this week's editorial,
Films against books, made me a bit sad.
According to the author people wont buy a book and take the time to read it when they
can go to the cinema and see the film about the same story.
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I have a completely different opinion and I think the statement above is outrageous. I
believe that many other people share the same opinion and although I am not the kind of
person who writes to newspapers, I feel I have to do it on this occasion.
We have had many books published in the recent years whose film adaptation appeared
not long after their publication. Harry Potter and The Lord of The Rings are good
examples to such books. In spite of the fact that the film versions were extremely well
done in both cases, neither film was able to broadcast the atmosphere of the original
story. Naturally, films are easily accessible for anybody and it takes much less time to
watch a film than read a book. However, people know that it is worth taking the time and
read the book, as no film can give you the same excitement as a well-written story.
I am convinced that books will never disappear, and the same thing goes for paintings or
sculptures. Books are expressions of our feelings, beliefs, hopes, fears and worries. As
long as we have feelings and ideas books will exist.
I am afraid that this book vs. movie article you published can have a very bad
influence, especially on young people, suggesting that there is no point in reading as long
as the film version is available.
I hope you understand my concerns and that you are willing to give an opportunity for
contrary opinions to appear in the next issue of your paper.
Yours faithfully,

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