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=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=[2011-09-19] XAMPP for Linux 1.7.

This version of XAMPP includes:
- Apache 2.2.21
- MySQL 5.5.16
- PHP 5.3.8
- Perl 5.10.1
- ProFTPD 1.3.3e
- phpMyAdmin 3.4.5
- OpenSSL 1.0.0c
- GD 2.0.1
- Freetype 2.1.7
- libjpeg 6b
- libpng 1.2.12
- gdbm 1.8.0
- zlib 1.2.3
- expat 1.95.2
- Sablotron 1.0
- libxml 2.7.6
- libxslt 1.1.26
- Ming 0.4.3
- Webalizer 2.21-02
- pdf class 009e
- ncurses 5.7
- mod_perl 2.0.5
- FreeTDS 0.63
- gettext 0.17
- IMAP C-Client 2007e
- OpenLDAP (client) 2.4.21
- mhash library 0.8.18
- mcrypt library 2.5.7
- cURL 7.21.0
- SQLite 2.8.17 (for PHP4 + PHP5)
- SQLite 3.6.16 (for PHP5 PDO SQLite)
- libapreq 2.12
- eAccelerator
- FPDF 1.6
- bzip2 (library) 1.0.5
- PBXT 1.0.11-6-pre-ga
- PBMS 0.5.15 (but disabled)
- PBMSlib 0.5.15
- ICU4C Library 4.2.1
New in this version of XAMPP:
- Fixed a problem with MySQL 5.5.x and XAMPP's backup script
- New version of mod_perl (2.0.5)
- New version of ProFTPD (1.3.3e)
- New version of phpMyAdmin (3.4.5)
- New version of PHP (5.3.8)
- New version of Apache (2.2.21)
- New version of MySQL (5.5.16)

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