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Number Square Patterns

This inquiry problem is asking me to find some patterns that exist in a

6 x 6 square. All 36 numbers are between 0-10. I can use multiplication
or addition to find the patterns. I begin to look for patterns in 2 x 2 and
then 3 x 3 squares.
A strategy I used was to look for a pattern by making smaller squares. I
started with 2x2 squares then up to 3x3 squares. I noticed that the
numbers add by one in each square in both the rows and the columns.
I also noticed the numbers are the same from the upper right corner
diagonal to the lower left corner. This was true in all squares.
A solution to this inquiry is that when a pattern exists in a smaller
square like 2 x 2, it also exists in a larger square like 3 x 3. The pattern
of addition exists in every row, each number increases by 1, and in
each column it increases by one. Another pattern that exists is the
number in the upper right corner and lower left corner is the same. The
sums of the diagonal numbers are equal in a square. This is true for
2x2, 3x3, 4x4 and 6x6. I will make a conjecture that this pattern is true
for all squares.

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