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In order to plan for next year, we must make an analysis of the VBS this year - what went well
and what didn't.
Even if we feel the VBS program was a success, no matter how good the VBS experience, there
are always to make it better especially for the children.
Please give your honest opinions to the topics below. It is OK if you have no comment, that
means there is no room to improve in that area. It is also OK if you wish to write on the back of
this page, or to attach a separate page for all your comments.

1. Should we change the VBS hours from 0900 to 1200? Example: _____-____



No. Especially during summer I think children can wake up at 9am and because it's summer it
may be to hot for some of them come or even give intrest in coming at 12..

2. Registration process:
Nothing to say about the registration process.
3. Praise time (morning songs and prayer):
The songs are and always were good but we may have to think more about the praying process. I
noticed sometimes it's hard to get a child to pray and I think we need to encourage them more to
4. Bible Study:
Bible Study was good, only thing to say would be that the younger children don't focus that much
and we may need to maybe think about something more interactive for them.
5. Crafts:
Crafts may have been the biggest problem we had this year(in my opinion). I noticed children did
not have much to work with, they did not have shirts something that really got them more
intrested into talking with eachother and getting eachother a signature and all that on them and
insted they had like 2 days or so of drawing(maybe good for the younger ones but I don't think a
12 year old is into drawing anymore..)
6. Games:
Games were good, interactive and fun, every year I see more and more new games so nothing to
say here.
7. Praise worship (noon songs and prayer)
Same as 3.
8. Snacks at end of day, water, drink stations

Snacks at end of day is a good ideea thought this year I think they only recieved snacks 1 or 2
times. I think it's good for them to fell rewarded for having fun and prasing Jesus, it gives them
some sort of feeling that they did something good.
9. Other thoughts, comments, suggestion to make VBS better:

10. How do you feel your being part of the VBS team affected you and your faith?
For me being part of this wonderful team got me closer to God and I thank him for the wonderful
time we all had togheter this year and I look forward for the next ones!

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