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Man/ culture/ machine & tech

Knowledge & religion
Power, authority, freedom
Truth & opinion

Social Policital philosophy

-power/ market
- agreements/ pacts / rules
- social contract
- The essential nature of Men
- Freedom
- Justice ( distributive / corrective)
- equality
- liberalism/ communitarism
- democracy / anarchy
- the concept of man
- mind body problems ( the mind is not neccarislly the soul, but
it could be) (descartes, thinking matter, substance are
they sepereate or one? ( one is Monism ~ Separate =
( Pan- Psychism)
- reason ~ the ability to form a coherent thought (follow your
emotion? ~ ego and superego freud)
- man/ machine / technologie
- freedom ( own choice or gods plan predestent (euroscience)
) ~ Satre
- determinism / underternisme ( everything Is causavely
related.. actions that follow are predetermints due to the
previous actions,)
- nature/ nurture
- Tabula rasa
- Rationalism vs empiricism
- Existentialism vs Structuralism ( Foucault)
Epistomology --- Epistim =knowledge in greek
- Knowledge is justified, true, believe
Can you justify it, is it true and can you believe it (all three)
- Scepitcal doubting everything decartes- Hume
- Emperialism vs rationalism blank slate of birth own ideas vs
born with ideas
- Subjective and objective
- Covention- truth by convention
- Pragmatism if it works its good
- Cogito ergo sum I think therefore I am

Empty slade
Cosellaty- connected
Induction/ deduction you deduct information for something,
or you go from a specif case into a general rule
Linguistic turn ~ Wittgenstein
Believe in truth

Philosophy of science
- Paradym Thomas Kuhn ( 1922-1996)
- Verification you have a theory that predicts something which
you can confirm
- Falsification Popper why is something scientific? Have a
theory which you falsify
Knowledge = JTB ( justified, true, belief)
To what extent is it possible to say : Truth is what true for me ?
- What is the epistemological problem presented by such an
- Does this problem affect what science claims?
- Can we renounce the search for truth?
Truth= Subjective v.s Objective
(generally accepted)
4 Theories of truth
- correspondence a statement is true when it corresponds with
- Convention
- Pragmatism
- Coherence -

Truth is objective
Pick a theory out of the
4 options.

Truth is Subjective

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