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Mod :

Good Morning dr Dwi, Welcome to Our stand, We are from Group 2,

we are going to present about insomnia,
Before that, I will introduce our group, My name is rosalia as a
moderator, and then she is fidya ,mega and aprilia ,.
This presentation will be divided into three parts,
Part 1 is about defenition that will be delivered by mega Part.2 is
about symptom that will be delivered by aprilia Part.3 is about efect
insomnia that will be delivered by fidya
For the first presentation is about Definition that will be delivered
by.fortime is yours.
Sp.1 : Thank you modin this occasion, I would like to share about
definition of TBC. Based on www., Definition of TBC is.
I think thats all for my presentation, thank you for your attention, back to

Mod :
Thank you and now lets go on to the second/third/forth
presentation from.about. For. Time is yours
(*Back to Speakers)
Mod :
Okits time for question and answer session we please you to give us
some Qs..
Okthe question from .will be answered by .

Mod : the conclusion of our presentation is.I think thats all for our
presentation, thank you for your attention.wassalamualaikum wr
wb..Good Morning

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