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HARDD Summer was and interesting experience. I realize now that it emphasized team
work and guiding SYP students to clarify their goals and get a clearer vision of what the second
year at PCC was going to be like. The first day, we were all placed in different groups and
attempted to make tall sculptures out of a marshmallow, string, and some dry spaghetti. For some
people it worked, but for other groups it was clear that effective communication/team work skills
were not in use. It exemplifies that success takes precision and cooperation. On the second day
we went to the computer lab and learned about networking and different circles we keep in our
lives, as well as how it is important to maintain those relationships and network often. On the last
day, we learned about having the courage to go after what we want and other helpful
information. The overall benefits to me were getting a schedule of important deadlines for this
year, concerning transferring, as well as creating a motto using a hashtag to represent our
mindset going into the second year. My motto is #staypositive.
I also was able to spend some time with some friends I made from FYP, especially my
friend Daylin. It was nice to see some familiar faces and to become acquainted with the
challenges this year will bring. I am looking forward to making the best of this year and am
grateful to be a part of a program like pathways that will help me to reach my short and long
term goals.

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