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Brazilian Musical Styles - Fernando Brando

Basic questions and topics for the midterm

This is not an assignment, but these questions cover the basics you need to know for the midterm.
Study them for our next meeting.
1. Which contributions the jesuits and portuguese gave to Brazilian music?
2. Which contributions the africans gave to Brazilian music?
3. Which contributions the indians gave to Brazilian music?
4. What is modinha?
5. What is lundu?
6. What is the difference between the modinha of XVIII century and the modinha of the XIX century?
7. Which impact the discovery of gold in the end of the XVII century had on Brazil and its
subsequent reflex on Brazilian music?
8. Which impact the arrival of the king of Portugal in Rio de Janeiro had in Brazil, and what were the
consequences to Brazilian music?
9. Which impact the end of slavery had on Brazilian music?
What is the typical instrumentation of:
10. ...choro?
11. ...tango brasileiro?
12. ...maxixe?
13. ...samba-enredo?
14. ...batucada (specify the instruments)?
15. ...gafieira?
16. ...samba-choro?
17. ...bossa-nova?
Write a rhythmic pattern (right and left hands of the piano) for:
18. ...samba.
19. ...partido alto.
20. ...samba in 3.
21. ...samba in 7.
22. ...maxixe.
23. ...marcha.
24. Which are the four most important european musical styles that influenced Brazilian music?
25. What musically differentiate choro from samba from bossa-nova (melodically, rhythmically,
harmonically, orchestration, texture, other differences)?
26. Which musical styles helped to define choro?
27. ...samba?
28. ...bossa-nova?

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