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Textual Analysis of music videos in my sub-genre: Pop Acoustic

Lorde- Royals
Lasted 7 seconds
Still image
Faded out black
Bright light

Lasted 8 seconds
Track out
Moving vehicle impression
Point of focus
Gloomy natural light

Static camera
Central to image
Lasted 2 seconds
Shallow depth of field
Bright lighting

Lasted 1 second
Title of artist and song
Central to image

Lasted 6 seconds
Still camera
Water catches light
Low level lighting on male

Lasted 3 seconds
Extreme close-up
White light
Cuts off head- avoids

Lasted 1 second
Shallow depth of field
Bland colours
No identity

Lasted 1 second
Shows shaved hair before
shaving process
Birds eye view

Long shot
Establishing shot
Two shot
Central to image
Basic simple mise en scene
Natural lighting

Artistic shot
Cuts off plant-significant
Natural lighting
Rule of thirds
Very little colour

Shallow depth of field

Reflection in focus
Two shot
Natural lighting

Central to image
Colourful red yet still
Establishing shot
Only mid shot of male

Unlike previous music

videos in this genre, this
performance clip last 24
seconds, placed in the
middle of the narrative.
Although the video is
narrative dominant, when
performance does occur its
for a long duration.

The lyrics and music stop

Lasting 30 seconds
The narrative alone
Silence with a steady
beeping beat
Ends on narrative

Similarly to
Ed Sheerans
analysis, Ive
spotted that
the video ends
on the same
shots as it
began with, a

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