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Volume 49 - Issue 2

September 16, 2015
Since 1967



Wednesday, Sept. 16, 2015

Wednesday, Sept. 16, 2015


Drake Headlines parade and concert

By Keith Capstick
Ryerson students deafened bystanders as Drake called out, You know
I wouldnt miss this shit! in front
of the largest event in recent memory to take place on campus. But
what you dont know is how much
it cost, how long ago it started and
how it almost didnt happen.
The Ryerson Students Union
(RSU) spent an estimated $515,000
on this years parade and concert.
An estimated $215,000 from their
annual budget and $300,000 in
solicited external sponsorships
from local businesses ranging anywhere from $5,000 to $20,000
and a $95,000 partnership with
George Brown College. Of the
$215,000 from their annual budget, $100,000 is provided annually by the university to contribute
to the orientation festivities.
The RSU brought Drake, touring partner Future and Twittersensation and Toronto city councillor Norm Kelly to light up
campus on Friday. They all combined to further solicit the upward
swing of city-wide recognition
for the university being a hub for
youthful urban progression in the
downtown core.
RSU vice president student life
Harman Singh was in charge of
organizing the concert and was
largely responsible for the sponsorship money the RSU obtained.
Drake was Singhs plan from the
beginning, but was only affordable at the last minute.
Drake was a last minute deal
that was closed [Initially] Drake


Drake and Norm Kelly stood back to back in front of thousands of students on Friday, Sept. 11.

wanted too much money, around

$1 million dollars. But closer to the
date he became available and he
did become a [more affordable] option, Singh said.
Total ticket sales for the concert
reached 6,500 and were capped
due to security risks and space
Ryerson president Sheldon Levy
commended the RSU on soliciting
the rap star and pointed to the national reach of the concert.
Given the size of the undertaking, [they] did a fabulous job
from logistics to security. This
doesnt diminish some tense moments or strained nerves, but if
youre going to put on anything of
that magnitude, theres bound to
be some stress with it I mean,

I think they really outdid themselves that we trended worldwide

with Drake, Levy said.
According to the RSUs vice
president education, Cormac McGee, this was only possible because
the ultimate end-goal of Drake on
stage in the middle of Gould St.
started back in April, before his
team had even taken office.
McGee knew from the start
what it would mean for the campus to start the year with a bang
like this, but also knew that a
large financial plea would not be
enough to entice the city-wide icon
he would need a spectacle.
We workshopped a bunch of
ideas we knew Drake doesnt
care about money, like thats not
going to draw him. We [had] to

give him something unique that

will be cool, McGee said.
Over the past few years Ryerson has been on a steady incline
in terms of national post-secondary recognition, led the country
in admissions, broke ground on
new infrastructure like the Student
Learning Centre (SLC) and become a hotbed for urban activity.
McGee believes that its the RSU
governments obligation to continue to pursue a connection with the
Toronto community and be a part
of the hype that Toronto has
cultivated as sensations like Drake
trend worldwide.
If you compare Toronto universities to sports teams, Ryerson
is like the Raptors. U of T is the
Leafs, theyre outdated, making

millions of dollars but no one sees

them as cool. Yorks sort of like
the Argos, they do some good stuff
but no one really cares, McGee
said. Ryerson is like the Raptors,
were urban, were connecting with
young people, and people want to
come see us.
But despite the perceived success of the event, it didnt go off
without a few complications.
Though the RSU was aware the
night before the concert of Drakes
plans to make an appearance, due
to security concerns they werent
certain hed be performing until he
pulled up.
With the organizers resources
being stretched so thin, McGee
said, some of the days earlier events
were affected, including the parade
beginning without the Ryerson Engineering Students Societys float.
Its those little details that we
definitely missed because at the
end of the day were just five 20 to
23-year-olds. Like I will own every
mistake we made, but it was just
a lot in the details, McGee said.
Throughout the night students
were jumping fences to get into the
event, being kicked out due to behavioural concerns and a student
had their nose broken.
The RSU executive hopes this
event will be the first of many, and
that it will take some of the pressure off.
Its obviously going to make
the year easier for us, its something we can always point to,
McGee said.
We just hosted the largest event
ever on Ryersons campus.

Equity Centre chaos: blame it on the other guy

By Farnia Fekri
Behind the confetti of orientation
week, the Fall term stumbled to a
disorganized start for the Ryerson
Students Union (RSU) equity centres.
Job postings on the RSU website
listed Sept. 8 as the starting date
of the academic years centre coordinators but as summer staff
prepared to leave their offices on
Sept. 11, new hires had not been
Sam* an assistant at one of
the centres confirmed that candidates were interviewed in late
August, and that a week later he
was told the hiring committee had
made their decisions.
In an email obtained by The
Eyeopener, equity centre assistants
were assured that the situation
would be resolved before the Sept.
8 deadline. In another email, coordinators were told the mayhem of
frosh week was keeping the executive team from meeting to approve

the candidates.
On Sept. 10 a day before the
offices were emptied of staff and
two days after new members were
supposed to begin work the contract starting date changed to Sept.
We were told that, you know,
they would reach a decision very
quickly [after the interviews], and
by the very latest we would know
by September 1, Sam said.
RSU president Andrea Bartlett
credited the delay to the unions
lack of autonomy in the decision
making though the RSU pays
the centre employees, she said, the
Continuing Education Students
Association of Ryerson (CESAR) is
also part of the hiring committee.
I think [its] exposing the weakness that occurs when outgoing executives sign contracts on behalf of
incoming executives and dont explain to them the service agreement
between CESAR and the RSU,
Bartlett said.
But CESARs vice-president internal Rabbia Ashraf blamed the

RSU executive team for the delay.

The RSU executives insistence
on going through a lengthy approval process undermined the
recommendations of the hiring
committee ... giving the impression
that the RSU executive have veto
power, she wrote in an email.
Overall, the confusion set a bad
precedent for the coming year, Sam
said, adding, I feel like the way
that our department was treated,
and still is being treated speaks
to an executive who doesnt value
Rabia Idrees, the RSUs vicepresident equity, said the delay was
due to the indecision of the hiring committee, on which she was
joined by a CESAR representative
and Corey Scott, the RSU equity
and campaigns organizer.
There were a lot of interviews
that we did, a lot of people that
were good candidates, and there
is always a little bit of a hiccup
in who we want to choose, she
said. [These are] service centres
for people who fall under a certain

identity, so thats why it is a little

tougher to fill these positions.
According to Idrees, the committee spent days arguing about who
to hire. She didnt want to bring
back all of the old staff, she said,
because she would rather give
that position to a new student who
hasnt been involved with the RSU
at all.
Idrees instead tried to balance
returning staff with new people, to
provide mentorship positions.
But this strategy hasnt yet
worked for the Racialised Students Collective (RCS), which is
being run by one (new) coordinator while the hiring committee
works to fill the second part-time
Vajdaan Tanveer, who worked
with the RCS for a year but was
not rehired last week, was shocked
he wasnt asked back on Friday
his last day.
As somebody whose livelihood
is dependent on this job, it was definitely something that was a little

bit messed up, he said.

Tanveer said he believes he
wasnt asked back because of his
ideological differences with the
new government. I believe that a
students union is inherently political, he said. And this years slate
is much more focused on doing the
social element of it in comparison
to doing more political, equitybased work.
Sam said that this difference
has translated to the centres being told more clandestinely, like
Tighten your belts, dont do as
much spending ... while at the
same time were doing one of the
most expensive parade and concerts ever.
In fact, Sam and Tanveer said the
equity centres hadnt received word
about their individual budgets, sent
to the RSU in the summer, even being approved.
Idrees disagreed, and said the
budgets were approved in July.
*Name has been changed to protect the source from professional


Drake took some time off of running through the 6ix on Friday to perform here. Yup.

Wednesday, Sept. 16, 2015

couldnt remember ever seeing the

first years quite so excited.
Neither could she.
Weve written about and well
continue to write about the new
buildings, the new programs, the
new prestige that continue to push
this school forward. Those are the
things youll often see in our news
section, that I (and others) will try
to convince you are integral to our
campus and its growth.
But theres another aspect to Ryersons quest for real university
status, and that is campus culture.
Its hard to brute-force a campus made up largely of commuters, with limited space to hang
out, into suddenly becoming part
sector. Where the distant past of the Ryerson comunity in a way
of Rye High seems like all but a they werent. You have to make
faded memory. Maybe for the first those changes little by little, inch
time I can remember, it feels like
were close.
Drake was on campus. And for
a glorious weekend we were the
envy of every school in the city,
probably the province.
A few days before that, I was
Sean Friend councilling
standing outside the SCC, talking
to the venerable Liane McLarty
our general manager who has been
with the paper for more than 15
Keith I hate news Capstick
years. While we chatted, a group
of engineering frosh stormed
NICE Fekri
down Gould street screaming, in
Laura Leetle Woodward
an effort to drown out another
group of frosh, who were yelling
Emma Elusive Cosgrove
back with equal enthusiasm.
When the pell-mell had swept
Biz and Tech
on, I remarked to McLarty that I

So, is our school is cool now?

Four years ago I was standing in
front of Pitman Hall, in a white,
tattered t-shirt, throwing water
balloons at my floor mates.
It was my first year at Ryerson
and I was as green a frosh as they
come. Id lived that classic trope
small town boy, moved to the big
city to pursue his career and Id
been looking forward to a frosh
week like the kind you always see
in movies, or hear about. Where
everyone is excited and oozing
school spirit.
There were not a lot of people
on the lawn that day, and Im sure
to casual passersby we looked like

idiots. One jubulant afternoon

of paint-throwing and ridiculous
games in the quad was pretty much
the pinnacle of my frosh experience. Besides the concert, which
was sparsely attended, I cant remember a single other event from
the schools official frosh week.
You get where this is going. You
were at the concert on Sept. 11. Or
your friend was. Or you saw the
Instagram posts about it the morning after and told your friend who
told you not to bother going that
you werent friends anymore.
For four years Ive covered this
campus, and Ive written, read
or edited more stories than I can
count about Ryersons quest for
legitimacy. The dream where our
campus is taken seriously as a real
contender in the post-secondary

Attention All Full-Time Students



Did you opt out last year in 2014-15? No worries...
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Jacob Disappears for movies

Arts and Life
Al Can opener Downham
Devin First victim Jones

Dylan Bloodthirsty FreemanGrist
Sierra AvoRADoes Bein
Jake Noon is bedtime Scott
Annie Rooftop caper Arnone
Robert Partisan Mackenzie
Rob Birthday boy Foreman
Josh Wrestlemania Beneteau
Nicole Stage five Schmidt
Lee Launch day! Richardson
General Manager
Liane Outlets McLarty
Advertising Manager
Chris Double representation

by inch.
And somehow, it seems like campus has done it, at least in part.
Sure, its too soon to draw any
major conclusions about involvement and school spirit and what
Ryerson means to its students. But
if you havent seen the trends, the
shifts, you havent been paying attention.
Youll be reading a lot in The
Eyeopener this week about Drakes
surprise appearance, and what it
cost in terms of both money and
other tasks which fell by the wayside. But theres no denying that
this years frosh was different.
This little corner of downtown has come a long way since
I chucked those water balloons.
And I dont mind. Its been a hell
of a trip.

Aron Chip Boy Tanner

David Chairman Lao
Ammi Delightful Parmar
Sunday Bloody Sunday Aken
Deni Possible world Verklan
Zeinab Sleepover Saidoun
Dan Ex Darrah
Julia Construction Knope
Behdad DJ BBQ Mahichi
Badri Prayin forever Murali
Anika Daylight savings Syeda
Jake Oven Kivanc
Zahraa Dolla billz Alumairy
Anders Ownership Marshal
Chayonika Loves clowns
Lulu Lemon balm Tanenbaum
Tagwa Pwnerer Moyo
Natalia TIFF Queen Balcerzak
Karoun Veteran Chahinian
Aurora 1st timer Zboch
Nick Instagood Dunne
Youg Beef jelly Zondag
Skyler Fur coat Rhonda Ash
Ryan Gosling Vienneau
Franci Money shot
Brittany Dutchland Rosen
Brennan Redcoat Doherty
Bahoz Sexy back Dasa
Bronte Last email Campbell
Sophie Day one Hamelin
Emily Green thumb Craig
Zach Spy games Dolgin
Nicole Insider Di Donato
Alanna Map master Rizza
Zena Star Salemn
Playing the part of the Annoying
Talking Coffee Mug this week is
Drake, who is very famous but I am
probably done writing about for a
while. Im all Draked out. Unless he
comes back (please come back).

Design Director
J.D. The fixer Mowat

The Eyeopener is Ryersons largest

and only independent student newspaper. It is owned and operated by
Rye Eye Publishing Inc., a non-profit
corporation owned by the students
of Ryerson.

Evan Runs a lot Manning
David Leafs fan Morassotti
Igor App Squire Magun
Luke Loves Radishes Elisio

Our offices are on the second floor

of the Student Campus Centre. You
can reach us at 416-979-5262, at or on Twitter at

Wednesday, Sept. 16, 2015


Ryerson helps Syrian refugees

Staff and students have aided Toronto-based initiative Lifeline Syria to help refugees settle into the GTA

U of T threats
impact Rye

By Behdad Mahichi
The photograph of three-year-old
Alan Kurdis body that washed
ashore on a Turkish beach
prompted Canadians to rally for
more action towards the Syrian
refugee crisis and now Ryerson
is on the forefront of bolstering
the efforts.
Back in July, the university announced its plans to aid Lifeline
Syria, a Toronto-based initiative, in its goal towards helping
1,000 Syrian refugees settle into
the GTA. The Ryerson Lifeline
Syria Challenge aimed to help 44
refugees, but as of Sept. 12 has
increased its goal to 100 due to a
surge of sponsors and volunteers.
So far, more than 250 students
and staff have registered for the
Ryerson initiative. Eleven sponsorship teams have formed and over
$270,000 has been raised in donations, according to a Lifeline Syria
press release. President Sheldon
Levy and vice-president academic
Mohamed Lachemi are amongst
several staff members who have
signed on as sponsor team leaders,
each contributing $5,000 personally to support Syrian families. The
estimated minimum cost to support
a family for a year is $27,000.
This is almost a perfect case
study of how Ryerson is different than other institutions in our
ability to respond quickly, said
Wendy Cukier, lead sponsor and
vice-president of research and innovation at Ryerson.
However, Cukier explained that
these Syrian families have yet to be

After the user Kill Feminists
made threatening comments on
BlogTO towards female staff and
faculty at U of T, an email was sent
to all Ryerson staff and students
announcing increased security on
campus. Find the full story on

Wendy Cukier, lead sponsor of Lifeline Syria and Ryersons vice-president of reseach and innovation.

selected, as the government does

not have a list of refugees awaiting
Right now the situation is we
have a pool of sponsors anxious to
sponsor families and our challenge
is finding those families, she said.
In January, the federal government announced a plan to accept
10,000 refugees from Syria over
three years. Prime Minister Stephen Harper also said in August
that if re-elected, another 10,000
Syrian and Iraqi refugees would
enter Canada over four years. But
only about 2,500 Syrian refugees
have been admitted to date, which
has sparked criticism over the governments sense of urgency about
the crisis.
Currently, the group estimates
families will start arriving in eight
to 12 months.
Until we know that we can get
families through the government,
weve been reaching out to sponsorship agreement holders, many of

which are churches, and trying to

make arrangements, said Cukier.
Cukier said the image of Alan
Kurdi was the turning point and
expects to see a change in resources
amidst governmental pressure.
Meanwhile, student volunteers
are focused on doing the groundwork for the families prior to their
arrival, said volunteer coordinator
and Ryerson PhD candidate Samantha Jackson.
Moving to a new country is
stressful enough, in addition to
having to think about the small
things like how to get a drivers
license, [or] which banks are very
welcoming to newcomers, said
Volunteers are split into five different groups: health and wellness,
finance, translation, citizen engagement and a welcome to Toronto
group each reflective of the programs that the students are in.
Commerce students are researching how to get a credit card


if you have no documentation or

credit history in Canada, she said.
Health and nursing students are
looking into things like how to
get an OHIP card when you get to
Jackson noted that students from
other institutions such as York University and the University of Toronto have also joined the initiative.
While other universities have
programs to assist Syrian refugees
as well, most of them focus on
bringing students to their campus.
The University of Alberta announced a scholarship program
that will cover the cost of tuition
and living for 10 undergraduate or
graduate Syrian students affected
by the conflict.
The Ryerson Lifeline Syria Challenge has also incited other undisclosed schools to follow suit.
[Were] in discussion with six
other universities and colleges that
are looking to do something similar, said Cukier.

Ryerson gets
If you havent noticed the flags
on campus or have been lucky
enough to not go on RAMSS,
Ryerson has been rebranded.
The rebranding cost the school
$200,000. The giant RU on various buildings wont be changed
immediately, but will instead be
done over time. Find the full story

ILLC now has

double rooms
Four of the largest rooms in ILLC
recieved a total makeover and now
include two beds. This is the pilot
for the double rooms and will cost
students $6,350 for eight months
of rent compared to $8,762 for
a single room. If the program continues, a minumum of 32 spaces
will be added to the building.

Commuters can crash at Rye

By Zeinab Saidoun and
Farnia Fekri
As of Sept. 15, Ryerson is launching a hostel space in the International Living Learning Centre
(ILLC) for commuter students.
On the second floor of the building, the university will use nine of
the 11 available rooms to house
students who can prove a need for
it like an 8 a.m. exam or late
hockey game. It will cost one student $35 per night, or two friends
$22.50 each to share.
Its a way for us to maybe provide a bit more of an innovative
solution to the common commuter
challenge, said Ian Crookshank,
director of housing and residence
life. The cost of the rooms were
determined based on the cost of
managing the program.
The space was previously used
to house students during emergencies, like burst pipes in residence.
Sometimes the rooms were filled

by visiting lecturers but due to

a lack of space for a residence advisor on the floor, they remained
relatively unused.
Commuters requesting to stay
the night will find the rooms set up
like hostels, with fresh linens and
Thats unreal, said Syed Abbas, a third-year business management student living in Pickering.
It looks really good on Ryerson
giving back to its high percentage
of commuter students.
Crookshank said that the main
concern of commuters is that they
want to be engaged on campus but
cant bear the long commute
particularly due to early morning
classes, assignments and around
mid-term time.
During the academic year, the
rooms will be available Sunday through Wednesday nights.
Rooms will not be rented out on
Thursdays, Fridays or Saturdays
due to high traffic in residence

until exam time, when space will

be available seven days a week.
David Zand, a second-year
criminology student and Markham
commuter, said he loves the idea
of the commuter space. I would
definitely use it, he said.
Zand said that commuting
makes it difficult to be engaged
with clubs on campus. He explained how it drains all his energy, which puts a toll on his grades.
Students will be able to book their
rooms using an online form, requiring 48-hours notice and acting more
as a request than a reservation.
According to Crookshank, the
university is dedicated to this program.
Its not a space for you to stay
in Toronto and party with your
friends, he said. Its a space
where if you need to be here to be
engaged in something thats happening on campus or academics,
then weve got a few spaces that
can help.


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Wednesday, Sept. 16, 2015

Seen some cray cray shiet on campus? Tell us, you dingus! We want to know about it. We want to write
about it. We want to publish it. So send us an email at and we can further chat
maybe over coffee? Or steak dinner? Youre buying.

Starbucks served grande

lawsuit by Rye student

Call for

Deadline November 2, 2015 at noon
Recognize someones outstanding contribution in the areas of:

Service and Leadership

Presidents Blue and Gold Award of Excellence
Alan Shepard Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Award
Errol Aspevig Award for Outstanding Academic Leadership
Linda Grayson Administrative Leadership Award
Larissa Allen Employee Experience Staff Award
Julia Hanigsberg Make Your Mark Staff Awards
Deans Service Awards
Librarian and Counsellor Awards

Scholarly, Research and Creative Activity

Sarwan Sahota Ryerson Distinguished Scholar Award
Early Research Career Excellence Award
Collaborative Research Award
Knowledge Mobilization and Engagement Award
Social Innovation and Action Research Award
Deans Scholarly, Research and Creative Activity Awards

Teaching and Education

Chancellors Award of Distinction
Presidents Award for Teaching Excellence
Provosts Experiential Teaching Award
Provosts Innovative Teaching Award
Provosts Interdisciplinary Teaching Award
YSGS Outstanding Contribution to Graduate Education Awards
Deans Teaching Awards

Visit the Recognition and Awards website for information about award details, guidelines
and eligibility, and to submit a nomination through the Online Nomination Portal.
Please note: Completed nomination packages, including the nominees online consent,
must be submitted before November 2, 2015 at noon.

For further information contact Emily Pomeroy,

recognition project lead, at
or 416-979-5000, ext. 6250.


Shannon Mishimagi, left, and her lawyer, Saron Gebresellassi.

By Anika Syeda
Shannon Mishimagi, a Ryerson
fashion communications student,
has filed a $1-million lawsuit
against her former employer Starbucks, alleging her supervisor attacked her.
In a statement of claim filed
with the Superior Court of Justice,
Mishimagi claims her supervisor
Joe* physically and verbally assaulted her on Oct. 31, 2014, at
the Starbucks location where she
was working.
Saron Gebresellassi, Mishimagis lawyer, decribes the incident as
an unaggravated assault, where
Joe tried to burn Mishimagi with
a hot drink and shoved whipped
cream into her face with his hands.
After the attack, Mishimagi
filled out an incident report and
met with both her district manager
and store manager.
At the time, they told me that
they had never experienced this situation before and that they would
have to contact their HR office after the weekend, Mishimagi said.
Mishimagi argues that other supervisors had had negative experiences working with Joe and approaching the manager had been
no help.
I spoke to one of my supervisors who was working at the time
and he told me to call Starbucks
HR on my own and not to rely
solely on my manager because the
manager and this individual had a
friendly relationship, she said.
Her store supervisor conducted
an investigation of the incident,
contacting two of the four people
who were working with Joe and
Mishimagi at the time. Gebresellassi deemed the investigation a
shoddy attempt.
They eventually told me nothing could be done because there
were no witnesses, Mishimagi
After having approached her
supervisors, she was scheduled
to work under Joe again the following Friday. He was later transferred to a different location.

A second incident took place

a month after the first, when Joe
phoned the Starbucks location in
order to ensure that Mishimagi
was currently working there.
The supervisor told him I was
working and he couldnt come in,
but he said he was coming in anyway to pick up an item from this
store, she said.
Joe attempted to enter the store
and managed as far as the doorway. Another supervisor had to
restrain him and walk him back
Mishimagi claims that the numerous complaints made about
him amongst most of her coworkers had been overlooked by the
store supervisor.
Some of Joes actions toward
his coworkers included barking
orders when it wasnt necessary,
physically preventing female coworkers from leaving, charging at
another supervisor, tying cups to
the back of peoples aprons and
laughing about it, and untying peoples aprons without warning or
consent, according to Mishimagi.
Mishimagi alleges that Starbucks neglected to offer assistance
and counseling, as she has suffered
from depression, panic attacks
and anxiety attacks. She also stated that Starbucks was negligent in
failing to investigate Joes background and maintaining her safety
after the allegations of abuse.
But according to Carly Suppa, a
spokesperson for Starbucks Canada, the coffee chain is committed
to providing a supportive and safe
work environment for all of our
partners (employees).
While personal matters are
confidential, we are prepared to
vigorously defend the reputation
of our partners and our company
in this case, Suppa wrote in an
Joe continues to be employed
as a supervisor at a location, not
far from Mishimagis current Starbucks.
*The supervisors name has been
changed the allegations have
yet to be proven in a court of law.


Wednesday, Sept. 16, 2015


How a Ryerson student seized gold

wrestlers are brought to the centre of the mat and the referee lifts
Stone-Papadopoulos hand, declaring her the winner. She hugs
Vidiaux, shakes the Cuban coachs
hand, then grabs a Canadian flag
from her own coach, Saeed Azerbayjani. With the beaming smile
still plastered across her face,
Stone-Papadopoulos runs a circle
around the mat, flag waving wildly behind her now able to call
herself a Pan Am champion.
Its so amazing! Im so excited! she tells the CBC after the
match. And after learning about
her journey leading up to this moment, its clear why she says excited and not surprised.
rom an early age Braxton
been a star athlete. She
earned a black belt in taekwondo
before the age of 10, while competing in track and soccer.
Her father Kirk Papadopoulos, a
Toronto police officer, was the one
who introduced her to taekwondo
which he helped coach. When
Braxton was 10, Kirk was asked
by his cousin, Olympic wrestling
coach Stan Tzogas, if Braxton
would like to try his sport.
I heard she was really good in
[taekwondo] and so I said, Why
dont you give this a try, its almost
the same, Tzogas says.
Braxton remembers her first
practice being a little rough, to say
the least.
I remember my parents are
standing on the sidelines, and
theyre like, Good job. And I was
running and crying because I was
like, Take me home, she recalls.
Literally every single practice for
two years was like that.
Kirk remembers the crying too,
but says that Braxton was probably just uncomfortable in the new
situation. Coming from her success at taekwondo to lying flat on
her stomach constantly in wrestling was probably frustrating for
her, he says.
She cried when she played soccer at first, Kirk says. I think it
was just a new experience and at
her age, I took the crying as something new. Braxton likes to be
Braxton says the first time she
knew she would be more than
just good at wrestling was when
she was in Grade 7 and entered
an open tournament against girls
in high school. In the semifinals of
the tournament, Braxton took on
the girl who everyone considered
the one to beat and beat her.



n the mat at the Mississauga Sports Centre,

Braxton Stone-Papadopoulos of Pickering, Ont. is 30
seconds away from winning gold
at the 2015 Toronto Pan Am
Games in 63-kilogram freestyle
wrestling. The 20-year-old leads
her opponent, Katerina Vidiaux of
Cuba, by a score of 4-3 and the
pro-Canadian crowd is screaming
as they watch their hometown favourite perform.
The clock is ticking. Vidiaux
is desperate to score and StonePapadopoulos knows this. After

quickly side-stepping a duck-under attempt from Vidiaux, StonePapadopoulos blocks another

grab and turns to the offensive.
She spins Vidiaux around and
pushes her towards the edge of the
ring, then pounces onto her opponents back and pins her to the
floor, scoring another point and
taking a 5-3 lead.
With 15 seconds to go, Vidiaux
can still tie the match and she is
aggressively trying to do so. Shes
the defending Pan Am champion
in the 72-kilogram division and
has fought in the Olympics. Those

accomplishments are just dreams

to the young Stone-Papadopoulos,
who is competing in her first Pan
Am Games.
But the Canadian is determined
to win. As Vidiaux slides down to
her knees in an attempt for one final leg grab, Stone-Papadopoulos
widens her stance, grabs her opponents neck and circles around
her before pouncing on her back.
Another two points.
The whistle blows and her face
is in her hands. She pumps both
fists in the air 10 times, a smile
beaming from her face. The two

Even though that was in the

semifinal and I ended up losing in
the final, that semifinal was a really good match, she says. So that
was like the TSN Turning Point, I
At the same time, she had to
make a decision between wrestling
and taekwondo. She sat down
with her parents and coaches from
both sports to discuss the pros and
cons of staying in one or the other.
Eventually, she decided on wrestling.

She wanted to do the extra

[work] and she wanted to
be the best
Braxton says she doesnt know
why she chose wrestling, but
shes glad she did. Nobody ever
thought I was going to be good at
wrestling when I first started, she
With that decision out of the
way, Braxton began training full
time with Tzogass Team Impact
Wrestling club. Her father began
taking her to a personal trainer
and working with her outside of
wrestling practice to become a better athlete, improving her speed
and endurance for long matches
and tournaments.
Wrestling became Braxtons life.
If her wrestling coaches wanted
her to practice three times a week,
she and Kirk would sneak back
into the gym a fourth time. She
continued to run on the track and
build her endurance up with pushups, sit-ups and squats after every
practice. Kirk says he invested a lot
of time and money into his daughters development, doing whatever
it took to see her succeed.
Kirk recalls one time when he
took Braxton to a physiotherapist
after an injury. At the end of the
session, the physiotherapist asked
if he could schedule them for another session the following week.
Kirk replied, If she was Sydney
Crosby, would she be back tomorrow? I want you to treat Braxton
like shes Sydney Crosby, Ill see
you tomorrow. And they were
back the next day.
I saw what was happening,
he says. She wanted to do the extra [work] and she wanted to be
the best.
Before every tournament, Braxton finds her dad in the stands and
gives him her gold cross chain to

Wednesday, Sept. 16, 2015



d at pan am and surprised no one


wear. Both of them use it as a way

to stay connected with God and
each other during the grind that
comes with tournaments.
When I give it to my dad its
a whole comfort thing for me,
she says. I know that God will
be with me and my dad is with
me, and that whatever happens,
I know that Im still going to be
loved and still blessed.
No matter where I am, shell
track me down, Kirk says. Its
a proud moment for me. Youre
never too big for that.
n late August, Braxton is back
in the gym, practicing with
other high-profile Team Impact members. The organized
wrestling group known for producing top athletes holds its practices in a converted pool behind
the Adult Learning Centre on the
Danforth. Mats forming two rings
are rolled out onto the floor and
nine wrestlers take turns battling
in one-minute matches.
Today, Braxton is partnered
with Dillon Williams, 19, who like
Braxton is starting to find international success in the sport. Both
have been back for a week from
the junior world championships
in Brazil, where Williams finished
18th in the mens 60-kilogram category and Braxton won the bronze
in the womens 63-kilogram.
As Williams and Braxton roll
around on the mat, coach Azerbayjani and uncle/coach Tzogas
watch them, offering pointers
through demonstrations, using
one of the two as a sort of crash
dummy to prove a point.
Make sure if youre going to
attack, get close to the legs and
then attack, Azerbayjani tells

them as he grabs Williamss legs

and pushes him onto his back.
This is followed by the two alternately dropping to their knees,
sliding towards their opponent,
wrapping both arms tightly
around a leg then pushing up and
slamming them to their backs.
Nice speed Brax. Push on your
toes too, Azerbayjani says.
This isnt the first time Braxton
has been partnered with a guy. In
fact, Tzogas estimates that 80-90
per cent of her practice matchups
since Grade 7 have been boys.

More girls are comfortable

sitting back, while I just
want to get in there and get
it over with
It was difficult sometimes,
Kirk says. Braxton would have
to wrestle with the guys because
the girls who were older didnt
want to wrestle [her].
Braxton says fighting the boys
has helped her more than hurt her
[Girls] like to tie up and stay
close, whereas I because Ive
worked with a lot of the boys
just like to go out there, hook
hands and just stay on the attack,
she says. More girls are comfortable sitting back, while I just
want to get in there and get it over
Williams doesnt mind it either.
He says Braxtons tough to beat
and that he learns a lot from her.
Shes got really good position
so she really makes me work,

Williams says. Shes really sharp,

shes very technical and I think
thats what she really catches a lot
of people on.
hile Braxton takes
a breather between
matches with Williams,
Mia, the six-year-old daughter
of former world champion Miyu
Yamamoto, grabs a towel and
dabs her head. Braxton grabs Mia
and tickles her, smiles and says
thanks. Once Braxton is back on
the mat, Mia is right on the edge,
cheering her on.
Lets go Braxton, lets go! she
repeats over and over again.
I love kids, Braxton says.
That is why next year she hopes
to enrol in Ryersons child and
youth care program. With the
commitments required to perform
at this level, school takes a back
seat. But she has been taking night
classes through the Chang School
to keep her mind sharp until she
begins classes full time.
I think she would be really
good at that, Kirk says. Its up
to Braxton what she wants to do
and Ill support her anyway.
What Braxton really wants to
do is go to the Olympics next year
in Rio de Janeiro. And her chances
of going are really good, despite
being only 20 years old.
As the current Canadian national champion a title she claimed
at both the junior and senior level
in March Braxton is the topseeded wrestler in the Canadian
Olympic trials this December. A
group of wrestlers will battle in a
tournament, with the winner then
taking on the third place from nationals, the second place from nationals and then Braxton in a best

of three final. The ultimate winner

of this tournament will represent
Canada at the Olympics.
Despite being the top seed,
Braxton is staying level headed.
She says that wrestling is a sport
where anything can happen and
the moment an athlete forgets that
is when they begin to lose.
You never know, you could
be a world champion and then
two weeks later you could go to
a tournament and possibly not

even make the podium, she says.

Its that type of sport where you
never know whats going to happen.
While Braxton doesnt know
whats ahead, her father is convinced that she will be going to
Brazil next summer.
Im not saying this because
shes my daughter, Im saying this
because of her abilities, Kirk
says. I dont think anyone can
beat Braxton.




Wednesday, Sept. 16, 2015

Artspace: the
death of lambs
By Anika Syeda
Ryerson Artspace held the opening reception Thursday for Ryerson student Meagan Christous
exhibition Lamentations, giving
guests an opportunity to reflect
on their own mortality.
After the fifth-year image arts
student received the title of best
show during Mass Exodus, she
had the opportunity to exhibit her
unique work.
Her installment features 16mm
analogue film projections, traditional photography and an accompanying booklet detailing the motivation and message behind the art.
Christous inspiration for the
piece came from a major milestone in her experience as an artist at her rural home in Peterborough, Ont.
After an ice storm, she found
three lambs lying dead in the
snow. With no way of finding to
whom these lambs belonged, they
were subsequently photographed,
cremated and filmed.
The Artspace was dimly lit in
order to accommodate the projection of a looping reel depict-

ing the cremation of the three

lambs. The film degrades further
with every loop, viewable through
a glass box in front of the
The projector light shone
through a block of ice, melting
slowly over the course of several
hours, onto a blank white wall.
The ice references the frozen
lamb, and it melts over time,
said Jesse Marcelo Sarkis, an education coordinator at Ryerson
As it melted, the projection became brighter and illuminated
three framed photographs of
the individual lambs cushioned
in snow, frozen to death. Their
ashes and bones lay beneath the
photo frames sheet of glass.
Its like life, and you try to understand something like death being projected with poor resolution
through this ice block, Sarkis
said. The only time youd see a
clear image of what death is when
the ice is gone. When the ice is
gone, your life is over.
Read more about art, dead
lambs and ice storms on our website,


Care about rich people @ TIFF?


Wednesday, Sept. 16, 2015


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Wednesday, Sept. 16, 2015

The boys with the heart of gold

High school student creates an innovative heart monitor for his ailing mother at a Ryerson summer program

HelpWear co-founders Andre Bertram, left, and Frank Nguyen.

By David Lao
High school student Frank Nguyen had ideas about creating a
system to easily monitor health,
attributing it to his mother who
had a slew of health issues and
heart problems.
Today, those ideas are beginning to take shape for the Grade
12 student studying at Danforth
Collegiate with the invention of
the HeartWatch health monitor,
a wearable device that allows a

person to gather and store data

on their blood pressure, heart rate
and blood oxygen levels.
There were new technologies
coming out for an easy and basic
way of monitoring a heart rate,
and thats where I started having this idea and it started taking
form, Nguyen said.
Last summer, Nguyen was one
of 10 high school students chosen to attend the Youth Basecamp
Program at Ryersons Brookfield
Institute for Innovation and En-


trepreneurship. The program allows students to learn the basics

of entrepreneurship and business
and gives them the resources to
create their own startup. Nguyen
was given $1,000 and created a
team to build the HeartWatch.
He invited his close friend and fellow classmate, Andre Bertram, to
work alongside him and co-found
their startup, HelpWear.
Bertram says what differentiates
them from different heart monitoring products on the market is the

HeartWatchs embedded SIM card

that can be used to call Emergency
Medical Services (EMS) should a
user be in distress, or have their
heart rate fall into an irregular
range. An internal GPS would be
used to locate the device, should
the person need help.
Most other Personal Emergency
Response Systems companies currently have a button a user can
press to contact the EMS on their
devices, but it still relies on another telecommunication system,

Bertram said.
What Frank and I were discussing was because of the aging population in Canada, we think its very
important for there to be a very
easy system where they dont have
to rely on, for example, cellphones
or Bluetooth, Bertram said.
Encased in a chunky yellow compartment and wrapped
around the wrist in a piece of
white velcro, the current prototype of the HeartWatch works by
emitting a green light that looks
into the red of the blood in a
persons capillaries. Volumetric
readings from the sensor would
allow the device to record the
blood pressure and variation of
the heartbeat.
The two 17-year-olds were then
chosen as one of the top three projects after working on the six-week
program. They pitched their project to a panel of investors and academics at the end of Basecamp last
Were currently partnered
with the Biomedical Zone at Ryerson University, Bertram said.
Its at St. Michaels Hospital and
were hoping that the expertise
from St. Mikes would help us
develop this idea further so that
our idea would able to be more
marketable, so that were able to
bring the product to market in
a more viable manner: smaller,
Nguyen interjected, and get
better data as well.

Tattoos for commitment haters

Tyler Handley, left, and Braden Handley, founders of Inkbox.

By Luke Elisio
Brothers Tyler and Braden Handley have raised over $275,000 in
funds aimed towards improving
their two-week tattoo ink formula on Kickstarter after originally seeking only $20,000.
A startup based out of Ryersons
Fashion Zone, Inkbox boasts new
technology in the tattoo market
that allows users to sport a tattoo that lasts only about 14 days,
rather than the rest of their lives.
We wanted temporary tattoos
we could customize ourselves
but it wasnt feasible to do, the
way theyre manufactured, said
28-year-old Tyler Handley, cofounder of Inkbox. We wanted a
new way to get tattoos that meant
something to us, that wouldnt

last forever.
Inkboxs Kickstarter campaign,
which launched in July, showcased their patented ink formula,
which derives from the pulp of the
Genipa americana fruit as well as
other natural ingredients imported
directly from Panama.
The new product you see on
Kickstarter is an improvement
upon the original formula that we
imported directly from Panama,
Handley said. We found a way to
reverse engineer the active ingredients, optimize it, and create a different tattoo method thats much
more consumer friendly and scalable as a business.
The $275,661 CAD that was
pledged to Inkboxs Kickstarter
page will be put towards a new
manufacturing process to keep up


with the thousands of orders that

they receive, as well as a new tattoo applicator.
Were also building a browser
based tattoo studio that will allow
you to easily create and upload
your own designs and order it as a
tattoo, Handley said. That will
allow anyone to sell their designs
in our curated marketplace.
Handley credits Inkboxs popularity to the unique way they apply their tattoos.
The tattoo industry hasnt had
any major improvements in 50 60 years since the tattoo gun was
invented, so when you hear about
a product, a tattoo that lasts only
two weeks, the fact that it looks
like a real tattoo, I think the novelty of it is what originally lead to
people pledging to us.

Wednesday, Sept. 16, 2015



Ram wearing cleats and skates

Dual-sport athlete Alex Armstrong plays net for both the Ryerson hockey and soccer team this season

Alex Armstrong will be entering her third season as the goalie for the Ryerson womens hockey team.

By David Morassutti and

Devin Jones
Most soccer goalies dont use the
butterfly to help their team win
a game. And most soccer goalies
dont lace up skates come October. But as Alex Armstrong will
tell you, she isnt like most soccer
As a competitive, two-sport athlete, Armstrong has been a member of the Ryerson Rams womens

hockey team since the 2013 season,

but due to injuries on the Rams
womens soccer team, Armstrong
has also become their starting
This past summer I was playing for a competitive womens
team, and then next thing you
know I get a phone call and Im
playing for the [Ryerson] womens
soccer team, Armstrong said. It
was actually my hockey coach
Lisa Haley who approached me

Rams Running
By Evan Manning
Tim Uuksulainen (pronounced
ooks-ul-ayn-in) approached the
Nipissing athletic department
over a decade ago. His mission?
To build a cross-country program
from the ground up.
He succeeded then, and now
hell try to replicate that success.
Uuksulainen is the man tasked
with coaching Ryersons first ever
cross-country team.
I approached [Ryerson] about
starting a team after sort of hearing their athletic program was taking off, said Uuksulainen.
With the season approaching
quickly (the first team race is in
two weeks), Uuksulainen has a lot
on his plate. It helps that he has
a long list of experience. He has
coached for nearly seven years
at Nipissing, as well as multiple
other cross-country and track and
field clubs. Uuksulainen carries
a level of certainty in his voice,
and has high expectations for the
Rams inaugural team.
We have a pretty decent team
I think. So far Im pretty optimistic, he said. Based on the
running times Ive seen from our
athletes, Id say well be in the mix
with most of the other OUA teams

in our conference.
Despite his confidence, Uuksulainen is also aware that there
must be patience with the team.
Well have a really great idea of
where the team is going once we
have a couple of races under our
belts, he said.
Uuksulainens runners have already been on a training program
that he sent out over the summer.
At 65 years old, Uuksulainen
has been running competitively
for 47 years and hopes to run with
the team consistenly. The coaching gene seems to be in his blood.
Uuksulainens cousin has coached
six Olympic medalists.
Uuksulainen will not be completely alone in building the team.
Assistant coach Mike Dion
who has previous coaching experience at York University will
join him. He says theres plenty of
room for improvement in the coming years, especially once he and
Dion are given the opportunity to
begin recruiting.
When talking about the team,
Uuksulainen is quick to praise his
Great players make coaches
look better, he said. So hopefully weve got two or three diamonds in the rough.


and asked if I wanted to play, and

I said, Sure anything to help out
another team.
Armstrong began playing competitive hockey and soccer at the
age of four, until the demands of
a burgeoning hockey career increased and soccer took a back
seat. Still, playing in recreational
leagues and house league teams
kept her love of soccer and her
abilities as a keeper intact. This
past summer, Armstrong played

with the Erin Mills Eagles of the

Golden Horseshoe soccer team.
It was this competitive team that
saw Armstrongs passion for soccer manifest itself in an experience
outside of recreational play. And
Armstrong notes that it was this
competitive play over the summer
that made the transition to Rams
goalkeeper easier.
What was only supposed to be
a few games filling in for injured
goalies has turned into Armstrong
being named starting keeper for the
rest of the season. But with the start
of the womens hockey season right
around the corner, Armstrong has
made it clear that when it comes to
any scheduling conflicts between
the two teams, hockey will take
precedent every time.
Shes helping us out, doing
us a favour. But her number one
priority is the hockey team and
shell fit us in when she can, said
womens soccer coach and director of athletics Ivan Joseph. That
might mean limited practises or
not playing in all the games. Shes
a competitor and knows what it
takes to win.
Armstrong joined the Ryerson
hockey team back at the start of the
2013-14 season, where she played
in 10 games amassing a record of
1-7 with a save percentage of .918.

It wasnt until the following season

that Armstrong really shined. She
had to be at her best, especially
when the Rams were in the playoff hunt. Six out of the 17 games
she played in were decided by one
goal. Along with her fellow goaltender, Ally Sarna, they went 7-3-1
in the final stretch to help Ryerson
clinch a playoff berth.
Heading into the playoffs, the
Rams played the second ranked
Guelph Gryphons in the opening
round pushing them to two tough
games. The first game ended in a
2-1 loss in overtime with Sarna
in net. Armstrong got the start in
the second game making 41 saves,
but it was not enough as Guelph
clinched the series in double overtime. After the loss, head coach
Lisa Haley wanted to remind Armstrong about how much she had
accomplished this season.
I told Alex that she showed a
lot of growth this season and she
put the team in a position to win
a lot of games this season, especially in that final playoff game,
said Haley, We just have to keep
looking at the big picture.
With the Rams hockey season
kicking off on Oct. 8, Armstrong is
plenty busy with classes and the responsibilities that come with being
a goalie for two separate competitive teams.
Catch Armstrong in net Sept. 16
against University of Ontario Institute Ridgebacks of Technology
starting at 6 p.m.



Student eats 35-year-old blueberry

By Robert Mackenzie
For years the blueberry has been
recognized not only for its tasty,
sweet flavour, but also for its
many antioxidants and nutritional
This is what led Ryersons food
and nutrition degree program, officially offered at the school since
1980, to keep a cryogenically frozen blueberry outside of their offices as a relic for all food and nutrition students to honour.
That blueberry had been
perched on its throne for more
than 35 years before first-year psychology student Corey Ridnour

broke in and ate it last week.

I was dared to do it by some
new friends, said Ridnour, whos
entering his first year at Ryerson. I never say no to dares. Im
known for that.
Ridnour has formally apologized to the university and the
food and nutrition program, in
writing, for digesting their programs treasure. He hopes that
his apology will be enough to persuade faculty not to take legal action against him.
I understand that Ive hurt a
lot of people. If I could go back in
time I would, but all I can do now
is say how sorry I am, and hope

Wednesday, Sept. 16, 2015

Cinemas Best

people believe me when I say I

will never make a mistake like this
again, Ridnour said in his letter.
But nutrition professor Belinda
Ronson doesnt buy the apology
Drop off your completed crossword with your contact info to The
and believes that Ridnour should Eyeopener office at (SCC 207) for a chance to win a free messenger bag!
be disciplined for the incident.
In honour of TIFF, all clues are movie-related.
This student not only broke
into school property, but he ef- Success is achieved and maintained by those who try and keep trying.
fectively destroyed a piece of this
- W. Clement Stone
schools history, Ronson said.
I hope the university is ready to
dole out a punishment worthy of
this heinous crime.
Ryerson President Sheldon Levy
declined to comment when asked
about Ridnours fate.
Despite eating a 35-year-old
blueberry, Ridnour says that physically he feels better than ever. It
tasted pretty good considering
how old it was, Ridnour said.
Youd think it would be mushy
and mouldy, but it was actually
sweet and flavourful. I hope cryogenics arent poisonous.

By Robert Mackenzie
Last week we wrote that Ryerson
President Sheldin Levi spent more
than $500,000 on a collectors
copy of the movie Max Keebles
Big Move.
We regret to say that we misDOWN
2. Dinosaur theme park movie.
spelled his name. We meant to say
1. Animated rat chef.
3. Silent film star Charlie _____.
Ryerson President Sheldon Levy
5. Film ogre voiced by Mike
4. Movie star ___ Cheadle.
spent more than $500,000 on a Myers.
6. Harry Potter and the Goblet
collectors copy of the movie Max
7. Al Pacino cocaine movie.
of ____.
Keebles Big Move.
8. Movie star ____ Clooney.
7. Movie with lightsabers and
We apologize for any inconvespace fights.
nience that this may have caused.
9. Movie star, rhymes with Sally
We promise that this will never
happen again.


Wednesday, Sept. 16, 2015


Wednesday, Sept. 16, 2015





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