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Assalamualaikum and a very pleasant morning I bid to

our English Teacher Puan Rozana and to all my friends. I

am Dhabitah Izzati binti Ahmad from 4 cendikia. Today I
would like to talk about how to excel in English.
Learning to speak English well may be the best thing you
can do to improve your life. It is not just a subject you
need to learn in school, but it is an international language
you need to master simply because it is the most widely
spoken language in the world. Thats right. Did you know
that at least 2.2 bilion people speak the English
language? It is also the official language in at least 70
contries around the world.
First of all, get rid of shyness! You are being shy for the
wrong reason. Dont be afraid to make mistakes. People
may laugh at you sometimes for mispronouncing a word
or two but that is the way to learn. Mistakes are really
opportunities for you to improve youself.
Secondly, watch English programmes on television. There
are so many shannels to choose from. Start with your
interest. Watching the news in English is also a good way
for you to learn. You can listen to the pronunciation by
the news readears. In addition, speak more English with
Thirdly, read more English books. Reading is the key to
acquiring English besides speaking. You need to develop
a love for reading all types of materials in English from

newspaper to novels. Get a book that is not difficult to

read. On top of that, find a pen friend from overseas such
America, England or Australia.
In addition, one can improve by listening to English songs
and watching English movies. There are many suitable
songs that we can choose from. Especially those with
good lyrics and a positive message. Movies need no
introduction. Another tip is not put time aside to study
English daily. Make it a habit to revise English for thirty
minutes a day.
Finally, join an English conversation group. There are
many social media groups that interact in English online.
Get on board and start using the language. There are
some ways we can excel in English. Remember that
learning a second language is not the same as learning a
first language. Take it one step at a time. As the saying
goes;Rome was not built in a days. Hence, be openminded and be ready to learn. English is easy to learn.
You can do it!

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