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Used to

The modal verb "used to"

indicates something that
happened or happened regularly
and for habitual actions in the
past that are not true now.

Affirmative Sentences
subjet + used to + verb
O We used to go to the beach every

summer when I was young.

O He used to smoke a pack of
cigarettes a day, but he quit last
O There used to be a great restaurant
here, but it closed a few years ago

Negative Sentences
Subjet + didnt + use to + verb
O I didnt use to like mushrooms, but

now I do.
O Food didnt use to be so expensive.
O We didnt use to go away on holiday

very often when I was young.

Interrogative Sentences
Did + subject + use to + verb
O Didnt he use to smoke a lot?
O Did you use to live here?
O Did they use to go to the beach in

the summers?

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