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Both Katx and Cox shared similar sentiments on how youth today

are increasingly more impudent in their behavior.

Katz highlighted his stand in paragraph 4 by stating, staying out
past 11 and entering pubs at will and Cox supported her stand with
kids gleefully rip through social graces, alienating friends and
sacrificing tact all in the name of creating a VIP room filled with
people too young to drive themselves home in paragraph 3.
I feel that both views are highly reflective of todays society.
In liberal countries such as America, many youth are given freedom
especially when they grow into the adolescent years. It is believed
that by having such freedom, they will be able to enjoy and
experience life at best and not miss out youth-related activities.
Even in Singapore, a slightly conservative country due to our
Eastern culture, many underage clubs are also opened to the youth
in our country. Although it might be lacking in certain aspects as
compared to legal age clubs such as limiting or banning the
consumption of alcohol, it still allows our youth to relish in the
similar thrill of being in a club and staying out late.
independent and taking control of their life. Katz highlighted his
stand in paragraph 3 by stating that they are uploading Web pages
and concocting e-business ventures today and Cox

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