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Dear Neighbor,

Your chronic barking dogs are creating unnecessary noise and disturbance in the surrounding
community. Constant barking noise creates abnormal amounts of stress for your dog, and disrupts the
daily lives of your neighbors. Allowing this behavior to continue is inconsiderate.
The City of Sugar Lands nuisance law regarding barking dogs is:
Sec. 3-14. - Unreasonably noisy animals.
(a) It is unlawful and declared a nuisance for any owner or person in control of an animal to allow
the animal to bark, growl, howl, whine or make any other sound loud and long enough to
unreasonably disturb the peace of other people on the same, adjoining or nearby property.
(Ord. No. 1722, 1, 12-16-2008)
We would appreciate it if you could please control your dogs barking in some manner (training, no-bark
electronic devices, etc.) A professional veterinarian can provide you with further advice on the matter.
Thank you.

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