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Guiding Questions: J.S.

Based on the BBCs Great Composers: J.S. Bach at
These questions are based on the first 35 minutes of the documentary, and serve as the basis of the quiz
along with the assigned reading and listening.
1. What are J.S. Bachs birth and death dates?
2. When J.S. Bach died, he was known more as what than as a composer?
3. Bach believed that the aim and final reason of music was for what purpose(s)?
4. Where was Bach born?
5. What was significant about his family?
6. Bachs father played what instrument(s)?
7. Bach belonged to this religion, which was central to his life and music. What was it?
8. Bach was influenced throughout his life by which religious leader, who also wrote poetry and
9. What happened to Bach in 1694-95?
10. At the age of 18, Bach became employed where and as what?
11. In his first job, he upset church leaders by doing what?
12. What did Bach do when he was 20?
13. Which of Bachs children became great composers as well?
14. With what Italian composer did Bach become familiar during his employment in the court
orchestra at Weimar?
a. What did Bach learn from this composer, and from Italian music in general?
15. At 18:40, listen to this performance of Bachs Brandenburg Concerto No. 5, first movement,
which is part of the assigned listening from the text. Using the listening guide as well as
information in the text, answer these questions:
a. Identify the three solo instruments.
b. This piece is composed in what form?
16. What compositional technique was central to Bachs musici.e., Bach was basically what type
of composer?
17. Describe the relationship between secular and sacred music in Bachs output.
18. Bachs ceremonial music is based on what elements?
19. How did Bach end up in prison?

20. What did Bach accomplish during his time at the Princes court at Cthen?
21. Generallywithout going into too much technical detailwhy is Bachs Well-Tempered Clavier
important? How is it new?
22. Bachs music had what kind of reputation?

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