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Say: Beshem El Melech Qadosh, He filled the cosmos with the

radiance of the light of His face. He extended to it the power of the

letters of His awe over every angel, constellation, jinn and shitan. He
was feared by all of His creation, and the Kerubim heeded and obeyed
from their highest places and prostrated and answered the call of His
great name. They quickly answered with the special confi rmations
concealed in the tablets of the hearts of the administrators. I swear
upon you, o celestial angels and spiritual rouhaniah and servants of
this ancient oath, by what was gathered from the sea of names from the
lights of Malkuth to answer my call and fulfilll my need, which is to
meet with spirit paradla and to astral project
In the glory of
(Ber-hat-yah) [x3],(Ka-reer)[x3],(Tat-lee-yah) [x3],
(Toh-ran) [x3], (Maz-jal) [x3],(Baz-jal) [x3],(Tahr-qab) [x3],(Bar-hash) [x3],
(Ghal-mash) [x3],(Cho-tayer) [x3],
(Qal-inhod)[x3],(Bar-shan) [x3],(Katz-heer) [x3],
(Namoh Shelech) [x3],(Berhayola) [x3],(Bashkee-lach) [x3],
(Qaz Maz) [x3],(An-ghala-leet) [x3],
(Qa-ba-rat) [x3],(Gha-ya-ha) [x3],(Kayed-hola)[x3],
(Shem-cha-her) [x3],(Shem-cha-heer)[x3],
(Shem-ha-heer) [x3](Bak-hat-hon-yah)
(Ba-sha-resh) [x3], (To-nesh) [x3],(Shem-cha Ba-roch) [x3].
Respond, o hosts of spiritual spirits, o honored, pure and chaste
angels, o entities of essence, and ghosts of light, by the privilege of this
noble oath over you and its obedience among you. I avow and assert on
you by the Knower of the all that is hidden and visible, the Great and
Exalted, and by the names of your covenant on the door of great temple
Ba al Saqesh, Ba al Saqesh, Mahraqesh, Mahraqesh, Aqshamqesh,
Aqshamqesh, Shaqmonhesh, Shaqmonhesh. I swear upon these, o
you spiritual rouhaniah, to do ___________, by the name by which the
King of Spirits Metatron spoke and felled in prostration the melechim,
rouchanim, cherubim under the Throne of the Lord of the Universe
and it is Yankeer [x3] Horeen [x3] Horesh [x3] Yaroch Abarach
Abadach Tashteesh Yah-Nateeteeu-in Yah-Nateeteeoh Shelesh Leesh
Shalesh Bakrakroak El Qadosh; fulfi lll your covenant with God if you
pledged and don t break the faith after its confi rmation; don t be aloof
and come to me in peace, quickly, and obedient to the names of God,
the Lord of the Universes. [X3]

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