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DUE DATE: Login by the 2nd week. 2 cases required, others optional.
The ComputerAssisted Learning In Pediatrics Program or CLIPP is a series of 30+
interactive computer cases developed by the Council on Medical Student Education
in Pediatrics (COMSEP). Using the national pediatric curriculum objectives as the
underlying foundation, CLIPP provides a general pediatric and evidence-based
approach to common pediatric problems. CLIPP's 30+ interactive cases are
designed to cover all of the core content of the curriculum of the Council on Medical
Student Education in Pediatrics (COMSEP). The objectives for this clerkship are
based on the COMSEP curriculum.

Required Cases
You are required to complete 2 cases: #4 and #26 as they deal with
nutrition related topics.
When used as a preparatory exercise or adjunct to clinical experiences, CLIPP cases
can be a huge help. For example, there are 5-6 cases that go through well child
care for children of various ages. Doing these 5-6 cases before the outpatient
portion of your rotation could be very helpful. We have also identified various CLIPP
cases that can serve as an alternate (virtual) experience for the items on your
clerklog. Please use it in this capacity if you are having any difficulty completing
your clerklog,

Registering to Use CLIPP

The web-site address is You will then be directed to the Med U
home page. From the Med U home page please click on CLIPP. On the left side of the
home page, click on Register. You will then be directed to the Registering/Logging-In
page. Follow the instructions listed. Please note that in order to register and use
CLIPP you must use your Northwestern e-mail. Your e-mail address must end in
Once you have registered, you can log in to the CLIPP cases using your new login
and password. Note: Please register only once!


CLIPP is an online education module with 30+ cases.

You are required to complete the 2 CLIPP cases on nutrition related topics (#4
& #26).
We suggest completing several of the 30+ cases.
Last revised: 09/19/2015

LOGIN: During the 1st week of the block using your NMH e-mail account.

Last revised: 09/19/2015

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