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During the quality planning process it is important to consider cost-benefits tr

ade-offs. The key benefit of meeting sufficient quality requirements is that it

results in less rework, which in turn results in higher productivity, lower cost
s, and greater satisfaction from the stakeholder. The main cost of achieving suc
h quality requirements is the expense the comes with activities relating to Proj
ect Quality Management.
a sarisfied costumer may percieve greater value than originally anticipated, whi
ch goes beyong costumer satisfaction to costumer delight.
reduced costs are another benefit. quality peocesses can reduce waste, inprove e
fficienct, and improve supplies, all things that mean the project may cost less
than planned. as costs fo down, profit may go up (depending in the pricing arran
gement in the contract on which the project is based) or reduced cost may mean m
ore sales to an exiting costumer within existing profit margins.
better product, better project performancem and lower costs translate directly i
nto increased competitiveness in an ever-more-global market place. this is the e
ssence of a quality chain reaction
Project management organizations that execute several similar types of projects
may find the process improvement tools useful in identifying and improving the b
aseline processes used on their projects. Process improvement tools may also be
helpful in identifying cost and schedule improvement opportunities. Opportunitie
s for improvement must be found quickly to influence project performance. The in
vestment in time and resources to find improvements is greatest during the early
planning stages of the project. During later project stages, as pressures to me
et project schedule goals increase, the culture of the project is less conducive
to making changes in work processes.

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