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1)In the book the alchemist Paolo Cohelo seems to capture the idea that everyones

destiny is to fulfill their dream, or personal legend; this piece has allowed me to believe
in myself and look for my own personal legend.

2)Gifted Hands by Dr. Ben Carson is an inspiring piece of literature; which opened my
eyes to see through the life of this man, and learn that everything is possible when you
believe in God and not men.

3)The Bible is an important piece of literature to me Because it guides me in my

everyday life.

4)I believe the Bible is an essential piece of literature because it disciplines my inner
most being along with strengthening my faith in God.

5)My favorite piece of literature is a song called “Awake” by Secondhand Serenade. This
piece of literature is important because music, being a huge passion of mine, can bring
out many emotions such as love, sadness, or joy.

6)When I think of a great piece of Literature I think of the Great Gatsby. I believe this
piece of literature is important because not only did this story teach me about history and
conflicts people faced in the past, these conflicts they faced helped me overcome them in
the present.

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