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Rise of recycling is a direct product of job crisis, loss of formal work

The homeless recyclers came to know the job only after they had become homeless
Many capable and skilled workers that were laid off or cut from other occupations
became homeless and became homeless recyclers. Ex) the mechanic, carpenter,
A mnor solution to the unemployment issue would be the reduction of the standard
of living for the disabled,, the unemployed and their dependants.

Cuts in welfare force the homeless to find other means of informal income, at many
times they live in hotels with the 345 they get from GA, which still requires them to
work. This work is surveillance and they will be penalized if they have any formal
income, which places them in a bind of a low income job.

Homeless recycling is an informal occupation that is by choice. The example of the

man that was recycling at night that disturbed another person spoke of how he was
doing his work. He says that he does not beg nor steal, but works.

These homeless recyclers apply what they know, mostly from their previous
occupations, to what they do now, recycle. For example the recyclers cart can be
designed so that there is a better weight distribution or easier way of transportation
by better construction of the wheels.

Recycling can also be a way of life, sort of an escape for those who do not fit well in
society, these people are attracted to recycling.

Recycling not only reflects ones past, but ones willingness for a future.

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