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Dear Parents,

I am writing to inform you of the new science unit that we will be

starting in our classroom next week. We will be learning about
Energy Conservation. We will be discussing topics such as:
Why do we need to save energy?
Top Rules in Saving Energy.
Renewable Energy
Energy and Recycling
Energy-Smart Inventions
1. Students will be asking you to help them to list what
household items use energy in your home. (Due 4/28)
2. If you could share with them an electric bill to show them
what your households monthly usage is now and look again
after some of the energy conservation tips are used next
month. We will use the information collected to make
energy conservation posters next month.
Thank you for your assistance with this lesson. Teaching our
students about energy conservation will help them to have better
energy habits at home and school. If you have any questions
regarding this assignment please let me know.
Mrs. Snedegar

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