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Lemongrass is a plant. The leaves and the oil are used to make medicine.

Lemongrass is used for treating digestive tract spasms, stomachache, high blood pressure, convulsions,
pain, vomiting, cough, achy joints (rheumatism), fever, thecommon cold, and exhaustion. It is also used to kill
germs and as a mild astringent.
Some people apply lemongrass and its essential oil directly to the skin for headache, stomachache, abdominal
pain, and muscle pain.
By inhalation, the essential oil of lemongrass is used as aromatherapy for muscle pain.
In food and beverages, lemongrass is used as a flavoring. For example, lemongrass leaves are commonly used as
lemon flavoring in herbal teas.
In manufacturing, lemongrass is used as a fragrance in soaps and cosmetics. Lemongrass is also used in
making vitamin A and natural citral.
How does it work?
Lemongrass might help prevent the growth of some bacteria and yeast. Lemongrass also contains substances that
are thought to relieve pain, reduce fever, stimulate the uterus and menstrual flow, and have antioxidant properties.
Lemongrass is native to India, Southeast Asia, and Oceania. It is widely used as a herb in Asian cuisine and also as
medicinal herb in India. It has a subtle citrus flavor and can be dried and powdered, or used fresh. It is commonly
used inteas, soups, and curries. It is also suitable for use with poultry, fish, beef, and seafood. It is often used as a
tea in African countries such as Togo and the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Latin American countries
such as Mexico. Lemongrass oil is used as a pesticide and a preservative. Research shows that lemongrass oil
has antifungal properties.[1]Despite its ability to repel insects, its oil is commonly used as a "lure" to attract honey
bees. "Lemongrass works conveniently as well as the pheromone created by the honeybee's Nasonov gland, also
known as attractant pheromones. Because of this, lemongrass oil can be used as a lure when trapping swarms or
attempting to draw the attention of hived bees."[2]

C. citratus from the Philippines, where it is locally known as tanglad

Citronella grass (Cymbopogon nardus and Cymbopogon winterianus) grow to about 2 m (6.6 ft) and have
magenta-colored base stems. These species are used for the production of citronella oil, which is used in soaps, as
an insect repellent (especially mosquitoes)[3] in insect sprays and candles, and in aromatherapy, which is famous
inBintan Island, Indonesia, and the Philippines.[4] Therefore, its origin is assumed to be Indonesia. The principal
chemical constituents of citronella, geraniol and citronellol, are antiseptics, hence their use in household
disinfectants and soaps. Besides oil production, citronella grass is also used for culinary purposes, as a flavoring.
Citronella is usually planted in home gardens to ward off insects such as whiteflyadults. Its cultivation enables
growing some vegetables (e.g. tomatoes and broccoli) without applying pesticides.Intercropping should include
physical barriers, for citronella roots can take over the field.[5]
Lemongrass oil, used as a pesticide and preservative, is put on the ancient palm-leaf manuscripts found in India as
a preservative. It is used at the Oriental Research Institute Mysore, the French Institute of Pondicherry, the
Association for the Preservation of the Saint Thomas Christian Heritage in Kerala, and many other manuscript
collections in India. The oil also injects natural fluidity into the brittle palm leaves, and the hydrophobic nature of
the oil keeps the manuscripts dry so the text is not lost to decay due to humidity.
East Indian lemon grass (Cymbopogon flexuosus), also called Cochin grass or Malabar grass (Malayalam:
(inchippullu), is native to Cambodia, Vietnam, India, Sri Lanka, Burma, and Thailand, while West Indian lemon
grass (Cymbopogon citratus) is native to maritime Southeast Asia. It is known
as serai in Malaysia andBrunei, serai or sereh in Indonesia, and tanglad in the Philippines. While both can be
used interchangeably, C. citratus is more suitable for cooking. In India, C. citratus is used both as a medical herb
and in perfumes. C. citratus is consumed as a tea for anxiety in Brazilian folk medicine,[6] but a study in humans
found no effect.[7] The tea caused a recurrence of contact dermatitis in one case.[8]
Lemon grass is also known as gavati chaha ( ) in the Marathi language (gavat = grass; chaha = tea), and
is used as an addition to tea, and in preparations such as kadha, which is a traditional herbal 'soup' used against
coughs, colds, etc. This is called Ushir () in Shanskrit and Nepali and Khaskhas () in Hindi. It has

medicinal properties and is used extensively in Ayurvedic medicine. It is supposed to help with relieving cough
and nasal congestion.[9]

Spiritual Properties: Balance, Calm, Uplifting

Magical Properties: Love, Psychic, Repels
Lemongrass Essential Oil brings calm and helps center one with the simplicity of forgiving; ourselves
and others. It teaches us the balance of Forgive and Forget. Once we realize that we are who we are
and all choices have been made by us, Creator will uplift the spirit to see that freedom of choice is only
one of the many gifts he has given unto us. Lemongrass Essential Oil is one of the Angelic Fragrances.
Lemongrass Essential Oil is cleansing for the physical that impedes the spiritual. For times when the
emotions are embedded in misery and unable to escape from it, and in need of help to overcome it.
Magically, Lemongrass Essential Oil is widely used in love potions and in love sachets. Essential Oil of
Lemongrass can aid in developing psychic powers. Use in the bath, wear as a boy perfume, and or
burn in an aroma lamp. Sprinkle Lemongrass Essential oil throughout the home, or use in aroma lamps
scattered throughout the home, to repel any negativity from entering the home.
Planetary Asociation: Mercury
Gender: Masculine
Element: Air
Magical Uses of Lemongrass: Lemongrass is a popular herb to work with for magical purposes in both
Hoodoo and Mexican Folk Magic traditions. I have received limpias in San Antonio where after wards I
was given a cup of lemongrass tea to facilitate with the purification process. Cleansing is one of the
primary attributes of lemongrass which is why we find italong with other members of its family like
citronella and palmerosa, in products meant to cleanse like Van Van oil. The cleansing action of
lemongrass is two-foldit clears up any obstacles standing in your way and as such has developed a
reputation for being an important ingredient in Road Opening magical work, and it also is known to
help in changing bad luck to good-making it especially popular with those who have been afflicted by
negative conditions. Because of its ability to foster cleansing and open conditions, lemongrass is
sometimes used in Love Magic.
I have done much experimenting with lemongrass and a combination of other herbs and roots when it
comes to increasing, clarifying, and in some cases sweetening communication between people and
have found it to be very effective for those conditions too. In magical uses every part of the
lemongrass stalk including the blade of grass may be used. Lemongrass may be dried and cut up into
smaller chunks for use in herbal mixes, spiritual preparations like baths or anointing oils, and may be
left in slightly longer pieces for use in ritual containers like honey jars and doll babies.
In Hoodoo: We are told that this herb has been used by many people for the purpose of Warding Off
Evil and bringing Good Luck in Love Affairs. Some of our customers tell us that they like to flavour
food with LEMONGRASS to enhance Romance and Sexual Pleasure. LEMONGRASS is also a major
ingredient in the celebrated New Orleans Style Van Van Oil, which is used to dress amulets, and it
enhances the popular Chinese Wash that is widely used to Clear Away Evil Messes and Crossed
Conditions. Many folks tell us that they make LEMONGRASS into tea and add it to their regular floor
wash to Get Rid of Jinxes and Enemy Tricks laid on the door-step.
Wonderful for adding a gentle lemony scent to incense, lemongrass is ruled by Mercury and thus is
helpful for developing magical skills. Add to ritual aids for ceremonial magic or divination, or, since
Mercury is also the master of disguise, consider adding it to incense or oils used for shapeshifting,
glamours, and invisibility. This herb lends innocence to Trickster items and is an essential

ingredient in Van Van oil. Unlike other citrus scents, lemongrass is relaxing and mildly sedating, so
this magic herb makes a nice bedtime tea for divination and is a good addition to mugwort and
lavender in dream pillows. For kitchen witchery, it is pleasant infused in wine vinegar too.
Get me a Job spell
The botanical Lemon Grass is believed to be a harbinger of good luck, love and prosperity. For this
spell, you will need the following items:
Paper and pen
Magnetic sand
Orange candle
Lemon Grass Oil
Gold sparkles
Fire proof plate
STEP 1: On a new Moon day, get a copy of your resume (CV) and write long and detailed information
about your dream job on the back of the resume.
STEP 2: Brush the CV with honey and sprinkle it with the magnetic sand.
STEP 3: Now fold the resume in half and then in half, continuing to fold it nine times.
STEP 4: Hold the orange candle in your hands and anoint it with the Lemon Grass Oil while you
visualize how you would feel when you are working at that job.
STEP 5: Roll the candle in the gold sparkles.
STEP 6: Place the folded resume on the fire proof plate and put the candle on top of the resume
(make sure that all of it is stable) and then burn the candle.
STEP 7: Sit down by the candle while it burns and visualize your life after you get the job.
lemons; however, it does not have any genetic relationship with the lemon. Most of the Asian countries
use it to cook meals for special occasion and as a medicine. There are others who make use of the
plant in improving their love. The plant is hardy enough too grown in all soil types.

Lemon grass will help you to...

Get protection.
Repel evil powers.
Improve your divine abilities and psychic abilities.
Make your lover honest.
Solve problems.

Magical uses...
Lemon grass has been known for its ability to offer protection for the users and as well increase the
power of amulets. Quite a good number of people use the Lemon grass in keeping off the evil powers
and improve luck in love affairs. The grass is also used to help one stay out of trouble by increasing his
The Lemon grass is linked to the planet Mercury as well as element air. It also has the capability to
keep off serpents and dragons. It is used in many forms that include bathing concoctions, burned as

incense or even carried along in the pocket. The Lemon grass is said to have powers to create lust,
protect one from fidelity of the partner, bring about honesty, purify and bring psychic [powers to a
person. When planted along the perimeter of the home, it has the capability to keep off and offer
protection against the satanic powers.

The grass is an important ingredient that makes up the New Orleans Style Van Van Oil which is popular
for its ability to dress amulets. When added to Chinese wash, the resulting mixture has the power to
protect one from satanic powers as well as crossed conditions.
When used to make tea, it will keep give one powers to predict the outcome of events and various
future events. Similarly, the tea can be added to water for washing floors and eliminate enemy charms
on the doorstep.

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