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The Philippines is a democratic country in which a constitution guarantees basic personal and political rights, and

fair and free elections. As much as there is a right to vote, there is also a right to be voted, to be elected to public
office. In fact, the right to run for public office is linked with two fundamental freedoms of the constitution,
freedom of expression and association.
Your honors, opposing counsel, this house believes that Jejomar Binay should run for President in the 2016 elections
because of three reasons : first he is very much qualified for the position, second: he is the next highest ranking
official next to the President and third :he has the will and the heart to serve the Filipino people.
Upholding the democratic setup, the president of LAKAScmd said anyone can run for president. Of course any
eligible candidate can run for presidency. Anyone that fits the eligibility provided for in Article VII Section 3 of the
1987 Constitution.

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