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Something with Shakespeare...

Shakespeare (Me) : A good question! Though, To be or

not to be now that was an even better question!
Groundling (
) (Groaning) : So, its to be a one
man show, is it? Thats not what I paid my money for!
Shakespeare (Me) : Patience, my man! But soft! Who
goes there?
Julius Caesar (
Juliet (
Witch (
Puck (

) : Im here to star in Julius Caesar

) : Im here to star in Romeo and Juliet!
) : Im here to star in Macbeth!
) : Im here to star in A Midsummer Nights

Shakespeare (Me) : Aha! The first, a historical play. The

second, a romance. The third, a tragedy. The fourth, a
comedy. So what are you all doing here on the same
Julius Caesar (
) : Friends, Romans are
countrymen! Lend me thine ears!
Groundling (
) : Wed be only too happy to
mate, if you lot would only get going!
Juliet (

) : Romeo! Romeo! Wherefore art thou,

Groundling (
) : Dont tell me youve lost a
member of the cast already? You havent even started!
Witch (
) : Double, double, toil and trouble. Fire
burn and cauldron bubble!
Groundling (
) : And you neednt think your
threats will scare me off! I came to see a play and Im not going
`till Ive seen one!
Puck (

) : The course of true love never did run

Groundling (
) : Theres not gonna be a lot
of love going on around here if you lot dont get yourselves
sorted out!

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