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Group Notification System Description ‘The system will provide an administrator (a coach/centre manager/any other authorized personnel) to update the players, other coaches etc. through email, SMS and mobile app notification about any information for example, change in timing of practice or change in venue or any other information that. ‘the administrator wishes to disseminate across. ‘The system will allow the administrator to send the message/notification to individual or a specific group or whole batch (ie. individual messaging/multicasting/broadcasting) ‘As with the Mobile Attendance System, we propose to develop the UI for this system with responsive web design so as to allow seamless display in different devices and execution environment, Proposed Workflow hype and prove Teauted no Note: We nave considered SMS deliver system, Emall deliver system and APP notification system separate fom the \Geoup Notification System and hence we have not presented how to design these delivery system, We assume they are in ‘place and therefore talk about how they should interact with the Group Notification System, System Overview ‘The system will consist of following modules Grouping Module ‘Message Template and Transport module ‘Message Composition and Viewing Module Redundant Message Store System Interaction Diagram Poe High level Detail of Each Module Grouping Module ‘This module will be used to identify subscribers to the messages/notification and form groups or groups of groups Le. if a coach wishes to inform only a particular batch of players in a centre, he can form a ‘group of those players or if he wishes to inform multiple batches, he can group those batches together to send the message or if he wishes to inform everyone, he can select everyone. (This i similar to emailing on a particular Id, or an email ID meant for a group of recipients or a companywide email id) ‘To achieve this purpose, we require a table that will contain the contact information of every member in SEPT. This table will ist the email Id, active phone number, and mobile app registration number of the ‘SEPT members. We will maintain a table for groups where each group formed will maintain the reference list of the subscribers (SEPT members). There will be a table that will store the list of subscribers to 2 particular ‘group. Another table will store ‘super group’ information which is group of groups. Broadcasting will be achieved by sending message to everyone in the contact information table. Table Details T_CONTACT_INFO This stores the contact information like mobile number, email id, mobile app registration key for each ‘member of SEPT. Fields in this table are mentioned below 1. FLMEMBER_ID ‘a, Unique id of Sept member whose details being recorded in the table 2. LEMAIL_ID a, The members email ID 3. FPHONE_NUMBER ‘a. The phone number of the sept member 4, F_MOBILE_REGISTERKEY ‘a. This will store the registration key ifthe sept member has installed the SEPT mobile app ‘which willbe used to send mobile notification 5. F_DATE_UPDATED a, This will store the date when the record for this particular user was last updated 6. F_UPDATED_BY a, This will store the Id of the administrator or system that last updated this inform: T_GROUP_INFO This table will store the information of a group and its type. We will identify a simple group (alist of subscribers) as primary group and a group of groups as secondary group 1. FGROUP_ID a. Aunique id for the group for identification purpose. It will also serve as a primary key for this table 2. FLGROUP_NAME a. Ahumanly understandable name of the group which can help coach select the group while composing messages 3. F.GROUP_TYPE a. Itwill store the information ifit isa primary group or a secondary group 4, F_DATE_CREATED a. The date when this group was created 5. F_REASON ‘a. [twill store a small description for the purpose of creating the group. This will come in handy in future purposes to understand if this group has to be continued or more members should be added based on its purpose or a new group should be created etc, T_GROUP_SUBSCRIBER_MAPPING ‘This table will be used by the primary group to identify the subscribers in that group 1. FGROUP_ID a. Unique identifier id of @ group. This will be foreign key to the table T_GROUP_INFO 2. F_SUBSCRIBER_ID a, This is the unique identifier of the SEPT member from the table T_CONTACT_INFO. 3. F_DATE_UPDATED a. This is for record purpose T_SGROUP_GROUP_MAPPING ‘This table will be used by the secondary group (Super Groups) to identify the groups in the secondary ‘group 1. F_SUPERGROUP_ID a. The unique identifier of the super group 2. F_SUBSCRIBED_GROUP_ID ‘a. The unique identifier of the primary group in the super group 3. FDATE_UPDATED a. This is for record purpose MESSAGE TEMPLATE AND TRANSPORT ‘This module will be responsible for setting a template for the message that Isto be disseminated across the groups, The composer of the message will provide very specific information and choose the type of ‘message and the language. There will be message templates stored in different language. Once the ‘composer confirms the template and the language, the module will feed pick that particular template in the specified language and feed the informati based on the delivery method chosen, n into the template and send the message for delivery ‘An example to clarify this situation would be that a coach wishes to inform his batch about change in the ‘timing of the practice session. He can provide the batch ID, name of event whose timing has changed, updated timings, his name and any remarks and chooses the delivery method as SMS. Then he chooses ‘the template for TIMING_UPDATE and language as Hindi. The module will pick the Hindi template of TIMING_UPDATE message and feed the information provided by the coach at appropriate places in the message and send the message to email delivery system ATIMING_UPOATE message in English could look like this ‘Subject: TIMING UPDATE INFORMATION Helio Please be informed about the change in timings of the following mentioned event Event New Timings: ‘Any Remarks: Thank You Date: ‘The yellow marked information wil be filled by the module based on the information provided by the coach. Similar templates can be made for SMS and mobile notification and in different language. Tables that will be used by this module T_TEMPLATE_INFO This table will store the information about the table and its content in HTML format. The fields in this, table will be 1. FLTEMPLATE_ID ‘a. Unique identifier of the template 2, F_TEMPLATE_LANGUAGE ‘a, The language in which the template has been written 3. F_TEMPLATE_CONTENT ‘a, This will store the actual content of the template in HTML format 4. FCREATION_OATE a. Date of creation of this template 5. F_LAST_UPDATED a. Date when it was last modified 6. F_DELIVERY_METHOD ‘a. The delivery method for which this template is created. (emall, SMS, app notification) 7. F_REASON ‘a. The reason for this template to be created Message Composition and Message Viewing Module This will the user interface for the administrator/coach where he can compose messages and view the ‘message received by others. The interface will allow the coach to write his message and specify the type ‘of message and any particular details. He will also select the mode of distribution of the messages i.e email, SMS and app notification, Asample mock of the UI = e008 SEPT Message Composer Tene based vessaoho ee row Wesson Recent Messages % ese emantsFom Coach Choose method of Delivery @eral Oss OAppNoicaton (Choose Language of Message Gens» Oinad —Ontayatam Send Nessage We are proposing to have two option for composing messages. The first would be template based where the composer would choose the template and provide only the required information based on that ‘template. This will help in sending the message in different language as the template would be written in different language and only required information will be filled in the message. The remarks provided by ‘the composer will not be translated and will be sent in the language written. ‘The other option will be free flow message composing (see the design below), where the composer will ‘write the message like he does in an email or SMS (by writing the subject and body himself). However, this message will not be translated in other language and will be sent as itis. This option will come in handy for those messages for which no template has been configured or the language is not an issue coon ‘SEPT Message Composer Tempe saa Wesson Free Pew Noss0ha Recent Messages Gee) soe SJ Payenvz ‘Choose method of Delivery Faye VE eat Oss OAppHotcaton rr rs oe We have assumed English will be the default language of composing the message. ‘The side pane will be a ticker which will reflect any new reply received from players or others. It will keep itself updated to reflect any new message received by the system. The administrator/composer can click con the message to expand it and view complete message How will Ul work? ‘The UI will work in close association with the Grouping Module (GM) and Message Template and ‘Transport Module (MTTM) ‘The Grouping Module will help select the receivers of the message (To feld in the UI) while the MTTM will help select the type of the message. Based o' ‘composer to provide the important information (for example; in case of Timing change, UI will have ‘mandatory field as OLD TIMING and NEW TIMING, similariy for Vertue Change, UI will have mandatory field as OLD VENUE and NEW VENUE). Also based on the language of the template available, Ul will provide the option to select the available language for that template. Finally, based on the mode of delivery configured in the MTTM, Ul will provide the composer the option to choose among them selected message type, Ul will prompt the Redundant Message Store ‘This module will serve as a record keeper for al the message sent and received. There will be three tables (main table, log table, retry table) associated with this module, The first will act as a temporary storage for all the message that are sent through SEPT message Composer. As soon as the delivery system responds that the delivery was successful, the entry form this table corresponding to that message will be removed and inserted in a log table. if the delivery system notifies the SEPT system that the delivery of ‘the message falled, the corresponding message will be removed from the main table and Inserted into retry table. This retry table will be used to send all the failed messages again after sometime in batches asynchronously. if the delivery is successful form the retry table with in some number of attempts, the entry for those message are removed and inserted in the log table with status as successful else as unsuccessful Table Structure ‘T_MAIN_MESSAGE_STORE ‘The main table to temporarily store all the outgoing messages fro 1e SEPT Message Composer. Fields F_MESSAGE_ID F_RECEIVERS_ID F_TEMPLATE_TYPE F_SUBIECT F_REMARKS F_BODY_CONTENT F_STATUS F_TIME_OF_DELIVERY F_DELIVERY_METHOD 10. F_COMPOSED_BY 11, F_TEMPLATE_LANGUAGE 12, F_TEMPLATE_SPECIFIC_INFORMATION Other two tables (T_MESSAGE_STORE_LOG & T_RETRY_MESSAGE_STORE) will have same structure as ‘the main table, The main difference will be in the F_STATUS field for these table, The main table will have F_STATUS as PENDING, Log table will have ‘DELIVERED or FAILED’ and the retry table will have 'RETRY" Message Receiver This module will accept replies received from the three channels (email, SMS and mobile push message). ‘The module on receiving the message from these system will store them in database. When the user likes +o view these messages, this module will fetch these message in chronological order and populate them Inthe Ul. These module will also take care of updating the message list with new messages. The module ‘will at least use one table similar in structure to the Message Store for outgoing message for storage and retrieval purpose T_INCOMING_MESSAGE_STORE Fields 1, FLMESSAGE_ID 2. F_DATETIME_RECEIVED 3. F_SUBIECT 4, FFROM 5. F_MESSAGE_CONTENT 6. F_CHANNEL_TYPE (SMS,EMAIL OR PUSH MSG) CHANGE MANAGEMENT S.NO, TEAMNAME (MEMBER NAME DATE MODIFIED REMARKS 1 ‘SDP 20 Vicky Nishiket 2 August 2015 Initial Draft

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